The following tables list the members exposed by Names.
Name | Description | |
AFTNCN | Represents a notice for continued endnotes. | |
AFTNSEP | Represents a separation of endnotes from the document. | |
AFTNSEPC | Represents a separation of continued endnotes from the document. | |
ANNOTATION | Represents an annotation or comment. | |
Apostrophe | Represents an apostrophe character. | |
Asterisk | Represents an Asterisk character ("*"). | |
ATNAUTHOR | Represents an annotation's author. | |
ATNDATE | Represents an annotation's date. | |
ATNICN | Represents an annotation's icon. | |
ATNID | Represents an annotation's ID. | |
ATNPARENT | Represents the parent of an annotation. | |
ATNREF | Represents a numberical reference for an annotation. | |
ATNTIME | Represents an annotation's timestamp. | |
ATRFEND | Represents the end of an annotation. | |
ATRFSTART | Represents the beginning of an annotation. | |
AUTHOR | Represents the author of a document. | |
B | Represents bold formatting. | |
BACKGROUND | Represents the document background. | |
BIN | Represents the "\bin" keyword. | |
BKMKEND | Represents the end of a bookmark. | |
BKMKSTART | Represents the beginning of a bookmark. | |
BLUE | Represents the blue index. | |
BULLET | Represents a bullet character. | |
BUPTIM | Represents the backup time. | |
CAPS | Represents all capital lettering. | |
CATEGORY | Represents the category of the document. | |
CB | Represents the character background color. | |
CELL | Represents the end of a table cell. | |
CF | Represents the character foreground color. | |
Colon | Represents a colon character (":"). | |
COLORTBL | Represents a color table. | |
COMMENT | Represents comments whose text is ignored. | |
COMPANY | Represents the company of the author. | |
CREATIM | Represents the creation time. | |
DATAFIELD | Represents an entry in a field. | |
DEFF | Represents a default font number. | |
DEFTAB | Represents the default tab width in twips. | |
DO | Represents a drawing object. | |
DOCCOMM | Represents comments displayed in the Summary Info or Properties dialog box in Word. | |
DOCVAR | Represents a group that defines a document variable name and its value. | |
DPTXBXTEXT | Represents a group that contains the text of the text box. | |
EMDASH | Represents a double-dash ("--"). | |
EMSPACE | Represents a nonbreaking space equal to the width of the character 'm' in the current font. | |
ENDASH | Represents a single dash ("-"). | |
ENSPACE | Represents a nonbreaking space equal to the width of the character 'n' in the current font. | |
F | Represents a number in the font table. | |
FALT | Represents an alternate font name to use if a font in the font table is not available. | |
FBIDI | Represents arabic, hebrew, or other bidirections fonts. | |
FCHARS | Represents a list of following kinsoku characters. | |
FCHARSET | Represents the character set of a font in the font table. | |
FDECOR | Represents decorative fonts. | |
FFDEFTEXT | Represents the default text for a text field. | |
FFENTRYMCR | Represents a macro to be executed upon entry into the form field. | |
FFEXITMCR | Represents a macro to be executed upon exiting into the form field. | |
FFFORMAT | Represents a format for a text field. | |
FFHELPTEXT | Represents the help text. | |
FFL | Represents a list of text for a list field. | |
FFNAME | Represents a form field name. | |
FFSTATTEXT | Represents status line text. | |
FI | Represents a first-line indent. | |
FIELD | Represents a field destination. | |
FILE | Represents the beginning of a file group. | |
FILETBL | Represents a list of documents referenced by the current document. | |
FLDINST | Represents field instructions. | |
FLDRSLT | Represents the most recent calculated result of a field. | |
FLDTYPE | Represents the type of a field. | |
FMODERN | Represents fixed-pitch serif and sans-serif fonts. | |
FNAME | Represents an optional control word in the font table to define the non-tagged font name. | |
FNIL | Represents an unknown or default font. | |
FONTEMB | Represents an embedded font. | |
FONTFILE | Represents the file name of a font. | |
FONTTBL | Represents a font table group. | |
FOOTER | Represents a footer on all pages. | |
FOOTERF | Represents a footer on the first page only. | |
FOOTERL | Represents a footer on left pages only. | |
FOOTNOTE | Represents a footnote. | |
FORMFIELD | Represents the start of form field data. | |
FROMAN | Represents Roman, proportionally spaced serif fonts. | |
FS | Represents the font size in half-points. | |
FSCRIPT | Represents script fonts. | |
FSWISS | Represents Swiss, proportionally spaced sand serif fonts. | |
FTECH | Represents technical, symbol, and mathematical fonts. | |
FTNCN | Represents a notice for continued footnotes. | |
FTNSEP | Represents a text argument separating footnotes from the document. | |
FTNSEPC | Represents a text argument separating continued footnotes from the document. | |
G | Represents a character grid. | |
GCW | Represents a character grid column width. | |
GENERATOR | Defines a keyword name. | |
GREEN | Represents the green index. | |
