| Class | Description |
| AbsoluteVolumeOscillatorIndicator<T> | wrapper around AbsoluteVolumeOscillatorIndicatorModel class |
| AbsoluteVolumeOscillatorIndicatorModel | class describing absolute volume oscillator indicator object. |
| AccumulationDistributionIndicator<T> | wrapper around AccumulationDistributionIndicatorModel class |
| AccumulationDistributionIndicatorModel | class describing accumulation distribution indicator object. |
| AdditionalDataField | Similar to Tuple objects - used for getting information - sent from client to server side |
| AnchoredCategorySeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around AnchoredCategorySeriesModel class A wrapper to configure an anchored category series with a fluent interface. |
| AnchoredCategorySeriesModel | class describing anchored category series object. |
| AnchoredRadialSeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around AnchoredRadialSeriesModel class A wrapper for configuring an anchored radial series with a fluent interface. |
| AnchoredRadialSeriesModel | class describing anchored radial series object. |
| AnnotationLayer<T,M,A> | wrapper around AnnotationLayerModel class |
| AnnotationLayerModel | class describing annotation layer object. |
| Arc<T> | wrapper around ArcModel class |
| ArcModel | class describing arc object. |
| AreaFragment<T> | wrapper around AreaFragmentModel class |
| AreaFragmentModel | class describing area fragment object. |
| AreaSeries<T> | wrapper around AreaSeriesModel class |
| AreaSeriesModel | class describing area series object. |
| AssemblyVersion | Specifies the version of the assembly being attributed. |
| AverageDirectionalIndexIndicator<T> | wrapper around AverageDirectionalIndexIndicatorModel class |
| AverageDirectionalIndexIndicatorModel | class describing average directional index indicator object. |
| AverageTrueRangeIndicator<T> | wrapper around AverageTrueRangeIndicatorModel class |
| AverageTrueRangeIndicatorModel | class describing average true range indicator object. |
| AxesBuilder<T> | Provides a fluent interface for adding various axes to a chart. |
| Axis<T,M,A> | wrapper around AxisModel class wrapper around the Axis class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names |
| AxisBase<T> | A wrapper for configuring an axis with a fluent interface. |
| AxisModel | class describing axis object. Model containing the options for the igDataChart widget |
| BackgroundContent<T> | wrapper around the BackgroundContent class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names |
| BackgroundContentBuilder | Provides a fluent interface for adding various Background Content to a chart. |
| BackgroundContentModel | Stores configuration information for a map BackgroundContent. |
| BarcodeClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by the barcode |
| BarFragment<T> | wrapper around BarFragmentModel class |
| BarFragmentModel | class describing bar fragment object. |
| BarSeries<T> | wrapper around BarSeriesModel class |
| BarSeriesModel | class describing bar series object. |
| BaseDropEditorClientEvents | Names of base client events exposed by all editor controls with drop down functionality. |
| BaseEditorClientEvents | Names of base client events exposed by all editor controls. |
| BaseEditorModel | Class describing base options available for the igEditors. |
| BaseEditorWrapper<T,TOut> | Base class for Editor MVC Chaining helpers. |
| BaseGridColumnMovingWrapper<T,TOut> | wrapper around the grid ColumnMoving object |
| BaseGridFeatureFactory | Base Grid feature factory class - exposes a method which instantiates grid feature by feature name(like "filtering", "sorting", "paging", etc.) |
| BaseGridFilteringWrapper<T,TOut> | wrapper around the grid Filtering object |
| BaseGridPagingWrapper<T,TOut> | wrapper around the grid Paging object |
| BaseGridResizingWrapper<T,TOut> | wrapper around the grid Resizing object |
| BaseGridRowSelectorsWrapper<T,TOut> | wrapper around the grid RowSelectors object |
| BaseGridSelectionWrapper<T,TOut> | wrapper around the grid Selection object |
| BaseGridSortingWrapper<T,TOut> | wrapper around the grid Sorting object |
| BaseGridUpdatingWrapper<T,TOut> | wrapper around the grid Updating object |
| BaseGridWrapper<T,TOut> | Grid definition containing methods that can be chained. Implementation of the Fluent design pattern which allows the control to be configured directly in the view |
| BaseTextEditorClientEvents | Names of base client events exposed by all editor controls with text input. |
| BingMaps | A wrapper to configure a bing maps background content with a fluent interface. |
| BingMapsModel | Model containing the options for the Bing Maps background content. |
| BollingerBandsOverlay<T> | wrapper around BollingerBandsOverlayModel class |
| BollingerBandsOverlayModel | class describing bollingerbands overlay object. |
| BollingerBandWidthIndicator<T> | wrapper around BollingerBandWidthIndicatorModel class |
| BollingerBandWidthIndicatorModel | class describing bollingerband width indicator object. |
| BorderLayoutModel | Model describing the border layout mode of the igLayoutManager |
| BorderLayoutWrapper | Wrapper for BorderLayoutModel |
| Brush | wrapper around the Brush class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names |
| BrushModel | Stores configuration information for a chart Brush. |
| BubbleSeries<T> | wrapper around BubbleSeriesModel class |
| BubbleSeriesModel | class describing bubble series object. |
| BulletGraph<T> | wrapper around BulletGraphModel class wrapper around BulletGraphModel class |
| BulletGraphClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by BulletGraph (igBulletGraph widget) |
| BulletGraphModel | class describing bullet graph object. |
| BulletGraphRenderer | renders initial javascript for the control |
| CanvasRectModel | Represents a rectangle in a canvas. |
| CategoryAngleAxis<T> | wrapper around CategoryAngleAxisModel class |
| CategoryAngleAxisModel | class describing category angle axis object. |
| CategoryAxisBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around CategoryAxisBaseModel class |
| CategoryAxisBaseModel | class describing category axis base object. |
| CategoryChart<T> | Wrapper for CategoryChartModel model wrapper around CategoryChartModel class |
| CategoryChartModel | Model containing the options for the igCategoryChart widget class describing categorychart object. |
| CategoryChartRenderer | renders initial javascript for the control |
| CategoryDateTimeXAxis<T> | wrapper around CategoryDateTimeXAxisModel class |
| CategoryDateTimeXAxisModel | class describing category date time x axis object. |
| CategoryHighlightLayer<T> | wrapper around CategoryHighlightLayerModel class |
| CategoryHighlightLayerModel | class describing category highlight layer object. |
| CategoryItemHighlightLayer<T> | wrapper around CategoryItemHighlightLayerModel class |
| CategoryItemHighlightLayerModel | class describing category item highlight layer object. |
| CategorySeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around CategorySeriesModel class |
| CategorySeriesModel | class describing category series object. |
| CategoryToolTipLayer<T> | wrapper around CategoryToolTipLayerModel class |
| CategoryToolTipLayerModel | class describing category tool tip layer object. |
| CategoryXAxis<T> | wrapper around CategoryXAxisModel class |
| CategoryXAxisModel | class describing category x axis object. Stores configuration information for a category x axis. |
| CategoryYAxis<T> | wrapper around CategoryYAxisModel class |
| CategoryYAxisModel | class describing category y axis object. |
| CellMergingColumnSetting | custom settings per column (igGrid Cell Merging) |
| CellMergingColumnSettingBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the CellMergingColumnSetting collection in the MVC View |
| CellMergingColumnSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the CellMergingColumnSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| ChaikinOscillatorIndicator<T> | wrapper around ChaikinOscillatorIndicatorModel class |
| ChaikinOscillatorIndicatorModel | class describing chaikin oscillator indicator object. |
| ChaikinVolatilityIndicator<T> | wrapper around ChaikinVolatilityIndicatorModel class |
| ChaikinVolatilityIndicatorModel | class describing chaikin volatility indicator object. |
| ChartModelBase | Model containing the options for the igFunnelChart widget |
| CheckBoxEditorClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by the CheckBoxEditor. |
| CheckBoxEditorModel | Model containing the options for the igCheckBoxEditor widget |
| CheckBoxEditorWrapper | Wrapper for CheckBoxEditorModel model. |
| CheckBoxEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> | Internal generic wrapper for CurrencyEditorModel model. |
| CloudMadeMaps | A wrapper to configure a could made maps background content with a fluent interface. |
| CloudMadeMapsModel | Model containing the options for the Cloud Made Maps background content. |
| ColorPickerClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by ColorPicker (igColorPicker widget) |
| ColorPickerModel | Class describing options available for the ColorPicker. |
| ColorPickerWrapper | Wrapper for ColorPickerModel model. |
| ColorScale<T> | Wrapper for ColorScaleBaseModel class |
| ColorScaleBaseModel | Model containing the options for the ColorScale property |
| ColorScaleBuilder | Provides a fluent interface for adding various ColorScale. |
| ColorStop | wrapper around the ColorStop class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names |
| ColorStopModel | Stores configuration information for a ColorStop. |
| ColorStopsBuilder | Provides a fluent interface for adding various color stops to a gradient brush. |
| ColumnEditingSettingBase | base class for custom settings per column |
| ColumnEditingSettingWrapperBase<T,TOut> | class used to wrap the ColumnEditingSettingBase, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| ColumnFilteringCheckBoxEditorOptionsWrapper | Checkbox editor options for column filtering. |
| ColumnFilteringComboEditorOptionsWrapper | Combo editor options for column filtering. |
| ColumnFilteringDateEditorOptionsWrapper | Date-time editor and date-picker options for column filtering. |
| ColumnFilteringMaskEditorOptionsWrapper | Mask editor options for column filtering. |
| ColumnFilteringNumericEditorOptionsWrapper | Numeric, currency and percent editor options for column filtering. |
| ColumnFilteringSetting | class describing a column filtering settingo bject |
| ColumnFilteringSettingBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnFilterSetting collection in the MVC View |
| ColumnFilteringSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the ColumnFilteringSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| ColumnFilteringTextEditorOptionsWrapper | Text editor options for column filtering. |
| ColumnFilteringTimePickerOptionsWrapper | Time-picker options for column filtering. |
| ColumnFixingClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Column Fixing (igGridColumnFixing widget) |
| ColumnFixingSetting | custom settings per column (igGrid Column Fixing) |
| ColumnFixingSettingBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnFixingSetting collection in the MVC View |
| ColumnFixingSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the ColumnFixingSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| ColumnFragment<T,M,A> | wrapper around ColumnFragmentModel class |
| ColumnFragmentModel | class describing column fragment object. |
| ColumnHidingSetting | custom settings per column (igGrid Hiding) |
| ColumnHidingSettingBuilder | helper class to build the ColumnHidingSetting collection in the MVC View |
| ColumnHidingSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the ColumnHidingSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed |
| ColumnMovingSetting | custom settings per column (igGrid Column Moving) |
| ColumnMovingSettingBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnMovingSetting collection in the MVC View |
| ColumnMovingSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the ColumnMovingSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| ColumnResizingSetting | custom settings per column (igGrid Resizing) |
| ColumnResizingSettingBuilder | helper class to build the ColumnResizingSetting collection in the MVC View |
| ColumnResizingSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the ColumnResizingSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed |
| ColumnSeries<T> | wrapper around ColumnSeriesModel class |
| ColumnSeriesModel | class describing column series object. |
| ColumnSetting | Base class for colmn settings |
| ColumnSortingSetting | custom settings per column (igGrid Sorting) |
| ColumnSortingSettingBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnSortingSetting collection in the MVC View |
| ColumnSortingSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the ColumnSortingSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| ColumnSummariesSetting | custom settings per column (igGrid Summaries) |
| ColumnSummariesSettingBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnSummariesSetting collection in the MVC View |
| ColumnSummariesSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the ColumnSummariesSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| ColumnTooltipsSetting | custom settings per column (igGrid Tooltips) |
| ColumnTooltipsSettingBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnTooltipsSetting collection in the MVC View |
| ColumnTooltipsSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the ColumnTooltipsSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| ColumnUpdatingCheckBoxEditorOptionsWrapper | Checkbox editor options for column updating. |
| ColumnUpdatingComboEditorOptions | Combo editor options for column updating. |
| ColumnUpdatingComboEditorOptionsWrapper | Combo editor options for column updating. |
| ColumnUpdatingDateEditorOptionsWrapper | Date-time editor and date-picker options for column updating. |
| ColumnUpdatingMaskEditorOptionsWrapper | Mask editor options for column updating. |
| ColumnUpdatingNumericEditorOptionsWrapper | Numeric, currency and percent editor options for column updating. |
| ColumnUpdatingRatingEditorOptions | Rating editor options for column updating. |
| ColumnUpdatingRatingEditorOptionsWrapper | Rating editor options for column updating. |
| ColumnUpdatingSetting | custom settings per column (igGrid Updating) |
| ColumnUpdatingSettingBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnUpdatingSetting collection in the MVC View |
| ColumnUpdatingSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the ColumnUpdatingSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| ColumnUpdatingTextEditorOptionsWrapper | Text editor options for column updating. |
| ColumnUpdatingTimePickerOptionsWrapper | Time-picker options for column updating. |
| ColumnWidths | Class defining column widths per column type |
| ColumnWidthsWrapper | Wrapper around the column widths object |
| ComboClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Combo (igCombo widget) |
| ComboDataSourceActionAttribute | this is an attribute class which extends the mvc FilterAttribute. It should be put on top of the controller method that should return JSON (even though in the user code it will return Action Result). The idea of this filter is to transform the ActionResult into a JsonResult instance, taking into account filtering Request params. Since MVC doesn't have ViewState, we will need to infer all the features from the request itself, that's the only information we have regarding any previous state. |
| ComboGrouping | ComboGrouping model |
| ComboGroupingWrapper | Wrapper for ComboGrouping model. |
| ComboInitialSelectedItemsSettings | Initial selected items settings |
| ComboInitialSelectedItemsSettingsBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ComboInitialSelectedItemsSettings collection in the MVC View |
| ComboInitialSelectedItemsSettingsWrapper<T> | class used to wrap the InitialSelectedItemsSettings, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igCombo via Lambda expressions in the View |
| ComboJsonResult | Custom extension of LargeJsonResult to handle total count or items in data used by async LoadOnDemand |
| ComboLoadOnDemandSettings | Validator action and appearance options. |
| ComboLoadOnDemandSettingsWrapper | Wrapper for ComboLoadOnDemandSettings model. |
| ComboLocaleOptions | Model for the strings used for combo button titles and placeholders. Note: Locale properties take priority over those defined in $.ig.Combo.locale in localization script files. |
| ComboLocaleOptionsWrapper | Wrapper for ComboLocaleOptions model. |
| ComboModel | Class describing options available for the Combo. |
| ComboMultiSelectionSettings | Multi selection action and options. |
| ComboMultiSelectionSettingsBuilder | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ComboMultiSelectionSettings in the MVC View |
| ComboMultiSelectionSettingsWrapper | Wrapper for ComboMultiSelectionSettings model. |
| ComboWrapper | Wrapper for ComboModel model. |
| CommodityChannelIndexIndicator<T> | wrapper around CommodityChannelIndexIndicatorModel class |
| CommodityChannelIndexIndicatorModel | class describing commoditychannel index indicator object. |
| ContourLineSeries<T> | wrapper around ContourLineSeriesModel class |
| ContourLineSeriesModel | class describing contour line series object. |
| ContourValueResolver<T> | Wrapper for ContourValueResolverModel model |
| ContourValueResolverBuilder | Provides a fluent interface for adding various FillScale to a bubble series. |
| ContourValueResolverModel | Model containing the options for the ValueResolver property |
| CrosshairLayer<T> | wrapper around CrosshairLayerModel class |
| CrosshairLayerModel | class describing crosshair layer object. |
| CubeMetadata | Model containing the cube metadata for FlatDataSource. |
| CubeMetadataWrapper | Wrapper for CubeMetadata model. |
| CurrencyEditorClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by the CurrencyEditor. |
| CurrencyEditorModel | Model used by CurrencyEditor |
| CurrencyEditorWrapper | Wrapper for CurrencyEditorModel model. |
| CurrencyEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> | Internal generic wrapper for CurrencyEditorModel model. |
| CustomIndicator<T> | wrapper around CustomIndicatorModel class |
| CustomIndicatorModel | class describing custom indicator object. |
| CustomPalette | A wrapper to configure custom palette content with a fluent interface. |
| CustomPaletteBrushScale | A wrapper to configure a custom palette brush scale content with a fluent interface. |
| CustomPaletteBrushScaleModel | Model containing the options for the CustomPaletteBrushScale property |
| CustomPaletteModel | Model containing the options for the CustomPalette property |
| CustomToolbarBuilder | |
| CustomToolbarModel | Model containing the options for the Formatting toolbar. |
| CustomToolbarWrapper | Wrapper for CustomToolbarModel model. |
| CustomValidatorRule | Specifies settings for the custom function rule. |
| DataChart<T> | wrapper around DataChartModel class Wrapper for DataChartModel model |
| DataChartModel | class describing data chart object. Model containing the options for the igDataChart widget |
| DataChartRenderer | renders initial javascript for the control |
| DataSelectorPanelSettings | Model containing the settings for the panel containing the igPivotDataSelector inside the igPivotView. |
| DataSelectorPanelSettingsWrapper | Wrapper for DataSelectorPanelSettings model. |
| DataSourceActionAttribute | This is an attribute class, which extends the mvc FilterAttribute. It should be put on top of a controller's method, which should return JSON (even though in the user code it will return Action Result). If that attribute is used for FunnelChart or Sparkline, then only fields used by those charts are passed to client. Otherwise, all data are passed to client: similar to Controller.Json(data) |
| DataSourceOptions | Model containing the options for OLAP data source. |
| DataSourceOptionsWrapper | Wrapper for DataSourceOptions model. |
| DataUtils | utilities for converting various objects to JSON |
| DateEditorClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by the DateEditor. |
| DateEditorModel | Model used by Date Editor. |
| DateEditorWrapper | Wrapper for DateEditorModel model. |
| DateEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> | Internal generic wrapper for the DateEditorModel model. |
| DatePickerClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by the DatePicker. |
| DatePickerModel | Model used by DatePicker. |
| DatePickerOptions | Options applied to the date editor calendar, using jQuery datepicker API. |
| DatePickerOptionsWrapper | Wrapper for DatePickerOptions model. |
| DatePickerWrapper | Wrapper for DatePickerModel model. |
| DatePickerWrapperBase<T,TOut> | Internal generic wrapper for the DatePickerModel model. |
| DefaultFilterExpression | class that describes a default filtering expression applied on a specific column |
| DefaultFilterExpressionBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the DefaultFilterExpression collection in the MVC View |
| DefaultFilterExpressionWrapper | class used to wrap the DefaultFilterExpression, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| DetrendedPriceOscillatorIndicator<T> | wrapper around DetrendedPriceOscillatorIndicatorModel class |
| DetrendedPriceOscillatorIndicatorModel | class describing detrended price oscillator indicator object. |
| DialogClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Dialog (igDialog widget) |
| DialogModel | Class describing options available for the Dialog. |
| DialogWrapper | Wrapper for DialogModel model. |
| DimensionMetadata | Model containing a dimension metadata for FlatDataSource. |
| DimensionMetadataBuilder | Builder for DimensionMetadata model. |
| DimensionMetadataWrapper | Wrapper for DimensionMetadata model. |
| DomainChart<T,M,A> | wrapper around DomainChartModel class |
| DomainChartModel | class describing domain chart object. |
| DoughnutChart<T> | wrapper around DoughnutChartModel class wrapper around DoughnutChartModel class |
| DoughnutChartClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by DoughnutChart (igDoughnutChart widget) |
| DoughnutChartModel | class describing doughnut chart object. class describing doughnut chart object. |
| DoughnutChartRenderer | Renders a pie chart model into the representative JavaScript and JSON. |
| EaseOfMovementIndicator<T> | wrapper around EaseOfMovementIndicatorModel class |
| EaseOfMovementIndicatorModel | class describing ease of movement indicator object. |
| EditorClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by editor such as TextEditor, PercentEditor, NumericEditor, CurrencyEditor, MaskEditor, DateEditor and DatePicker
Note: Not all events are applicable for every editor. Please reffer to the events API documentation of the specific control. |
| EditorLocaleOptions | Model for the strings used for button titles. Note: Locale properties take priority over those defined in $.ig.Editor.locale in localization script files. |
| EditorLocaleOptionsWrapper | Wrapper for EditorLocaleOptions model. |
| EditorSpinDelta | |
| EditorSpinDeltaWrapper | |
| EditorValidatorOptions | Class describing the options available for the Validator when cofigured through another widget. |
| EditorValidatorOptionsWrapper | Options wrapper for EditorValidatorOptions used to intialize validator in other controls. |
| EqualToValidatorRule | Specifies settings for range rule for value. |
| FastStochasticOscillatorIndicator<T> | wrapper around FastStochasticOscillatorIndicatorModel class |
| FastStochasticOscillatorIndicatorModel | class describing fast stochastic oscillator indicator object. |
| FileUploadingEventArgs | EventArguments class initialized when the whole request of the file is processed and it should be saved from temporary file to original file Cancellable event argument |
| FillScale<T> | Wrapper for FillScaleBaseModel model |
| FillScaleBaseModel | Model containing the options for the FillScale property |
| FillScaleBuilder | Provides a fluent interface for adding various FillScale to a bubble series. |
| FilterExpression | class that describes a filtering expression applied on a sepcific column |
| FilteringCustomCondition | Class defining custom condition properties |
| FilteringCustomConditions | Class defining custom condition properties |
| FilteringCustomConditionsWrapper | Wrapper around the filtering custom conditions object |
| FilteringCustomConditionWrapper | Wrapper around the filtering custom condition object |
| FilteringExtensions | filtering extensions |
| FinancialIndicator<T,M,A> | wrapper around FinancialIndicatorModel class |
| FinancialIndicatorModel | class describing financial indicator object. |
| FinancialOverlay<T,M,A> | wrapper around FinancialOverlayModel class |
| FinancialOverlayModel | class describing financial overlay object. |
| FinancialPriceSeries<T> | wrapper around FinancialPriceSeriesModel class |
| FinancialPriceSeriesModel | class describing financial price series object. |
| FinancialSeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around FinancialSeriesModel class A wrapper for creating a Financial Series with a fluent interface. |
| FinancialSeriesModel | class describing financial series object. |
| FlatDataOptions | Model containing the options for FlatDataSource. |
| FlatDataOptionsWrapper | Wrapper for FlatDataOptions model. |
| FlatDataSourceMetadata | Model containing the metadata for FlatDataSource. |
| FlatDataSourceMetadataWrapper | Wrapper for FlatDataSourceMetadata model. |
| ForceIndexIndicator<T> | wrapper around ForceIndexIndicatorModel class |
| ForceIndexIndicatorModel | class describing force index indicator object. |
| FragmentBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around FragmentBaseModel class |
| FragmentBaseModel | class describing fragment base object. |
| FullStochasticOscillatorIndicator<T> | wrapper around FullStochasticOscillatorIndicatorModel class |
| FullStochasticOscillatorIndicatorModel | class describing full stochastic oscillator indicator object. |
| FunnelChart<T> | Wrapper for FunnelChartModel model wrapper around FunnelChartModel class |
| FunnelChartClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Combo (igCombo widget) |
| FunnelChartModel | Model containing the options for the igFunnelChart widget class describing funnel chart object. |
| FunnelChartRenderer | renders initial javascript for the control |
| GeographicContourLineSeries<T> | wrapper around GeographicContourLineSeriesModel class wrapper around GeographicContourLineSeriesModel class |
| GeographicContourLineSeriesModel | class describing geographic contour line series object. Model containing the options for the ValueResolver property |
| GeographicHighDensityScatterSeries<T> | wrapper around GeographicHighDensityScatterSeriesModel class |
| GeographicHighDensityScatterSeriesModel | class describing geographic high density scatter series object. |
| GeographicMapSeriesHost<T,M,A> | wrapper around GeographicMapSeriesHostModel class |
| GeographicMapSeriesHostModel | class describing geographic map series host object. |
| GeographicPolylineSeries<T> | wrapper around GeographicPolylineSeriesModel class |
| GeographicPolylineSeriesModel | class describing geographic polyline series object. |
| GeographicProportionalSymbolSeries<T> | wrapper around GeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesModel class |
| GeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesModel | class describing geographic proportional symbol series object. |
| GeographicScatterAreaSeries<T> | wrapper around GeographicScatterAreaSeriesModel class |
| GeographicScatterAreaSeriesModel | class describing geographic scatter area series object. |
| GeographicShapeSeries<T> | wrapper around GeographicShapeSeriesModel class |
| GeographicShapeSeriesBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around GeographicShapeSeriesBaseModel class |
| GeographicShapeSeriesBaseModel | class describing geographic shape series base object. |
| GeographicShapeSeriesModel | class describing geographic shape series object. |
| GeographicSymbolSeries<T> | wrapper around GeographicSymbolSeriesModel class |
| GeographicSymbolSeriesModel | class describing geographic symbol series object. |
| GeographicTileSeries<T> | wrapper around GeographicTileSeriesModel class |
| GeographicTileSeriesModel | class describing geographic tile series object. |
| GeographicXYTriangulatingSeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around GeographicXYTriangulatingSeriesModel class |
| GeographicXYTriangulatingSeriesModel | class describing geographic x y triangulating series object. |
| GridAppendRowsOnDemand | class defining grid load on demand options |
| GridAppendRowsOnDemandClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid AppendRowsOnDemand (igGridAppendRowsOnDemand widget) |
| GridAppendRowsOnDemandWrapper | wrapper around the GridAppendRowsOnDemand class |
| GridCellMerging | class defining grid cellmerging options |
| GridCellMergingClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Cell Merging (igGridCellMerging widget) |
| GridCellMergingWrapper | wrapper around the grid row selectors object |
| GridClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Framework (igGrid widget) |
| GridColumn | |
| GridColumnBuilder<T> | builder for columns - implements Fluent pattern and incorporates typed column lookup through lambda expressions |
| GridColumnExpression | Base class for filtering and sorting expressions |
| GridColumnFixing | class defining grid column fixing options |
| GridColumnFixingWrapper | wrapper around the grid ColumnFixing object |
| GridColumnLayout<T> | ColumnLayout wrapper |
| GridColumnLayoutBuilder<T> | |
| GridColumnLayoutModel | the GridColumnLayoutModel class extends the GridModel, by adding properties such as Key and ForeignKey |
| GridColumnMoving | class defining grid column moving options |
| GridColumnMovingClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Column Moving (igGridColumnMoving widget) |
| GridColumnMovingWrapper | wrapper around the grid ColumnMoving object |
| GridColumnWrapper<T> | wrapper around the GridColumn class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names |
| GridDataSourceActionAttribute | this is an attribute class which extends the mvc FilterAttribute. It should be put on top of the controller method that should return JSON (even though in the user code it will return Action Result). The idea of this filter is to transform the ActionResult into a JsonResult instance, taking into account all Request params such as paging, sorting, and filtering. Since MVC doesn't have ViewState, we will need to infer all the features from the request itself, that's the only information we have regarding any previous state. |
| GridFeature | base class for all grid features |
| GridFeatureBuilder<T> | builder class allowing fluent syntax for grid features such as paging, sorting, filtering, etc. |
| GridFeatureFactory | The Grid factory is used to create specific(for the grid) feature instance. Usually instance of this class is used in GridDataSourceActionAttribute for creating feature instances according to the query string parameters (Example: For Grid - it instantiates GridFiltering, GridPaging, GridSummaries, etc.) |
| GridFiltering | Describes the grid filtering feature |
| GridFilteringClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Filtering (igGridFiltering widget) |
| GridFilteringWrapper | wrapper around GridFiltering, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax |
