Version 24.2 (latest)

Ignite UI for jQuery 2024.2

Getting Started

Getting Started

Get started by exploring the product documentation via the tree on this page or run the samples, quickly create a new Angular, React or jQuery application using the Ignite UI CLI or work directly with the controls inside the Ignite UI for jQuery Page Designer.

Start Here
API Documentation

API Reference

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Dive into the API

Ignite UI for jQuery™ helps you build powerful, high-performance web-based applications. Inside Ignite UI for jQuery you'll find user experience controls and components for creating engaging line-of-business web applications which target the browsers for both mobile & desktop environments.

Included in the suite is a number of controls including a high performance data grid that includes features like sorting, filtering, paging, grouping, load on demand, touch support, column hiding and moving, and much more. Additional components and controls include hierarchical, tree and pivot grids, a framework-level data source component, charts, graphs and a host of editor controls.

Ignite UI for jQuery is built on jQuery and jQuery UI and ties in seamlessly with the jQuery core model and conventions including all styling support via jQuery UI Theme Roller. Beyond jQuery Ignite UI for jQuery features support for Bootstrap themes, AngularJS, Knockout and jQuery Mobile.

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