Version 22.2

Configuring Bootstrap Support (igGrid, RWD Mode)

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to configure Responsive Web Design (RWD) mode for the igGrid™ control using Twitter Bootstrap’s RWD classes.

Required background

The following table lists the topics and articles required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

Configuring Bootstrap Support

You can configure Twitter Bootstrap to be used for RWD Mode profiles. The RWD Mode feature (infragistics.ui.grid.responsive.js) has a class which supports Twitter-Bootstrap-framework-responsive CSS classes. This class is named $.ig.BootstrapMode and is activated in the responsiveModes option.

Note: You need to include Twitter bootstrap CSS file in order to use the CSS class names.


Following is a conceptual overview of the process:

​1. Configuring the RWD Mode feature to use the Bootstrap JavaScript utility class for profile activation

​2. Configuring RWD Mode column hiding, row and column templates by using Twitter Bootstrap


To configure Twitter Bootstrap for use with RWD Mode profiles:

  1. Configure the RWD Mode feature to use the Bootstrap JavaScript utility class for profile activation.

    Bootstrap profile activation is configured in RWD Mode responsiveModes option, which is an object with properties, the names of the RWD Mode profiles and values the lowercased name of the class which implements the profile activation (without the "Mode" suffix). In this case the value will be "bootstrap" for all of the modes (Desktop, Tablet, Phone), because one class is responsible for all of the profile activations.


    In JavaScript:

     responsiveModes: {
         desktop: “bootstrap”,
         tablet: “bootstrap”,
         phone: “bootstrap”
  2. Configure RWD Mode column hiding, row and column templates by using Twitter Bootstrap.

    Once you have configured Twitter Bootstrap to be used for the RWD mode profiles, column hiding, row and column templates functionalities will use Twitter Bootstrap profile activation implementation.

    Note: If you plan on using the Bootstrap defined CSS classes only for hiding columns you don’t need to switch the RWD mode recognition to the Bootstrap one. You can use its CSS classes in RWD Mode column hiding directly with the columnSettings.classes property after you referenced the Twitter Bootstrap CSS file.

The following table matches the Twitter Bootstrap CSS classes to the RWD respective configurations.

Class Phone (up to 767 px) Tablet (768 ÷ 979 px) Desktop (980 px or more)
.visible-phone Visible Hidden Hidden
.visible-tablet Hidden Visible Hidden
.visible-desktop Hidden Hidden Visible
.hidden-phone Hidden Visible Visible
.hidden-tablet Visible Hidden Visible
.hidden-desktop Visible Visible Hidden


The below sample demonstrates how to configure Responsive Web Design Mode feature to use Twitter Bootstrap Framework utility class for profile activation.

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