| GridGroupBy | GroupBy Feature |
| GridGroupByClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid GroupBy (igGridGroupBy widget) |
| GridGroupByWrapper | wrapper around the GridGroupBy class |
| GridHiding | class defining grid hiding options |
| GridHidingClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Hiding (igGridHiding widget) |
| GridHidingWrapper | wrapper around the grid hiding object |
| GridInheritableFeature | Inheritable features (for example selection is not inheritable, it's always on for all child grids) |
| GridLayoutModel | Model describing the grid layout mode of the igLayoutManager |
| GridLayoutWrapper | Wrapper for the GridLayoutModel |
| GridModel | model class describing all options of the grid, including data binding logic, etc. |
| GridMultiColumnHeaders | class defining grid multicolumn headers options |
| GridMultiColumnHeadersClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Multi-column Headers (igGridMultiColumnHeaders widget) |
| GridMultiColumnHeadersWrapper | wrapper around the grid Multi Column Headers object |
| GridOptions | Model containing the options of the igGrid inside the igPivotGrid. |
| GridOptionsFeatureBuilder | Builder for GridFeature model. |
| GridOptionsWrapper | Wrapper for GridOptions model. |
| GridPaging | defines options for the GridPaging feature |
| GridPagingClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Paging (igGridPaging widget) |
| GridPagingWrapper | wrapper around the GridPaging class |
| GridRenderer | renders initial javascript for the control |
| GridResizing | class defining grid resizing options |
| GridResizingClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Resizing (igGridResizing widget) |
| GridResizingWrapper | wrapper around the grid resizing object |
| GridResponsive | Class defining grid responsive ui options |
| GridResponsiveClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Responsive (igGridResponsive widget) |
| GridResponsiveWrapper | Wrapper around the grid responsive object |
| GridRowSelectors | class defining grid rowselectors options |
| GridRowSelectorsClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Row Selectors (igGridRowSelectors widget) |
| GridRowSelectorsWrapper | wrapper around the grid row selectors object |
| GridSelection | grid selection feature |
| GridSelectionClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Selection (igGridSelection widget) |
| GridSelectionWrapper | wrapper around the grid sorting object. exposes all properties as methods which return the same object in order to preserve chaining and implement the Fluent pattern |
| GridSorting | class defining grid sorting options |
| GridSortingClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Sorting (igGridSorting widget) |
| GridSortingWrapper | wrapper around the grid sorting object |
| GridSummaries | class defining grid Summaries options |
| GridSummariesClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Summaries (igGridSummaries widget) |
| GridSummariesWrapper | wrapper around the grid Summaries object |
| GridTooltips | class defining grid tooltips options |
| GridTooltipsClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Tooltips (igGridTooltips widget) |
| GridTooltipsWrapper | wrapper around the grid tooltips object |
| GridUpdating | defines options for the Updating feature |
| GridUpdatingClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Grid Updating (igGridUpdating widget) |
| GridUpdatingWrapper | wrapper for the Updating feature |
| GridWrapper<T> | Grid definition containing methods that can be chained. Implementation of the Fluent design pattern which allows the control to be configured directly in the view |
| GroupByColumnSetting | |
| GroupByColumnSettingBuilder<T> | |
| GroupByColumnSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the GroupByColumnSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| GroupByGroupSummaries | Configures groupSummaries |
| GroupByGroupSummariesBuilder<T> | expression builder for groupby groupSummaries |
| GroupByGroupSummary | configures a group by group summary |
| GroupByGroupSummaryWrapper | class wrapping the group summary object |
| GroupBySummariesBuilder<T> | expression builder for groupby summaries |
| GroupBySummary | configures a group by summary |
| GroupBySummarySettings | GroupBySummarySettings |
| GroupBySummaryWrapper | class wrapping the summary object |
| GroupOptionsBuilder<T> | Allows usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the GroupOptionsModel collection in the MVC View |
| GroupOptionsModel | Group options model |
| GroupOptionsWrapper | Wrap the SummaryGroupModel, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| HeaderTemplate | |
| HeaderTemplateWrapper | Wrapper around the header template object |
| HierarchicalGridClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Hierarchical Grid Framework (igHierarchicalGrid widget) |
| HierarchicalRingSeries<T> | wrapper around HierarchicalRingSeriesModel class wrapper around HierarchicalRingSeriesModel class |
| HierarchicalRingSeriesModel | class describing hierarchical ring series object. class describing hierarchical ring series object. |
| HierarchyMetadata | Model containing a hierarchy metadata for FlatDataSource. |
| HierarchyMetadataBuilder | Builder for HierarchyMetadata model. |
| HierarchyMetadataWrapper | Wrapper for HierarchyMetadata model. |
| HighDensityScatterSeries<T> | wrapper around HighDensityScatterSeriesModel class |
| HighDensityScatterSeriesModel | class describing high density scatter series object. |
| HorizontalAnchoredCategorySeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around HorizontalAnchoredCategorySeriesModel class |
| HorizontalAnchoredCategorySeriesModel | class describing horizontal anchored category series object. |
| HorizontalRangeCategorySeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around HorizontalRangeCategorySeriesModel class |
| HorizontalRangeCategorySeriesModel | class describing horizontal range category series object. |
| HorizontalStackedSeriesBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around HorizontalStackedSeriesBaseModel class |
| HorizontalStackedSeriesBaseModel | class describing horizontal stacked series base object. |
| HtmlEditorClientEvents | Client events exposed by the igHtmlEditor widget |
| HtmlEditorFontFormats | Model containing the options for HtmlEditor's FontFormats feature. |
| HtmlEditorFontNames | Model containing the options for HtmlEditor's FontNames feature. |
| HtmlEditorFontSizes | Model containing the options for HtmlEditor's FontSizes feature. |
| HtmlEditorModel | Model containing the options for the HtmlEditor widget. |
| HtmlEditorWrapper | Wrapper for HtmlEditorModel |
| HtmlHelperExtensions | extensions class to access all MVC wrappers |
| InfragisticsSuite<TModel> | HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods for the igColorPicker control Container of Combo. HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods Helpers to create igDialog. HTML Helper extension methods Container of TextEditor HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods for the igLayoutManager control Container of Loader. HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods for the igNotifier control Container of OlapDataSourceWidget. Container of PivotDataSelector. Container of PivotGrid. Container of PivotView. HTML Helper extension methods for the igPopover control Container of Rating. Container of Scheduler. HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods for the igSplitter control Container of Spreadsheet. HTML Helper extension methods for the igTileManager control HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods for the igTree control Extensions for data annotations Container of Validator HTML Helper extension methods for the igZoombar control |
| ItemLegend<T> | wrapper around ItemLegendModel class |
| ItemLegendModel | class describing item legend object. |
| ItemToolTipLayer<T> | wrapper around ItemToolTipLayerModel class |
| ItemToolTipLayerModel | class describing item tool tip layer object. |
| ItemwiseStrategyBasedIndicator<T,M,A> | wrapper around ItemwiseStrategyBasedIndicatorModel class |
| ItemwiseStrategyBasedIndicatorModel | class describing itemwise strategy basedindicator object. |
| LargeJsonResult | implementation of a custom extension of JsonResult to handle the issues with large JSON results |
| LayoutConfiguration | Model describing igTileManager's layout configuration option |
| LayoutConfigurationItem | Model describing igLayoutManager's layout configuration item option |
| LayoutConfigurationItemBuilder | Builder for the LayoutConfigurationItem |
| LayoutConfigurationItemWrapper | Wrapper for the LayoutConfigurationItem widget |
| LayoutConfigurationWrapper | Wrapper for LayoutConfiguration |
| LayoutManagerClientEvents | Client events exposed by the igLayoutManager widget |
| LayoutManagerModel | Model describing the igLayoutManager widget |
| LayoutManagerRenderer | Javascript definition renderer for the igLayoutManager control |
| LayoutManagerWrapper | Wrapper for the LayoutManagerModel widget |
| Legend<T> | wrapper around LegendModel class wrapper around the Legend class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names |
| LegendBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around LegendBaseModel class wrapper around LegendBaseModel class |
| LegendBaseModel | class describing legend base object. class describing legend base object. |
| LegendClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Legend |
| LegendModel | class describing legend object. Stores configuration information for a chart legend. |
| LengthRangeValidatorRule | Specifies settings for range rule for value. |
| LevelMetadata | Model containing a hierarchy level metadata for FlatDataSource. |
| LevelMetadataBuilder | Builder for LevelMetadata model. |
| LevelMetadataWrapper | Wrapper for LevelMetadata model. |
| LevelSortDirection | Model containing a level sort direction. |
| LevelSortDirectionBuilder | Builder for LevelSortDirection model. |
| LevelSortDirectionWrapper | Wrapper for LevelSortDirection model. |
| LinearContourValueResolver | A wrapper to configure a bing maps LinearContourValueResolver content with a fluent interface. |
| LinearContourValueResolverModel | Model containing the options for the ValueResolver property |
| LinearGauge<T> | wrapper around LinearGauge class wrapper around LinearGaugeModel class |
| LinearGaugeClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by LinearGauge (igLinearGauge widget) |
