For a list of all members of this type, see ComboModel members.
Name | Description | |
AllowCustomValue | Gets or sets whether custom value is allowed in the combo. | |
AnimationHideDuration | Gets sets hide drop-down list animation duration in milliseconds. | |
AnimationShowDuration | Gets sets show drop-down list animation duration in milliseconds. | |
AutoComplete | Gets sets ability to autocomplete field from first matching item in list | |
AutoSelectFirstMatch | Gets sets whether the first matching item should be auto selected when typing in input. | |
CaseSensitive | Gets sets whether filtering and auto selection should be case sensitive. | |
ClientEvents | Set implementations of client events raised by a widget. Event handler assumes 2 parameters: 1st parameter has name "evt" and 2nd parameter has name "ui". To get information about member variables available for "ui" parameter, please consult documentation of a widget and its events. Examples: 1. Full implementation: new Dictionary<string, string> { { "dropDownOpening", "function(evt,ui){alert('drop:'+ui.owner);}" } } 2. Content of inline function: new Dictionary<string, string> { { "dropDownOpening", "alert('drop:'+ui.owner);" } } 3. Name of global function: new Dictionary<string, string> { { "dropDownOpening", "nameOfGlobalFunction" } } Note: Instead of explicit key-strings, which represent name of event exposed by a widget, the event-constants defined by a particular control can be used. Example: new Dictionary<string, string> { { ComboClientEvents.DropDownOpening, "nameOfGlobalFunction" } } (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.Mvc.ModelWidgetBase) | |
CloseDropDownOnBlur | Gets sets ability to close drop-down list when control loses focus. | |
CloseDropDownOnSelect | Gets sets ability to close drop down list when single item in the list is selected with mouse click or enter press. The default value when multi selection is enabled will be false. This option will not close the drop down when multiple selection is enabled and selection with ctrl or shift is performed. | |
CompactData | Set option to pass to client only data with ValueKey and TextKey columns. | |
DataSource | Gets sets a valid data source accepted by $.ig.DataSource, or an instance of an $.ig.DataSource itself. | |
DataSourceType | Gets sets data source type (such as "json", "xml", etc). Please refer to the documentation of $.ig.DataSource and its type property. | |
DataSourceUrl | Gets sets url which is used for sending JSON on request for remote filtering (MVC for example). That option is required when load on demand is enabled and its type is remote. | |
DataView | the DataView property contains the filtered and transformed data records after data binding and all feature transformations have been applied | |
DelayFilteringOnKeyUp | Specifies the delay duration before triggering next filtering operation. Useful to boost performance by lowering the filtering operations count. | |
Disabled | Sets enabled state of control. | |
DropDownAttachedToBody | Gets sets ability to append container of drop-down list to the body or to the parent of combo. | |
DropDownOnFocus | Gets sets ability to show drop down list when combo gets focus. This option has effect only if mode is 'editable' | |
DropDownOrientation | Gets sets drop down opening orientation for the drop down list when open button is clicked. 'auto' type="string" Calculate orientation depending on combo position. 'top' type="string" Top orientation. 'bottom' type="string" Bottom orientation. | |
DropDownWidth | Gets sets width of drop down list in pixels | |
EnableClearButton | Specifies whether the clear button should be rendered | |
FilterExprUrlKey | Gets sets url key name that specifies how the remote filtering expressions will be encoded for remote requests, e.g. '&filter('col') = startsWith.' Default is OData | |
FilteringCondition | Gets sets condition used for filtering. type="contains|doesNotContain|startsWith|endsWith|greaterThan|lessThan|greaterThanOrEqualTo|lessThanOrEqualTo|equals|doesNotEqual | |
FilteringLogic | Gets sets filtering logic. type="OR|AND" | |
FilteringType | Gets sets type of filtering. | |
FooterTemplate | Gets sets template used to render footer in drop-down list. | |
Format | Gets or sets the format string that is used to format the text display values in the combo. Valid options are: "auto" (default) - uses automatic formatting for Date and number objects. "none", "", or null - will disable formatting Custom values can be something like "currency", "percent", "dateLong", "time", "MMM-dd-yyyy H:mm tt", etc. Custom format strings should match the data type in "textKey" column. | |
