For a list of all members of this type, see GridGroupByWrapper members.
Name | Description | |
AddClientEvent | ModelWidgetBase.AddClientEvent | |
ClientEvents | ModelWidgetBase.ClientEvents | |
ColumnSettings | sorting column settings | |
DefaultSortingDirection | default sort order - asc or desc | |
DialogWidget | Gridthis.f.DialogWidget | |
EmptyGroupByAreaContent | EmptyGroupByAreaContent | |
EmptyGroupByAreaContentSelectColumns | Text of link(on click shows modal dialog with columns which could be group/ungroup by) that will be shown in the GroupBy area when there are no grouped columns | |
ExpansionIndicatorVisibility | ExpansionIndicatorVisibility | |
FeatureChooserText | Feature chooser text | |
FeatureChooserTextHide | Feature chooser text hide | |
GroupByAreaVisibility | GroupByAreaVisibility | |
GroupByDialogContainment | Controls containment behavior for the groupby dialog. | |
GroupByLabelWidth | GroupByLabelWidth | |
GroupByUrlKey | GroupBy URL key encoded in the GET request (when grouping is configured remotely) | |
GroupByUrlKeyAscValue | ascending value name in the URL params . ?groupby(col1)=GroupByUrlKeyAscValue | |
GroupByUrlKeyDescValue | descending value name in the url params . Example ?groupby(col1)=GroupByUrlKeyDescValue | |
GroupedRowTextTemplate | grouped row text template | |
GroupSummaries | Overloaded. Enables/disable default group summaries applied to all columns | |
GroupSummariesPosition | GroupSummariesPosition | |
Indentation | Indentation | |
Inherit | ||
InitialExpand | ||
LabelDragHelperOpacity | LabelDragHelperOpacity | |
Locale | Overloaded. Summaries locale settings | |
ModalDialogAnimationDuration | Specifies time in milliseconds for animation duration to show/hide modal dialog | |
ModalDialogDropDownAreaWidth | modal dialog drop down area width | |
ModalDialogDropDownWidth | modal dialog drop down width | |
ModalDialogGroupByOnClick | Modal Dialog Groupby on click | |
ModalDialogHeight | modal dialog height | |
ModalDialogWidth | modal dialog width | |
PagingMode | Gridthis.f.PagingMode | |
Persist | Enables / disables groupby persistence between states | |
ResultResponseKey | ResultResponseKey | |
SummarySettings | summary settings | |
Type | operation type Gridthis.f.Type | |
UseGridColumnFormatter | Format grouped column using the formatter set in igGrid.columns[i].formatter or igGrid format |
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