| LinearGaugeModel | class describing linear gauge object. |
| LinearGaugeRenderer | renders initial javascript for the control |
| LinearGraphRange<T> | wrapper around BulletGraphRangeModel class wrapper around LinearGraphRangeModel class |
| LinearGraphRangeModel | class describing linear graph range object. |
| LinearGraphRangesBuilder<T> | Provides a fluent interface for adding various ranges to a bullet graph. |
| LineFragment<T> | wrapper around LineFragmentModel class |
| LineFragmentModel | class describing line fragment object. |
| LineSeries<T> | wrapper around LineSeriesModel class |
| LineSeriesModel | class describing line series object. |
| LoaderModel | Class describing options available for the Loader. |
| LoaderWrapper | Wrapper for LoaderModel model. |
| Map<T> | wrapper around MapModel class Wrapper for MapModel model |
| MapModel | class describing map object. Model containing the options for the igMap widget |
| MapRenderer | renders initial javascript for the control |
| MapSeriesBuilder<T> | Provides a fluent interface for adding various series to a map. |
| MarkerSeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around MarkerSeriesModel class wrapper around MarkerSeriesModel class |
| MarkerSeriesModel | class describing marker series object. class describing marker series object. |
| MarketFacilitationIndexIndicator<T> | wrapper around MarketFacilitationIndexIndicatorModel class |
| MarketFacilitationIndexIndicatorModel | class describing market facilitation index indicator object. |
| MaskEditorClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by the MaskEditor. |
| MaskEditorModel | Model used by MaskEditor. |
| MaskEditorWrapper | Wrapper for MaskEditorModel model. |
| MaskEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> | Internal generic wrapper for MaskEditorModel model. |
| MassIndexIndicator<T> | wrapper around MassIndexIndicatorModel class |
| MassIndexIndicatorModel | class describing mass index indicator object. |
| MdxSettings | Model containing the options for XmlaDataSource's MDX settings. |
| MdxSettingsWrapper | Wrapper for MdxSettings model. |
| MeasureMetadata | Model containing a measure metadata for FlatDataSource. |
| MeasureMetadataBuilder | Builder for MeasureMetadata model. |
| MeasureMetadataWrapper | Wrapper for MeasureMetadata model. |
| MeasuresDimensionMetadata | Model containing the measures dimension metadata for FlatDataSource. |
| MeasuresDimensionMetadataWrapper | Wrapper for MeasuresDimensionMetadata model. |
| MedianPriceIndicator<T> | wrapper around MedianPriceIndicatorModel class |
| MedianPriceIndicatorModel | class describing median price indicator object. |
| ModelBase | A base class for all options models that provides easy serialization to JSON. The supported property types are string, int, bool, double, ModelBase(other models) or an IEnumerable of those. |
| ModelWidgetBase | A base class for all options models, which need to expose ClientEvents raised by a widget. |
| MoneyFlowIndexIndicator<T> | wrapper around MoneyFlowIndexIndicatorModel class |
| MoneyFlowIndexIndicatorModel | class describing money flow index indicator object. |
| MovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceIndicator<T> | wrapper around MovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceIndicatorModel class |
| MovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceIndicatorModel | class describing moving average convergence divergence indicator object. |
| NegativeVolumeIndexIndicator<T> | wrapper around NegativeVolumeIndexIndicatorModel class |
| NegativeVolumeIndexIndicatorModel | class describing negative volume index indicator object. |
| NotifierClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Notifier (igNotifier widget) |
| NotifierMessages | Messages model for the igNotifier |
| NotifierModel | Model containing the options for the igNotifier widget |
| NotifierOptionsWrapper | Options wrapper for NotifierModel |
| NotifierRenderer | Class used to render notifier control |
| NotifierWrapper | Wrapper for NotifierModel |
| NotifierWrapperBase<T,TOut> | Internal implementation of the wrapper for NotifierModel |
| NumberValidatorRule | Specifies settings for the number rule. |
| NumericAngleAxis<T> | wrapper around NumericAngleAxisModel class |
| NumericAngleAxisModel | class describing numeric angle axis object. |
| NumericAxisBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around NumericAxisBaseModel class |
| NumericAxisBaseModel | class describing numeric axis base object. |
| NumericEditorClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by the NumericEditor. |
| NumericEditorModel | Model used by NumericEditor. |
| NumericEditorWrapper | Wrapper for NumericEditorModel model. |
| NumericEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> | Internal generic wrapper for TextEditorModel model. |
| NumericRadiusAxis<T> | wrapper around NumericRadiusAxisModel class |
| NumericRadiusAxisModel | class describing numeric radius axis object. |
| NumericXAxis<T> | wrapper around NumericXAxisModel class |
| NumericXAxisModel | class describing numeric x axis object. |
| NumericYAxis<T> | wrapper around NumericYAxisModel class |
| NumericYAxisModel | class describing numeric y axis object. Stores configuration information for a numeric y axis. |
| OlapDataSourceModel | Class describing options available for the OlapDataSourceWidget. |
| OlapDataSourceWrapper | Wrapper for OlapDataSourceModel model. |
| OnBalanceVolumeIndicator<T> | wrapper around OnBalanceVolumeIndicatorModel class |
| OnBalanceVolumeIndicatorModel | class describing on balance volume indicator object. |
| OpenStreetMaps | A wrapper to configure a open street maps background content with a fluent interface. |
| OpenStreetMapsModel | Model containing the options for the Open Street Maps background content. |
| PagingExtensions | LINQ extensions for Skip, Take and Count |
| PatternValidatorRule | Specifies settings for the pattern rule for. |
| PercentagePriceOscillatorIndicator<T> | wrapper around PercentagePriceOscillatorIndicatorModel class |
| PercentagePriceOscillatorIndicatorModel | class describing percentageprice oscillator indicator object. |
| PercentageVolumeOscillatorIndicator<T> | wrapper around PercentageVolumeOscillatorIndicatorModel class |
| PercentageVolumeOscillatorIndicatorModel | class describing percentage volume oscillator indicator object. |
| PercentEditorClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by the PercentEditor. |
| PercentEditorModel | Model used by PercentEditor. |
| PercentEditorWrapper | Wrapper for CurrencyEditorModel model. |
| PercentEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> | Internal generic wrapper for PercentEditorModel model. |
| PieChart<T> | wrapper around PieChartModel class A wrapper for configuring a pie chart with a fluent interface. |
| PieChartBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around PieChartBaseModel class A wrapper for configuring a PieChartBase with a fluent interface. |
| PieChartBaseModel | class describing pie chart base object. Stores configuration information for a PieChartBase. |
| PieChartModel | class describing pie chart object. |
| PieChartRenderer | Renders a pie chart model into the representative JavaScript and JSON. |
| PivotDataSelectorClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by PivotDataSelector (igPivotDataSelector widget) |
| PivotDataSelectorModel | Class describing options available for the PivotDataSelector. |
| PivotDataSelectorWrapper | Wrapper for PivotDataSelectorModel model. |
| PivotDragAndDropSettings | Model containing the settings for the Drag and Drop functionality. |
| PivotDragAndDropSettingsWrapper | Wrapper for PivotDragAndDropSettings model. |
| PivotGridClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by PivotGrid (igPivotGrid widget) |
| PivotGridModel | Class describing options available for the PivotGrid. |
| PivotGridPanelSettings | Model containing the settings for the panel containing the igPivotGrid inside the igPivotView. |
| PivotGridPanelSettingsWrapper | Wrapper for PivotGridPanelSettings model. |
| PivotGridWrapper | Wrapper for PivotGridModel model. |
| PivotPanelSettingsBase | Model containing the settings for the pivot panels inside the PivotView. |
| PivotPanelSettingsBaseWrapper<T> | Wrapper for PivotPanelSettingsBase model. |
| PivotViewModel | Class describing options available for the PivotView. |
| PivotViewWrapper | Wrapper for PivotViewModel model. |
| PointModel | Represents a point in a canvas. |
| PointSeries<T> | wrapper around PointSeriesModel class |
| PointSeriesModel | class describing point series object. |
| PolarAreaSeries<T> | wrapper around PolarAreaSeriesModel class |
| PolarAreaSeriesModel | class describing polar area series object. |
| PolarBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around PolarBaseModel class A wrapper for configuring a polar base series with a fluent interface. |
| PolarBaseModel | class describing polar base object. |
| PolarLineSeries<T> | wrapper around PolarLineSeriesModel class |
| PolarLineSeriesBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around PolarLineSeriesBaseModel class |
| PolarLineSeriesBaseModel | class describing polar line series base object. |
| PolarLineSeriesModel | class describing polar line series object. |
| PolarScatterSeries<T> | wrapper around PolarScatterSeriesModel class |
| PolarScatterSeriesModel | class describing polar scatter series object. |
| PolarSplineAreaSeries<T> | wrapper around PolarSplineAreaSeriesModel class |
| PolarSplineAreaSeriesModel | class describing polar spline area series object. |
| PolarSplineSeries<T> | wrapper around PolarSplineSeriesModel class |
| PolarSplineSeriesModel | class describing polar spline series object. |
| PolylineSeries<T> | wrapper around PolylineSeriesModel class |
| PolylineSeriesModel | class describing polyline series object. |
| PopoverClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Popover (igPopover widget) |
| PopoverModel | Model containing the options for the igPopover widget |
| PopoverRenderer | Class used to render popover control |
| PopoverWrapper | Wrapper for PopoverModel |
| PopoverWrapperBase<T,TOut> | Internal implementation of the wrapper for PopoverModel |
| PositiveVolumeIndexIndicator<T> | wrapper around PositiveVolumeIndexIndicatorModel class |
| PositiveVolumeIndexIndicatorModel | class describing positive volume index indicator object. |
| PriceChannelOverlay<T> | wrapper around PriceChannelOverlayModel class |
| PriceChannelOverlayModel | class describing price channel overlay object. |
