| Name | Description |
| ColSpan | Specifies the colSpan of the cell in a multi-row-layout configuration. colSpan 0 is not supported and will be changed to 1 by the grid. |
| ColumnCssClass | Sets a space-separated list of CSS classes to be applied on the data cells of this column. |
| ColumnIndex | Specifies the column index of the cell in a multi-row-layout configuration. All columns must have this property set for the multi-row-layout mode to be enabled. |
| DataType | data type (number, string, date, bool) |
| DateDisplayType | Determines the way in which Dates will be displayed in the Grid for this column. |
| Format | format for cells
- If DataType is "date", then supported formats are following:
"date", "dateLong", "dateTime", "time", "timeLong", "MM/dd/yyyy", "MMM-d, yy, h:mm:ss tt", "dddd d MMM", etc.
- If DataType is "number" or not set, then supported numeric formats are following:
"number", "currency", "percent", "int", "double", "0.00", "#.0####", "0", "#.#######", etc. The value of "double" will be similar to "number", but with unlimited maximum number of decimal places
- If DataType is "string" or not set, then format is rendered as it is with replacement of possible "{0}" flag by value in cell
Example, if format is set to "Name: {0}" and value in cell is "Bob", then value will appear as "Name: Bob"
- If DataType is "bool", then supported format is "checkbox" which will override the RenderCheckboxes property of grid.
| FormatterFunction | formatter function name to call on the client (JavaScript) |
| Group | group of multicolumn headers |
| GroupOptions | Group options. |
| HeaderCssClass | Sets a space-separated list of CSS classes to be applied on the header cell of this column |
| HeaderText | header text for the column |
| Hidden | Initial visibility of the column. A column can be hidden without the Hiding feature being enabled but there will be no UI for unhiding it. Columns can be defined as hidden in the options of the Hiding feature as well and those definitions take precedence. |
| IsUnbound | Returns whether column is unbound or not |
| Key | data key for the column |
| Mapper | Reference to a client-side function (string) that can be used for complex data extraction from the data records, whose return value will be used for all data operations associated with this column. |
| NavigationIndex | Specifies the navigation index of the cell for the TAB sequence in a MRL grid. Has no effect otherwise. |
| Regional | regional setting of the column |
| RowIndex | Specifies the row index of the cell in a multi-row-layout configuration. All columns must have this property set for the multi-row-layout mode to be enabled. |
| RowSpan | Specifies the rowSpan of the cell in a multi-row-layout configuration. rowSpan 0 is not supported and will be changed to 1 by the grid. |
| Template | Sets a template for an individual column. the contents of the template should be the HTML markup that goes inside the table cell, without any tags included in front and at the end. The syntax of the template, when referencing data keys and using conditional expressions is the same as the one for rowTemplate
| Width | column width in percentage, pixel or number |