Grouping | Gets sets object specifying grouping feature options. The option has key and dir properties | |
HeaderTemplate | Gets sets template used to render header in drop-down list. | |
Height | Gets sets height of combo. | |
HighlightMatchesMode | Gets sets condition used for highlighting of matching parts in items of drop-down list. multi type="string" multiple matches in a single item are rendered. contains type="string" match at any position in item is rendered. startsWith type="string" only match which starts from the beginning of text is rendered. full type="string" only fully matched items are rendered. null type="object" matches are not rendered. | |
HtmlAttributes | Sets custom attributes for main html element used by control | |
ID | Sets the ID of the Combo. | |
InitialSelectedItemsSettings | A list of initial selected items | |
InputName | Gets sets name of the hidden INPUT element, which is used when submiting data. Its value will be set to values of selected items valueKeys separated by "," character on any change in igCombo. | |
ItemTemplate | Gets sets template used to render an item in list. | |
Language | Gets/sets Language the control (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.Mvc.Framework.LocalizationBaseModel) | |
LoadOnDemandSettings | Sets load on demand settings. If CascadingSettings.ParentComboKey is set, then LoadOnDemand is not supported. | |
Locale | Sets strings used for combo button titles and placeholders. Note: Locale properties take priority over those defined in $.ig.Combo.locale in localization script files. | |
Mode | Sets gets functionality mode. editable type="string" Allows to modify value by edit field and drop-down list. dropdown type="string" Allows to modify value by drop-down list only. readonlylist type="string" Allows to open list, but does not allow any changes in field or selection in drop-down list. If selection is not set, then first item in dataSource is automatically selected. readonly type="string" Does not allow to open list or change value in field. If selection is not set, then first item in dataSource is automatically selected. | |
MultiSelectionSettings | Gets sets object specifying multi selection feature options. The object has following properties enabled, addWithKeyModifier, showCheckboxes and itemSeparator. Set enabled to true to turn multi selection on. Set addWithKeyModifier to true to disable the additive selection, then additive selection can be done by ctrl + mouse click / enter. Set showCheckboxes to true to render check boxes in front of each drop down item. Use itemSeparator to set what string to be rendered between items in field. Note showCheckboxes and itemSeparator has effect only if multi selection is enabled. | |
PreventSubmitOnEnter | Gets sets ability to prevent form submitting on enter key press | |
Regional | Gets/sets the Regional of the control (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.Mvc.Framework.LocalizationBaseModel) | |
RequestType | Specifies the HTTP verb to be used to issue the request | |
ResponseContentType | Content type of the response. | |
ResponseDataKey | Sets the name of record which holds the list of data rows in response-JSON object and when CompactData is disabled. | |
ResponseDataType | Response type when a URL is set as the data source. | |
ResponseTotalRecCountKey | Sets property in the response specifying the total number of records on the server. | |
SelectedIndexes | Set gets indexes of selected items in list. | |
SelectedValues | Set gets selected items in list. | |
SelectItemBySpaceKey | Gets sets ability to select items by space button press | |
SuppressKeyboard | Gets sets whether the onscreen keyboard should be shown when the dropdown button is clicked (touch devices only) | |
TabIndex | Gets sets tabIndex for field of combo. | |
TextKey | Gets sets name of column which contains the displayed text. | |
UseExistingElement | Sets the ID of the Combo. | |
ValidatorOptions | Sets validator options. Note: this option will have effect only when application registers ig.ui.validator.js and ig.ui.validator.css. | |
ValueKey | Gets sets name of column which contains the "value". | |
Virtualization | Gets sets ability to use virtual rendering for drop-down list. If that option is enabled, then only visible items are created and top edge of first visible item in list is aligned to the top edge of list. | |
VisibleItemsCount | Gets sets how many items should be shown at once. | |
Width | Gets sets width of combo. |
Name | Description | |
Store | Return the store with all of the options (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.Mvc.ModelBase) |
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