| PriceVolumeTrendIndicator<T> | wrapper around PriceVolumeTrendIndicatorModel class |
| PriceVolumeTrendIndicatorModel | class describing price volume trend indicator object. |
| QRCodeBarcode<T> | wrapper around QRCodeBarcodeModel class wrapper around QRCodeBarcodeModel class |
| QRCodeBarcodeModel | class describing q r code barcode object. |
| QRCodeBarcodeRenderer | renders initial javascript for the control |
| RadialAreaSeries<T> | wrapper around RadialAreaSeriesModel class |
| RadialAreaSeriesModel | class describing radial area series object. |
| RadialBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around RadialBaseModel class |
| RadialBaseModel | class describing radial base object. |
| RadialColumnSeries<T> | wrapper around RadialColumnSeriesModel class |
| RadialColumnSeriesModel | class describing radial column series object. |
| RadialGauge<T> | wrapper around RadialGaugeModel class wrapper around RadialGaugeModel class |
| RadialGaugeClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by RadialGauge (igRadialGauge widget) |
| RadialGaugeModel | class describing radial gauge object. |
| RadialGaugeRenderer | renders initial javascript for the control |
| RadialLineSeries<T> | wrapper around RadialLineSeriesModel class |
| RadialLineSeriesModel | class describing radial line series object. |
| RadialMenu<T> | wrapper around RadialMenuModel class Wrapper around the RadialMenuModel class |
| RadialMenuClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by RadialMenu (igRadialMenu widget) |
| RadialMenuColorItem<T> | wrapper around RadialMenuColorItemModel class |
| RadialMenuColorItemBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around RadialMenuColorItemBaseModel class |
| RadialMenuColorItemBaseClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuColorItemBase |
| RadialMenuColorItemBaseModel | class describing radial menu color item base object. |
| RadialMenuColorItemClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuColorItem |
| RadialMenuColorItemModel | class describing radial menu color item object. |
| RadialMenuColorWell<T> | wrapper around RadialMenuColorWellModel class |
| RadialMenuColorWellClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuColorWell |
| RadialMenuColorWellModel | class describing radial menu color well object. |
| RadialMenuItem<T> | Wrapper for the RadialMenuItemModel |
| RadialMenuItem<T,M,A> | wrapper around RadialMenuItemModel class |
| RadialMenuItemBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around RadialMenuItemBaseModel class A wrapper for configuring an item for the igRadialMenu |
| RadialMenuItemBaseClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuItemBase |
| RadialMenuItemBaseModel | class describing radial menu item base object. Model class for the options for an item in an igRadialMenu |
| RadialMenuItemBaseRoot<T> | Base class for a wrapper for configuring a radial menu item with a fluent interface. |
| RadialMenuItemBuilder<T> | Class that provides a fluent interface for defining the items of an igRadialMenu |
| RadialMenuItemClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuItem |
| RadialMenuItemModel | class describing radial menu item object. |
| RadialMenuModel | class describing radial menu object. |
| RadialMenuNumericGauge<T> | wrapper around RadialMenuNumericGaugeModel class |
| RadialMenuNumericGaugeClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuNumericGauge |
| RadialMenuNumericGaugeModel | class describing radial menu numeric gauge object. |
| RadialMenuNumericItem<T> | wrapper around RadialMenuNumericItemModel class |
| RadialMenuNumericItemClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuNumericItem |
| RadialMenuNumericItemModel | class describing radial menu numeric item object. |
| RadialMenuRenderer | Renders a radial menu model into the representative JavaScript and JSON. |
| RadialPieSeries<T> | wrapper around RadialPieSeriesModel class |
| RadialPieSeriesModel | class describing radial pie series object. |
| Range<T> | wrapper around RangeModel class wrapper around RangeModel class |
| RangeAreaSeries<T> | wrapper around RangeAreaSeriesModel class |
| RangeAreaSeriesModel | class describing range area series object. |
| RangeCategorySeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around RangeCategorySeriesModel class A wrapper to configure a range category series with a fluent interface. |
| RangeCategorySeriesModel | class describing range category series object. |
| RangeColumnSeries<T> | wrapper around RangeColumnSeriesModel class |
| RangeColumnSeriesModel | class describing range column series object. |
| RangeModel | class describing range object. |
| RangesBuilder<T> | Provides a fluent interface for adding various ranges to a gauge. |
| RateOfChangeAndMomentumIndicator<T> | wrapper around RateOfChangeAndMomentumIndicatorModel class |
| RateOfChangeAndMomentumIndicatorModel | class describing rate of change and momentum indicator object. |
| RatingClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Rating (igRating widget) |
| RatingModel | Class describing options available for the Rating. |
| RatingVoteCSS | Adds custom css classes for vote-item at particular index. |
| RatingVoteCSSBuilder | Builder for RatingVoteCSS model. |
| RatingVoteCSSWrapper | Wrapper for RatingVoteCSS model. |
| RatingWrapper | Wrapper for RatingModel model. |
| RelativeStrengthIndexIndicator<T> | wrapper around RelativeStrengthIndexIndicatorModel class |
| RelativeStrengthIndexIndicatorModel | class describing relative strength index indicator object. |
| RendererBase | Contains common rendering functionality for all widgets. |
| RequestProcessor | Class which manages processing http request - analyze header, analyzing and processing file chunks from http request |
| ResponsiveColumnConfiguration | Class defining basic column responsive configuration |
| ResponsiveColumnConfigurationWrapper | Wrapper around the responsive column configuration object |
| ResponsiveColumnSetting | custom settings per column (igGrid Responsive) |
| ResponsiveColumnSettingBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ResponsiveColumnSetting collection in the MVC View |
| ResponsiveColumnSettingWrapper | ResponsiveColumnSetting |
| ResponsiveMode | Class defining basic responsive mode configuration |
| ResponsiveModeWrapper | Wrapper around the responsive mode object |
| ResponsiveSetting | Represents a responsive configuration with mode keys and their settings |
| ResponsiveSettingWrapper | Wrapper around the responsive setting object |
| RestSetting | Base class for rest setting |
| RestSettingBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the RestSetting collection in the MVC View |
| RestSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the RestSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| RestVerbSetting | Base class for rest verb setting |
| RestVerbSettingBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the RestVerbSetting collection in the MVC View |
| RestVerbSettingWrapper | class used to wrap the RestVerbSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| RingSeries<T> | wrapper around RingSeriesModel class wrapper around RingSeriesModel class |
| RingSeriesBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around RingSeriesBaseModel class wrapper around RingSeriesBaseModel class |
| RingSeriesBaseBase<T> | A wrapper for configuring a series with a fluent interface. |
| RingSeriesBaseModel | class describing ring series base object. class describing ring series base object. |
| RingSeriesBuilder<T> | Provides a fluent interface for adding various series to a chart. |
| RingSeriesModel | class describing ring series object. class describing ring series object. |
| RowEditDialogOptions | Class defining row edit dialog options |
| RowEditDialogOptionsWrapper | wrapper for the RowEditDialogOptions class |
| SafeDictionary<TKey,TValue> | Thread safe dictionary |
| ScaleLegend<T> | wrapper around ScaleLegendModel class |
| ScaleLegendModel | class describing scale legend object. |
| ScatterAreaSeries<T> | wrapper around ScatterAreaSeriesModel class |
| ScatterAreaSeriesModel | class describing scatter areaseries object. |
| ScatterBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around ScatterBaseModel class A wrapper for constructing a ScatterBase with a fluent interface. |
| ScatterBaseModel | class describing scatter base object. |
| ScatterLineSeries<T> | wrapper around ScatterLineSeriesModel class |
| ScatterLineSeriesModel | class describing scatter lineseries object. |
| ScatterSeries<T> | wrapper around ScatterSeriesModel class |
| ScatterSeriesModel | class describing scatterseries object. |
| ScatterSplineSeries<T> | wrapper around ScatterSplineSeriesModel class |
| ScatterSplineSeriesModel | class describing scattersplineseries object. |
| SchedulerAgendaViewSettings | SchedulerAgendaViewSettings model |
| SchedulerAgendaViewSettingsWrapper | Wrapper for SchedulerAgendaViewSettings model. |
| SchedulerClientEvents | Client events exposed by the Scheduler (igScheduler widget) |
| SchedulerModel | Class describing options available for the Scheduler. |
| SchedulerMonthViewSettings | SchedulerMonthViewSettings model |
| SchedulerMonthViewSettingsWrapper | Wrapper for SchedulerMonthViewSettings model. |
| SchedulerWrapper | Wrapper for SchedulerModel model. |
| Series<T,M,A> | wrapper around SeriesModel class A wrapper for configuring a series with a fluent interface. |
| SeriesBase<T> | A wrapper for configuring a series with a fluent interface. |
| SeriesBuilder<T> | Provides a fluent interface for adding various series to a chart. |
| SeriesModel | class describing series object. Model containing the options for the igDataChart widget |
| SeriesViewer<T,M,A> | wrapper around SeriesViewerModel class A wrapper to provide a fluent interface for a SeriesViewer. |
| SeriesViewerModel | class describing series viewer object. Stores configuration information for a SeriesViewer. |
| ShapeSeries<T> | wrapper around ShapeSeriesModel class |
| ShapeSeriesBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around ShapeSeriesBaseModel class |
| ShapeSeriesBaseModel | class describing shapeseries base object. |
| ShapeSeriesModel | class describing shapeseries object. |
| ShapeStyle | wrapper around the ShapeStyleModel class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names |
| ShapeStyleModel | Stores configuration information for shape style. |
| SizeScale | A wrapper to configure a bing maps SizeScale content with a fluent interface. |
| SizeScaleModel | Model containing the options for the SizeScale property |
| SlowStochasticOscillatorIndicator<T> | wrapper around SlowStochasticOscillatorIndicatorModel class |
| SlowStochasticOscillatorIndicatorModel | class describing slowstochastic oscillator indicator object. |
| SortExpression | definition for a sorting expression |
| SortingExtensions | LINQ sorting extensions - OrderBy |
| Sparkline<T> | wrapper around SparklineModel class Wrapper for SparklineModel model |
| SparklineClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Sparkline (igSparkline widget) |
| SparklineModel | class describing sparkline object. Model containing the options for the igSparkline widget |
| SparklineRenderer | renders initial javascript for the control |
| SplineAreaFragment<T> | wrapper around SplineAreaFragmentModel class |
| SplineAreaFragmentModel | class describing spline area fragment object. |
| SplineAreaSeries<T> | wrapper around SplineAreaSeriesModel class |
| SplineAreaSeriesModel | class describing spline areaseries object. |
| SplineFragment<T> | wrapper around SplineFragmentModel class |
| SplineFragmentBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around SplineFragmentBaseModel class |
| SplineFragmentBaseModel | class describing spline fragment base object. |
| SplineFragmentModel | class describing spline fragment object. |
| SplineSeries<T> | wrapper around SplineSeriesModel class |
| SplineSeriesBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around SplineSeriesBaseModel class |
| SplineSeriesBaseModel | class describing splineseries base object. |
| SplineSeriesModel | class describing splineseries object. |
| SplitterClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Splitter (igSplitter widget) |
| SplitterModel | Model containing the options for the igTree widget |
| SplitterPanelSettings | Model for the panel settings for the igSplitter. |
| SplitterPanelSettingsBuilder | Builder for SplitterPanelSettings model. |
| SplitterPanelSettingsWrapper | Wrapper for SplitterPanelSettings model. |
| SplitterRenderer | Javascript definition renderer for the igSplitter control |
| SplitterWrapper | Wrapper for SplitterModel model |
| SpreadsheetClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Spreadsheet (igSpreadsheet widget) |
| SpreadsheetModel | Class describing options available for the Spreadsheet. |
| SpreadsheetRenderer | Renderer class for spreadsheet control |
| SpreadsheetWrapper | Wrapper for Spreadsheet. |
| Stacked100AreaSeries<T> | wrapper around Stacked100AreaSeriesModel class |
| Stacked100AreaSeriesModel | class describing stacked100 areaseries object. class describing stacked 100 area series object. |
| Stacked100BarSeries<T> | wrapper around Stacked100BarSeriesModel class |
| Stacked100BarSeriesModel | class describing stacked100 barseries object. class describing stacked 100 bar series object. |
| Stacked100ColumnSeries<T> | wrapper around Stacked100ColumnSeriesModel class |
| Stacked100ColumnSeriesModel | class describing stacked100 columnseries object. class describing stacked 100 column series object. |
| Stacked100LineSeries<T> | wrapper around Stacked100LineSeriesModel class |
| Stacked100LineSeriesModel | class describing stacked100 lineseries object. class describing stacked 100 line series object. |
| Stacked100SplineAreaSeries<T> | wrapper around Stacked100SplineAreaSeriesModel class |
| Stacked100SplineAreaSeriesModel | class describing stacked100spline areaseries object. class describing stacked 100 spline area series object. |
| Stacked100SplineSeries<T> | wrapper around Stacked100SplineSeriesModel class |
| Stacked100SplineSeriesModel | class describing stacked100splineseries object. class describing stacked 100 spline series object. |
| StackedAreaSeries<T> | wrapper around StackedAreaSeriesModel class |
| StackedAreaSeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around StackedAreaSeriesModel class |
| StackedAreaSeriesModel | class describing stacked areaseries object. |
| StackedBarSeries<T> | wrapper around StackedBarSeriesModel class |
| StackedBarSeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around StackedBarSeriesModel class |
| StackedBarSeriesModel | class describing stacked barseries object. |
| StackedColumnSeries<T> | wrapper around StackedColumnSeriesModel class |
| StackedColumnSeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around StackedColumnSeriesModel class |
| StackedColumnSeriesModel | class describing stacked columnseries object. |
| StackedFragmentSeries<T> | wrapper around StackedFragmentSeriesModel class wrapper around StackedFragmentSeriesModel class |
| StackedFragmentSeriesBase<T> | A wrapper for configuring a series with a fluent interface. |
| StackedFragmentSeriesBuilder<T> | Helper for stacked series. |
| StackedFragmentSeriesModel | class describing stacked fragmentseries object. class describing stacked fragmentseries object. |
| StackedLineSeries<T> | wrapper around StackedLineSeriesModel class |
| StackedLineSeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around StackedLineSeriesModel class |
| StackedLineSeriesModel | class describing stacked lineseries object. |
| StackedSeriesBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around StackedSeriesBaseModel class wrapper around StackedSeriesBaseModel class |
| StackedSeriesBaseModel | class describing stackedseries base object. class describing stackedseries base object. |
| StackedSplineAreaSeries<T> | wrapper around StackedSplineAreaSeriesModel class |
| StackedSplineAreaSeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around StackedSplineAreaSeriesModel class |
| StackedSplineAreaSeriesModel | class describing stackedspline areaseries object. |
| StackedSplineSeries<T> | wrapper around StackedSplineSeriesModel class |
| StackedSplineSeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around StackedSplineSeriesModel class |
| StackedSplineSeriesModel | class describing stackedsplineseries object. |
| StandardDeviationIndicator<T> | wrapper around StandardDeviationIndicatorModel class |
| StandardDeviationIndicatorModel | class describing standard deviation indicator object. |
| StepAreaSeries<T> | wrapper around StepAreaSeriesModel class |
| StepAreaSeriesModel | class describing step areaseries object. |
| StepLineSeries<T> | wrapper around StepLineSeriesModel class |
| StepLineSeriesModel | class describing step lineseries object. |
| StochRSIIndicator<T> | wrapper around StochRSIIndicatorModel class |
| StochRSIIndicatorModel | class describing stoch rs i indicator object. |
| StraightNumericAxisBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around StraightNumericAxisBaseModel class |
| StraightNumericAxisBaseModel | class describing straight numeric axis base object. |
| StrategyBasedIndicator<T,M,A> | wrapper around StrategyBasedIndicatorModel class |
| StrategyBasedIndicatorModel | class describing strategy based indicator object. |
| StringExtensions | A class containing extensions for strings |
| SummaryOperand | class defining summary operand options |
| SummaryOperandBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the summary operands collection in the MVC View |
| SummaryOperandWrapper | class used to wrap the SummaryOperand, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View |
| SummaryUtils | summary utils |
| TextEditorClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by the TextEditor. |
| TextEditorModel | Model used by TextEditor. |
| TextEditorWrapper | Wrapper for TextEditorModel model. |
| TextEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> | Internal generic wrapper for TextEditorModel model. |
| TileManagerClientEvents | Client events exposed by the igTileManager widget |
| TileManagerModel | Model describing the igTileManager widget |
| TileManagerRenderer | Javascript definition renderer for the igTileManager control |
| TileManagerSplitterOptions | Tile Manager Splitter Options model |
| TileManagerSplitterOptionsEvents | Tile Manager Splitter Options Events model |
| TileManagerSplitterOptionsWrapper | Wrapper for TileManagerSplitterOptions model. |
| TileManagerWrapper | Wrapper for the TileManagerModel widget |
| TileSeries<T> | wrapper around TileSeriesModel class |
| TileSeriesModel | class describing tile series object. |
| TimeAxisBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around TimeAxisBaseModel class |
| TimeAxisBaseModel | class describing time axis base object. |
| TimePickerItemsDelta | |
| TimePickerItemsDeltaWrapper | |
| TimePickerModel | Model used by Time Picker. |
| TimePickerWrapper | Wrapper for TimePickerModel model. |
| TimePickerWrapperBase<T,TOut> | Internal generic wrapper for the TimePickerModel model. |
| TimeXAxis<T> | wrapper around TimeXAxisModel class |
| TimeXAxisModel | class describing time x axis object. |
| ToolbarBuilder | Builder for ToolbarFormattingModel model. |
| ToolbarCopyPasteModel | |
| ToolbarCopyPasteWrapper | Wrapper for ToolbarCopyPasteModel model. |
| ToolbarCustomItemBuilder | Builder for models which implement the IToolbarItem interface. |
| ToolbarCustomItemModel | Model containing the options for the custom toolbar. |
| ToolbarCustomItemPropertiesBuilder | |
| ToolbarCustomItemPropertiesModel | |
| ToolbarCustomItemPropertiesWrapper | Wrapper for ToolbarCustomItemPropertyModel model. |
| ToolbarCustomItemPropertyModel | |
| ToolbarCustomItemWrapper | Wrapper for ToolbarCustomItemModel model. |
| ToolbarFormattingModel | Model containing the options for the Formatting toolbar. |
| ToolbarFormattingWrapper | Wrapper for ToolbarFormattingModel model. |
| ToolbarInsertObjectModel | |
| ToolbarInsertObjectWrapper | Wrapper for ToolbarInsertObjectModel model. |
| ToolbarTextModel | |
| ToolbarTextWrapper | Wrapper for ToolbarTextModel model. |
| Transaction<T> | Transaction wrapper |
| TreeBindings | Model for the bindings used for data binding by the igTree |
| TreeBindingsWrapper | Wrapper for TreeBindings model. |
| TreeClientEvents | Client events exposed by the igTree widget. |
| TreeDragAndDropSettings | Model for the drag and drop settings for the igTree. |
| TreeDragAndDropSettingsWrapper | Wrapper for TreeDragAndDropSettings model. |
| TreeDragCursorPosition | Model for the igTree dragCursorAt option of the dragAndDropSettings. |
| TreeDragCursorPositionWrapper | Wrapper for TreeDragCursorPosition model. |
| TreeGridClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Tree Grid Framework (igTreeGrid widget) |
| TreeGridColumnMoving | Describes the tree grid ColumnMoving feature |
| TreeGridColumnMovingWrapper | wrapper around TreeGridColumnMoving, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax |
| TreeGridDataSourceActionAttribute | this is an attribute class which extends the MVC FilterAttribute. It should be put on top of the controller method that should return JSON (even though in the user code it will return Action Result). It inherits GridDataSourceActionAttribute as adding specific for the TreeGrid functionality |
| TreeGridDataSourceSettings | |
| TreeGridDataSourceSettingsBuilder<T> | helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the TreeGridDataSourceSettings collection in the MVC View |
| TreeGridDataSourceSettingsWrapper | wrapper around TreeGridDataSourceSettings, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax |
| TreeGridFeatureBuilder<T> | builder class allowing fluent syntax for grid features such as paging, sorting, filtering, etc. |
| TreeGridFeatureFactory | The TreeGrid factory class is used to create specific(for the TreeGrid) feature instances. It is used for creating TreeGrid feature instances - like TreeGridPaging, TreeGridFiltering, etc.(mainly used in TreeGridDataSourceActionAttribute) (Example: For TreeGrid - it instantiates TreeGridFiltering, TreeGridPaging, etc.) |
| TreeGridFiltering | Describes the tree grid filtering feature |
| TreeGridFilteringWrapper | wrapper around GridFiltering, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax |
| TreeGridModel | Model containing the options for the igTreeGrid widget |
| TreeGridPaging | Describes the tree grid sorting feature |
| TreeGridPagingWrapper | wrapper around TreeGridPaging, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax |
| TreeGridRenderer | JavaScript definition renderer for the igTreeGrid control |
| TreeGridResizing | Describes the tree grid resizing feature |
| TreeGridResizingWrapper | wrapper around TreeGridResizing, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax |
| TreeGridRowSelectors | Describes the tree grid row selectors feature |
| TreeGridRowSelectorsWrapper | wrapper around TreeGridRowSelectors, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax |
| TreeGridSelection | Describes the treegrid selection feature |
| TreeGridSelectionWrapper | wrapper around TreeGridSelection, allows chained calls and fluent syntax |
| TreeGridSorting | Describes the tree grid sorting feature |
| TreeGridSortingWrapper | wrapper around TreeGridSorting, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax |
| TreeGridUpdating | GridUpdating |
| TreeGridUpdatingWrapper | wrapper for the Updating feature |
| TreeGridWrapper<T> | TreeGrid definition containing methods that can be chained. Implementation of the Fluent design pattern which allows the control to be configured directly in the view |
| TreeModel | Model containing the options for the igTree widget |
| TreeRenderer | Javascript definition renderer for the igTree control |
| TreeWrapper | Wrapper for TreeModel model |
| TRIXIndicator<T> | wrapper around TRIXIndicatorModel class |
| TRIXIndicatorModel | class describing t r i x indicator object. |
| TypicalPriceIndicator<T> | wrapper around TypicalPriceIndicatorModel class |
| TypicalPriceIndicatorModel | class describing typical price indicator object. |
| UltimateOscillatorIndicator<T> | wrapper around UltimateOscillatorIndicatorModel class |
| UltimateOscillatorIndicatorModel | class describing ultimate oscillator indicator object. |
| UnboundColumn | |
| UnboundColumnWrapper<T> | |
| UploadBaseEventArgs | Represents Base Class for EventArgs All non cancellable EventArgs classes should extend it |
| UploadCancellableBaseEventArgs | Base class for file upload cancellable event arguments |
| UploadClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by File Upload (igUpload widget) |
| UploadExtensionIcon | Contains the icon classes for a set of extensions. |
| UploadExtensionIconBuilder | Builder for UploadExtensionIcon model. |
| UploadExtensionIconWrapper | Wrapper for UploadExtensionIcon model. |
| UploadFinishedEventArgs | EventArguments class initialized when file is finished |
| UploadFinishingEventArgs | EventArguments class initialized when the whole request of the file is processed and it should be saved from temporary file to original file Cancellable event argument |
| UploadInfo | Represents file which is uploading - its file size, uploaded bytes, filename, etc. |
| UploadModel | Model containing the options for the Upload widget. |
| UploadModule | Module which process Http Request and manages files uploading |
| UploadProgressManager | Singleton class Proxy class which is used as instance in HTTPModule and HttpHandler - get commands from httphandler and send it to module Get information for each of the file from HTTPModule and send it to httphandler |
| UploadStartingEventArgs | Class for file upload starting event arguments |
| UploadStatusHandler | Handler which process the client commands for file upload |
| UploadWrapper | Wrapper for UploadModel model. |
| ValidationInputMessagePosition | Returns or sets the position of the screen tip used to display the input message for the data validation rule associated with the active cell. |
| ValidationInputMessagePositionWrapper | Returns or sets the position of the screen tip used to display the input message for the data validation rule associated with the active cell. |
| ValidatorField | Class describing the field options for the Validator widget. |
| ValidatorFieldBuilder | Builder for ValidatorField model. |
| ValidatorFieldWrapper | Wrapper for ValidatorField model. |
| ValidatorModel | Class describing the options available for the Validator widget. |
| ValidatorOptionsBase | Base options available for the Validator when cofigured through another widget. |
| ValidatorOptionsBaseWrapper<T,TOut> | Internal options wrapper for EditorValidatorOptions |
| ValidatorRule | Base rule options with error message |
| ValidatorWrapper | Wrapper for ValidatorModel model. |
| ValidatorWrapperBase<T,TOut> | Internal implementation of the wrapper for ValidatorModel model. |
| ValueBrushScale | A wrapper to configure a bing maps ValueBrushScale content with a fluent interface. |
| ValueBrushScaleModel | Model containing the options for the ValueBrushScale property |
| ValueRangeValidatorRule | Specifies settings for range rule for value. |
| VerticalAnchoredCategorySeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around VerticalAnchoredCategorySeriesModel class |
| VerticalAnchoredCategorySeriesModel | class describing vertical anchored category series object. |
| VerticalStackedSeriesBase<T,M,A> | wrapper around VerticalStackedSeriesBaseModel class |
| VerticalStackedSeriesBaseModel | class describing vertical stacked series base object. |
| VideoPlayerAdMessageOptions | Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's AdMessage feature. |
| VideoPlayerAdMessageOptionsWrapper | Wrapper for VideoPlayerAdMessageOptions model. |
| VideoPlayerBanner | Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's Banner feature. |
| VideoPlayerBannerBuilder | Builder for VideoPlayerBanner model. |
| VideoPlayerBannerWrapper | Wrapper for VideoPlayerBanner model. |
| VideoPlayerBookmark | Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's Bookmark feature. |
| VideoPlayerBookmarkBuilder | Builder for VideoPlayerBookmark model. |
| VideoPlayerBookmarkWrapper | Wrapper for VideoPlayerBookmark model. |
| VideoPlayerClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by Video Player (igVideoPlayer widget) |
| VideoPlayerCommercialOptions | Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's Commercial feature. |
| VideoPlayerCommercialOptionsWrapper | Wrapper for VideoPlayerCommercialOptions model. |
| VideoPlayerEmbeddedCommercial | Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's EmbeddedCommercial feature. |
| VideoPlayerEmbeddedCommercialBuilder | Builder for VideoPlayerEmbeddedCommercial model. |
| VideoPlayerEmbeddedCommercialWrapper | Wrapper for VideoPlayerEmbeddedCommercial model. |
| VideoPlayerLinkedCommercial | Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's LinkedCommercial feature. |
| VideoPlayerLinkedCommercialBuilder | Builder for VideoPlayerLinkedCommercial model. |
| VideoPlayerLinkedCommercialWrapper | Wrapper for VideoPlayerLinkedCommercial model. |
| VideoPlayerModel | Model containing the options for the VideoPlayer widget. |
| VideoPlayerRelatedVideo | Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's RelatedVideo feature |
| VideoPlayerRelatedVideoBuilder | Builder for VideoPlayerRelatedVideo model. |
| VideoPlayerRelatedVideoWrapper | Wrapper for VideoPlayerRelatedVideo model. |
| VideoPlayerWrapper | Wrapper for VideoPlayerModel model. |
| WaterfallSeries<T> | wrapper around WaterfallSeriesModel class |
| WaterfallSeriesModel | class describing waterfall series object. |
| WeightedCloseIndicator<T> | wrapper around WeightedCloseIndicatorModel class |
| WeightedCloseIndicatorModel | class describing weighted close indicator object. |
| WilliamsPercentRIndicator<T> | wrapper around WilliamsPercentRIndicatorModel class |
| WilliamsPercentRIndicatorModel | class describing williams percent r indicator object. |
| WrappedGridResponse | |
| XamBarcode<T,M,A> | wrapper around XamBarcodeModel class wrapper around XamBarcodeModel class |
| XamBarcodeModel | class describing xam barcode object. class describing xam barcode object. |
| XamGridBarcode<T,M,A> | wrapper around XamGridBarcodeModel class |
| XamGridBarcodeModel | class describing xam grid barcode object. |
| XmlaDataSourceActionAttribute | An attribute for an action which has to handle requests for a XMLA service. |
| XmlaDataSourceModel | A model class provided to the action result of the controllers' action decorated with XmlaDataSourceActionAttribute. |
| XmlaOptions | Model containing the options for XmlaDataSource. |
| XmlaOptionsWrapper | Wrapper for XmlaOptions model. |
| XmlaRequestOptions | Model containing the options for XmlaDataSource's RequestOptions. |
| XmlaRequestOptionsWrapper | Wrapper for XmlaRequestOptions model. |
| XYChart<T,M,A> | wrapper around XYChartModel class |
| XYChartModel | class describing x y chart object. |
| XYTriangulatingSeries<T,M,A> | wrapper around XYTriangulatingSeriesModel class |
| XYTriangulatingSeriesModel | class describing x y triangulating series object. |
| ZoombarClientEvents | Names of client events exposed by igZoombar widget |
| ZoombarModel | Model containing the options for the igZoombar widget |
| ZoombarRenderer | Javascript definition renderer for the igZoombar control |
| ZoombarWrapper | Wrapper for ZoombarModel |
| ZoomWindow | Class representing a zoom window by position left and width |
| ZoomWindowWrapper | Wrapper around the zoom window object |