For a list of all members of this type, see GridGroupBy members.
Name | Description | |
ClientEvents | Set implementations of client events raised by a widget. Event handler assumes 2 parameters: 1st parameter has name "evt" and 2nd parameter has name "ui". To get information about member variables available for "ui" parameter, please consult documentation of a widget and its events. Examples: 1. Full implementation: new Dictionary<string, string> { { "dropDownOpening", "function(evt,ui){alert('drop:'+ui.owner);}" } } 2. Content of inline function: new Dictionary<string, string> { { "dropDownOpening", "alert('drop:'+ui.owner);" } } 3. Name of global function: new Dictionary<string, string> { { "dropDownOpening", "nameOfGlobalFunction" } } Note: Instead of explicit key-strings, which represent name of event exposed by a widget, the event-constants defined by a particular control can be used. Example: new Dictionary<string, string> { { ComboClientEvents.DropDownOpening, "nameOfGlobalFunction" } } (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.Mvc.ModelWidgetBase) | |
CollapseTooltip | collapse tooltip | |
ColumnSettings | list of column settings | |
DefaultSortingDirection | default sort order - asc or desc | |
DialogWidget | Name of the dialog widget to be used. It should inherit from $.ui.igGridModalDialog. | |
EmptyGroupByAreaContent | specifies the string to show to inform the end user that they can drag a column header | |
EmptyGroupByAreaContentSelectColumns | Text of link(on click shows modal dialog with columns which could be group/ungroup by) that will be shown in the GroupBy area when there are no grouped columns | |
EmptyGroupByAreaContentSelectColumnsCaption | Specifies caption for button which opens groupby dialog | |
ExpandTooltip | expand tooltip | |
ExpansionIndicatorVisibility | specifies whether to show a +/- sign for the grouped rows | |
FeatureChooserText | Specifies the text in feature chooser | |
FeatureChooserTextHide | Specifies hide text in feature chooser | |
GroupByAreaVisibility | specifies where the groupBy row will be rendered relative to the grid contents (data) | |
GroupByDialogContainment | Controls containment behavior for the groupby dialog. | |
GroupByLabelWidth | width of the group by labels when they are dropped onto the group by area by default they take the width of the columns | |
GroupByUrlKey | GroupBy URL key encoded in the GET request (when grouping is configured remotely) | |
GroupByUrlKeyAscValue | ascending value name in the URL params . ?groupby(col1)=GroupByUrlKeyAscValue | |
GroupByUrlKeyDescValue | descending value name in the url params . Example ?groupby(col1)=GroupByUrlKeyDescValue | |
GroupedRowTextTemplate | template for the group row text | |
GroupSummaries | Group summaries that specify the default summaries for each column | |
GroupSummariesPosition | Specifies the group summaries row postion inside each group. | |
Indentation | default indentation for the grouped rows | |
Inherit | Overridden. | |
InitialExpand | initial expansion of grouped rows | |
LabelDragHelperOpacity | opacity of the label (column header) while it's being dragged (and before it's dropped) | |
Language | Gets/sets Language the control (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.Mvc.Framework.LocalizationBaseModel) | |
Locale | a list of configurable and localized labels that are used for the predefined GroupBy localizable strings | |
ModalDialogAnimationDuration | Specifies time in milliseconds for animation duration to show/hide modal dialog | |
ModalDialogButtonApplyText | Specifies text of button which apply changes in modal dialog | |
ModalDialogButtonCancelText | Specifies text of button which cancel changes in modal dialog | |
ModalDialogCaptionButtonAsc | Specifies caption for each ascending sorted column in groupby dialog | |
ModalDialogCaptionButtonDesc | Specifies caption for each descending sorted column in groupby dialog | |
ModalDialogCaptionButtonUngroup | Specifies caption button ungroup in groupby dialog | |
ModalDialogCaptionText | Specifies caption text for groupby dialog | |
ModalDialogClearAllButtonLabel | Specifies label for clear all button in groupby dialog | |
ModalDialogDropDownAreaWidth | Specifies height of layouts dropdown in groupby dialog | |
ModalDialogDropDownButtonCaption | Specifies caption of layouts dropdown button in groupby dialog | |
ModalDialogDropDownLabel | Specifies label for layouts dropdown in groupby dialog | |
ModalDialogDropDownWidth | Specifies width of layouts dropdown in groupby dialog | |
ModalDialogGroupByButtonText | specifies the text of GroupBy button in the groupby dialog | |
ModalDialogGroupByOnClick | Specifies whether on click in groupby dialog to be immediately grouped/ungrouped columns. When it is false then it is shown Apply button in the groupby dialog | |
ModalDialogHeight | Specifies height of groupby dialog | |
ModalDialogRootLevelHierarchicalGrid | Specifies name of the root layout which is shown layouts tree dialog | |
ModalDialogWidth | Specifies width of groupby dialog | |
Name | name of the feature, need to be set by every feature (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.Mvc.GridFeature) | |
PagingMode | paging mode - when there is at least one grouped columns and paging is applied specifies which records should be included in page processing. Available options are "allRecords" and "dataRecordsOnly". | |
Persist | Enables / disables groupby persistence between states | |
Regional | Gets/sets the Regional of the control (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.Mvc.Framework.LocalizationBaseModel) | |
RemoveButtonTooltip | Remove GroupBy button tooltip | |
ResultResponseKey | specifies a key to get group by data from the result response | |
SummarySettings | summary settings | |
Type | operation type - Local or Remote | |
UseGridColumnFormatter | Format grouped column using the formatter set in igGrid.columns[i].formatter or igGrid format |
Name | Description | |
Store | Return the store with all of the options (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.Mvc.ModelBase) |
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