
ComboClientEvents Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ComboClientEvents.

Public Fields
Public FieldDataBindingEvent which is raised before data binding.

Function takes first argument null and second argument ui.

Use ui.owner to obtain reference to igCombo.

Use ui.dataSource to obtain reference to instance of $.ig.DataSource used by combo.  
Public FieldDataBoundEvent which is raised after data binding is complete. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use ui.owner to obtain reference to igCombo performing the data binding. Use ui.dataView to get a reference to the data igCombo is databound to. Use ui.success to see if the databinding was performed correctly. Use ui.errorMessage to get the error message if the databinding failed.  
Public FieldDropDownClosedEvent which is raised after drop-down list was closed. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use evt.originalEvent to obtain reference to event of browser. Use ui.owner to obtain reference to igCombo. Use ui.element to obtain reference to jquery DOM element which represents container of list.  
Public FieldDropDownClosingEvent which is raised before drop-down list is closed. Return false in order to cancel hide action. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use evt.originalEvent to obtain reference to event of browser. Use ui.owner to obtain reference to igCombo. Use ui.element to obtain reference to jquery DOM element which represents container of list.  
Public FieldDropDownOpenedEvent which is raised after drop-down list was opened. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use evt.originalEvent to obtain reference to event of browser. Use ui.owner to obtain reference to igCombo. Use ui.element to obtain reference to jquery DOM element which represents container of list.  
Public FieldDropDownOpeningEvent which is raised before drop-down list is opened. Return false in order to cancel drop-down action. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use evt.originalEvent to obtain reference to event of browser. Use ui.owner to obtain reference to igCombo. Use ui.element to obtain reference to jquery DOM element which represents container of list.  
Public FieldFilteredEvent which is raised after filtering. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use evt.originalEvent to obtain reference to event of browser. That can be null. Use ui.owner to obtain reference to igCombo. Use ui.expression to obtain reference to array which contains expressions supported by $.ig.DataSource. Each expression-item contains following members: fieldName (textKey), cond (filteringCondition), expr (value/string to filter).  
Public FieldFilteringEvent which is raised before data filtering. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use evt.originalEvent to obtain reference to event of browser. That can be null. Use ui.owner to obtain reference to igCombo. Use ui.expression to obtain reference to array which contains expressions supported by $.ig.DataSource. Each expression-item contains following members: fieldName (textKey), cond (filteringCondition), expr (value/string to filter).  
Public FieldItemsRenderedEvent which is raised after rendering of the combo items completes. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use ui.owner to get a reference to the combo performing rendering. Use ui.items to get a reference to the items rendered.  
Public FieldItemsRenderingEvent which is raised before rendering of the combo items is performed. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use ui.owner to get a reference to the combo performing rendering.  
Public FieldRenderedEvent which is raised after rendering of the combo completes. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use ui.owner to get a reference to the combo performing rendering. Use ui.element to get a reference to the main/top combo element.  
Public FieldSelectionChangedEvent which is raised after selection change. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use evt.originalEvent to obtain reference to event of browser. That can be null. Use ui.owner to obtain reference to igCombo. Use ui.items to obtain reference to array of new selected items. That can be null. Use ui.oldItems to obtain reference to array of old selected items. That can be null.  
Public FieldSelectionChangingEvent which is raised before selection change. Return false in order to cancel change. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use evt.originalEvent to obtain reference to event of browser. That can be null. Use ui.owner to obtain reference to igCombo. Use ui.items to obtain reference to array of new selected items. That can be null. Use ui.oldItems to obtain reference to array of old selected items. That can be null.  
See Also

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