
GridCellMergingClientEvents Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by GridCellMergingClientEvents.

Public Fields
Public FieldCellsMergedEvent fired after a new merged cells group is created. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use ui.row to get reference to the row the merged group starts in. Use ui.rowIndex to get the index of the row the merged group starts in. Use ui.rowKey to get the key of the row the merged group starts in. Use ui.owner to get reference to igGridCellMerging. Use ui.grid to get reference to the igGrid the igGridCellMerging are initialized for. Use ui.value to get the cells value which is repeated and caused the merged group to be created. Use ui.count to get the total count of cells that were merged.  
Public FieldCellsMergingEvent fired before a new merged cells group is created. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use ui.row to get reference to the row the merged group starts in. Use ui.rowIndex to get the index of the row the merged group starts in. Use ui.rowKey to get the key of the row the merged group starts in. Use ui.owner to get reference to igGridCellMerging. Use ui.grid to get reference to the igGrid the igGridCellMerging are initialized for. Use ui.value to get the cells value which is repeated and caused the merged group to be created.  
See Also

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