
GridColumnWrapper<T> Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by GridColumnWrapper<T>.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGridColumnWrapper<T> ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyColumnReturns reference to the grid column  
Public Methods
Public MethodColSpanGridColumn.ColSpan  
Public MethodColumnCssClassGridColumn.ColumnCssClass  
Public MethodColumnIndexGridColumn.ColumnIndex  
Public MethodDataTypeGridColumn.DataType  
Public MethodDateDisplayTypeGridColumn.DateDisplayType  
Public MethodFormatGridColumn.Format  
Public MethodFormatterFunctionGridColumn.FormatterFunction  
Public MethodGroupSets a group for the multicolumn header column (in this way the column becomes automatically multicolumn header column)  
Public MethodGroupOptionsGridColumn.GroupOptions  
Public MethodHeaderCssClassGridColumn.HeaderCssClass  
Public MethodHeaderTextGridColumn.HeaderText  
Public MethodHiddenGridColumn.Hidden  
Public MethodMapperReference to a client-side function (string) that can be used for complex data extraction from the data records, whose return value will be used for all data operations associated with this column. GridColumn.Mapper  
Public MethodNavigationIndexGridColumn.NavigationIndex  
Public MethodRegionalGridColumn.Regional  
Public MethodRowIndexGridColumn.RowIndex  
Public MethodRowSpanGridColumn.RowSpan  
Public MethodTemplateSets a template for an individual column. the contents of the template should be the HTML markup that goes inside the table cell, without any tags included in front and at the end. The syntax of the template, when referencing data keys and using conditional expressions is the same as the one for rowTemplate
Public MethodWidthGridColumn.Width  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodSetUnboundColumnSets the instance of unbound column to the column  
See Also

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