Version 24.2 (latest)

CellFillRectangularGradient Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by CellFillRectangularGradient.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCellFillRectangularGradient ConstructorCreates a new CellFillRectangularGradient instance.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyBottomGets the bottom edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the top of the cell) to 1.0 (the bottom of the cell).  
Public PropertyLeftGets the left edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the left of the cell) to 1.0 (the right of the cell).  
Public PropertyRightGets the right edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the left of the cell) to 1.0 (the right of the cell).  
Public PropertyStopsGets the read-only collection of gradient stops which describe the color transitions and their positions within the gradient. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.CellFillGradient)
Public PropertyTopGets the top edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the top of the cell) to 1.0 (the bottom of the cell).  
Public Methods
Public MethodEqualsDetermines whether the CellFillRectangularGradient is equal to the specified object.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeGets the hash code for the CellFillRectangularGradient.  
See Also

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