
Configuring Editors

In This Group of Topics


The topics in this group explain how to configure Ignite UI for jQuery® editor controls.


  • Configuring Editors at Run-Time: The topic explains how to handle events and set options for Ignite UI for jQuery editor controls.

  • Configuring ASP.NET MVC Validation (Editors): Starting with a form consisting of Ignite UI for jQuery editor controls, this topic demonstrates how to create the form and validate the form with data annotations. It also shows how to configure an ASP.NET MVC ValidationMessage to further customize the layout of validation text.

  • Localizing Editors: The topic shows how to use the localization resources and the regional settings in the editors.

  • Configuring Knockout Support (Editors): This topic explains how to configure Ignite UI for jQuery editor controls to bind to View-Model objects using the Knockout library.

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