Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Documents.Excel.ConditionalFormatting Namespace

ClassAverageConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on whether a cell's value is above or below the average or standard deviation for the associated range.
ClassBlanksConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on whether the cell's value is not set.
ClassCellConditionalFormat Represents the aggregated conditioal format for a specific cell. It is returned via the Worksheet.GetCellConditionalFormat and the WorksheetRow.GetCellConditionalFormat methods.
ClassCellDataBarInfo Exposes the information necessary for drawing a data bar for a specific cell.
ClassCellIconInfo Exposes the information necessary for drawing an icon for a specific cell.
ClassColorScaleConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the coloring of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on the cell's value as relative to minimum, midpoint, and maximum threshold values.
ClassColorScaleCriterion Defines the criterion for a ColorScaleConditionalFormat threshold.
ClassConditionalFormatBase Abstract base class for classes which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell, based on whether the cell's value meets a logical condition.
ClassConditionalFormatCollection Collection class for objects which derive from ConditionBase.
ClassConditionBase Abstract base class which encapsulates the condition for a formatting rule.
ClassConditionValue Exposes properties which define the value and its unit of measure for a conditional format threshold.
ClassCriterionBase Base class for the IconCriterion and ColorScaleCriterion classes.
ClassDataBarConditionalFormat Exposes properties which displays data bars in a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on the cell's value as relative to the associated range.
ClassDateTimeConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on whether a cell's date/time value falls within a given range of time.
ClassDuplicateConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on whether a cell's value is unique or duplicated across the associated range.
ClassErrorsConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on whether the cell's value is in error.
ClassFormulaConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on whether the cell's value meets the criteria defined by a formula.
ClassIconCriterion Defines the criterion for an IconSetConditionalFormat threshold.
ClassIconSetConditionalFormat Exposes properties which displays icons in a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on the cell's value as relative to threshold values.
ClassIconSetCriterionCollection Collection class for objects of type IconCriterion.
ClassNegativeBarFormat Exposes properties which control the appearance of negative-value data bars.
ClassNoBlanksConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on whether the cell's value is not set.
ClassNoErrorsConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on whether the cell's value is in error.
ClassOperatorConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on whether the cell's value meets the criteria defined by a logical operator.
ClassRankConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on whether a cell's value is within the top or bottom rank of values across the associated range.
ClassTextOperatorConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on whether the cell's text value meets the criteria defined by a string and a FormatConditionTextOperator value.
ClassThresholdConditionBase Base class for the DataBarConditionalFormat, IconSetConditionalFormat, and ColorScaleConditionalFormat classes.
ClassUniqueConditionalFormat Exposes properties which control the visual attributes of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCell based on whether a cell's value is unique across the associated range.
EnumerationColorScaleCriterionThreshold Constants which identify the threshold of a ColorScaleCriterion.
EnumerationColorScaleType Constants which identify whether a ColorScaleConditionalFormat supports two or three thresholds. Used to differentiate between a 2-color and 3-color scale.
EnumerationDataBarAxisPosition Constants which determine the axis position for a DataBarConditionalFormat.
EnumerationDataBarDirection Constants which determine whether data bars are filled with a solid color or with a gradient.
EnumerationDataBarFillType Constants which determine whether data bars are filled with a solid color or with a gradient.
EnumerationDataBarNegativeBarColorType Constants which specify the manner in which the color for negative-value data bars is determined.
EnumerationFormatConditionAboveBelow Constants which specify the manner in which cell values are compared when evaluating a AverageConditionalFormat.
EnumerationFormatConditionOperator Constants which specify the manner in which a cell value is compared against one or more operands.
EnumerationFormatConditionTextOperator Constants which specify the text comparison method applied when evaluating a format condition.
EnumerationFormatConditionTimePeriod Constants which define the manner in which a cell's date/time value is compared when evaluating a DateTimeConditionalFormat.
EnumerationFormatConditionTopBottom Constans which identify whether a RankConditionalFormat evaluates to true for the top or bottom ranked values across the associated range.
EnumerationFormatConditionType Constants which determine the criteria for a format condition.
EnumerationFormatConditionValueType Constants which identify the type of value which defines the criteria for a ColorScaleCriterion or IconCriterion.
EnumerationThresholdComparison Constants which determine the manner in which cell values are compared to the ConditionValue.Value property when conditional criteria is evaluated by an IconSetConditionalFormat.
See Also

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