
ScrollSettingsWrapper Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ScrollSettingsWrapper.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorScrollSettingsWrapper Constructor  
Public Methods
Public MethodInertiaDurationSets gets the modifier for how long the inertia last on mobile devices.  
Public MethodInertiaStepSets gets the modifier for how much the inertia scrolls on mobile devices.  
Public MethodScrollLeftSets gets current horizontal position.  
Public MethodScrollTopSets gets current vertical position.  
Public MethodSmoothingSets gets if smoother scrolling with small intertia should be used when using mouse wheel.  
Public MethodSmoothingDurationSets or gets the modifier for how long the scroll ‘animation’ lasts when using the mouse wheel once. This is used only for the smooth scrolling behavior.  
Public MethodSmoothingStepSets or gets the modifier for how many pixels will be scrolled when using the mouse wheel once. This is used only for the smooth scrolling behavior.  
Public MethodWheelStepSets gets the step of the default scrolling behavior when using mouse wheel.  
See Also

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