
Chart Types


In order to select how data should be displayed it is enough to set the igShapeChart property of this chart. Below are all of the types that the Shape Chart supports.

Special case is the Auto setting of that property. If Auto is used the chart will analyze assigned data and will assign the most suitable chart type.

The default value of that property is determined by the size of the underlying ItemsSource bound to the category chart.

Supported Chart Types

Property Value Description Example
Area Specifies area chart with colored surface based on a triangulation of X/Y data with numeric values assigned to each point.
Bubble Specifies bubble chart with proportional markers at X/Y data
Contour Specifies area chart with colored lines based on a triangulation of X/Y data with numeric values assigned to each point.
HighDensity Specifies high density chart with colored bitmap pixels at X/Y data based on density of nearby points
Line Specifies line chart with small markers at X/Y data and connected with lines
Point Specifies point chart with small markers at X/Y data
Polygon Specifies polygon chart with polygons defined by X/Y data
Polyline Specifies polyline chart with polylines defined by X/Y data
Spline Specifies spline chart with small markers at X/Y data and connected with splines
Auto Specifies automatic selection of chart type based on suggestion from internal Data Adapter.

Related topics:


  • Shape Chart Types: This sample showcases the different igShapeChart control chart types.

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