GRIDTBL | Represents a keyword relating to a character grid. | |
HEADER | Represents a header on all pages. | |
HEADERF | Represents a header on the first page only. | |
HEADERL | Represents a header on left pages only. | |
HTMLTAG | Represents an individual HTML tag. | |
HyphenMinus | Represents a dash character ("-"). | |
I | Represents italic formatting. | |
INFO | Represents an information group. | |
INTBL | Represents that the paragraph is part of a table. | |
KEYCODE | Represents the key code relating to a particular style. | |
KEYWORDS | Represents the selected keywords for the document. | |
LANDSCAPE | Represents landscape format. | |
LCHARS | Represents a list of leading kinsoku characters. | |
LDBLQUOTE | Represents a left double quotation mark. | |
LeftCurlyBracket | Represents an opening curly bracket ("{"). | |
LEVELNUMBERS | Represents a string that gives offsets into the LEVELTEXT of the level place holders. | |
LI | Represents a left indent. | |
LINE | Represents a required line break (no paragraph break). | |
LISTNAME | Represents a string that is the name of a list. | |
LISTTEXT | Represents the flat-text representation of the number, including character properties. | |
LNDSCPSXN | Represents the page orientation as landscape. | |
LowLine | Represents an underscore character. | |
LQUOTE | Represents a left single quotation mark. | |
MANAGER | Represents the manager of a document. | |
MARGB | Represents the bottom margin in twips. | |
MARGBSXN | Represents the bottom margin of the page in twips. | |
MARGL | Represents the left margin in twips. | |
MARGLSXN | Represents the left margin of the page in twips. | |
MARGR | Represents the right margin in twips. | |
MARGRSXN | Represents the right margin of the page in twips. | |
MARGT | Represents the top margin in twips. | |
MARGTSXN | Represents the top margin of the page in twips. | |
MHTMLTAG | Represents an encapsulated tag with rewritten URL links that should be used when converting to HTML. | |
NESTTABLEPROPS | Represents the properties of a nested table. | |
NEXTFILE | Represents the neame of the file to print or index next. | |
NONESTTABLES | Represents text for readers that do not understand nested tables. | |
NOSUPERSUB | Represents turning off superscripting or subscripting. | |
OBJALIAS | Represents the alias record for the publisher object for the Macintosh Edition Manager. | |
OBJCLASS | Represents the object class to use for the object. | |
OBJDATA | Represents the data for the object in the appropriate format. | |
OBJECT | Represents an object. | |
OBJNAME | Represents the name of an object. | |
OBJSECT | Represents the section record for the publisher object for the Macintosh Edition Manager. | |
OBJTIME | Represents the time that the object was last updated. | |
OLDCPROPS | Defines a keyword name. | |
OLDPPROPS | Defines a keyword name. | |
OLDSPROPS | Defines a keyword name. | |
OLDTPROPS | Defines a keyword name. | |
OPERATOR | Represents the person who last made changes to the document. | |
PANOSE | Represents a 10-byte Panose 1 number. | |
PAPERH | Represents the paper height in twips. | |
PAPERW | Represents the paper width in twips. | |
PAR | Represents a new paragraph. | |
PARD | Represents a reset to default paragraph properties. | |
PGHSXN | Represents the page height in twips. | |
PGP | Defines a keyword name. | |
PGPTBL | Defines a keyword name. | |
PGWSXN | Specifies the page width in twips. | |
PICH | Represents the height in pixels of a picture. | |
PICPROP | Represents shape properties that are applied to an inline picture. | |
PICT | Represents a picture. | |
PICW | Represents the width in pixels of a picture. | |
PLAIN | Represents a reset of font formatting properties to default values. | |
PN | Represents enabling paragraph numbering. | |
PNSECLVL | Represents the default numbering for a list in a multilevel list. | |
PNTEXT | Represents a auto-generated text and formatting that precedes all numbered/bulleted paragraphs. | |
PNTXTA | Represents text that succeeds a paragraph number. | |
PNTXTB | Represents text the precedes the paragraph number. | |
PRINTIM | Represents the last print time. | |
PRIVATE | Obsolete destination and should be skipped by RTF readers. | |
PWD | Substitue for RTF, introduced by PocketWord to distinguish their files from general RTF files. | |
PXE | Represents the pronunciation for an index entry. | |
QC | Represents a center alignment. | |
QD | Represents a distributed alignment. | |
QJ | Represents a justified alignment. | |
QL | Represents a left alignment. | |
QMSPACE | Represents one-quarter of an EMSPACE. | |
QR | Represents a right alignment. | |
RDBLQUOTE | Represents a right double quotation mark. | |
RED | Represents the red index. | |
RESULT | Represents the last update of the result of an OBJECT. | |
ReverseSolidus | Represents a double-backslash. | |
REVTBL | Represents a group of subgroups that each identify the author of a revision. | |
REVTIM | Represents a revision time. | |
RI | Represents a right indent. | |
RightCurlyBracket | Represents a closing curly bracket ("}"). | |
ROW | Represents the end of a table row. | |
RQUOTE | