
igTree Known Limitations

Known Issues and Limitations Overview

Issues/Limitations chart

The table below briefly describes the known issues/limitations of the Ignite UI for jQuery® 2022.1 release for the igTree™ control. Detailed explanations and the possible workarounds are provided for some of the issues in the blocks following the table.


Workaround available
No known workaround
Fix planned
Feature Description Workaround?
LI fixed widths In IE7, when LI elements inherit fixed widths from their parent containers, the content of a given LI may be larger than this fixed width and thus the LI always wraps.
Searching nodes with Load on demand When using the findNodesByText method, searching is limited to the nodes that have been rendered on the client. Therefore, using this in conjunction with loadOnDemand enabled will return results only from the nodes that have been created.
Active node styles do not de-activate properly In Firefox, there is an issue in jQuery 1.4.4 which fails to fire the blur event as expected. This causes the active styles of nodes to remain even after they are no longer active.
Client-side binding to XML Binding to XML with hierarchical bindings is fully supported under ASP.NET MVC but client-side binding is limited to flat bindings. This is planned to be supported in a future release.
Move and copy a node without primary key in a tree with primary keys This is caused by mixtured of bindings that contain primary keys and ones that do not.

LI fixed widths limitation description

When LI elements inherit fixed widths from their parent containers in IE7, the content of a given LI may be larger than this fixed width and thus the LI always wraps it.

LI fixed widths workaround

This can be resolved by explicitly setting the appropriate custom width to all LI elements of the tree.

Active node styles description

In Firefox, there is an issue in jQuery 1.4.4 which fails to fire the blur event as expected. This causes the active styles of nodes to remain even after they are no longer active.

Active node styles workaround

Upgrade to a later version of jQuery after 1.4.4 or upgrade to the latest service release of Ignite UI for jQuery where the igTree control resolves this issue internally.

Move and copy a node without primary key in a tree with primary keys

Do not mix bindings with primary keys and bindings without.

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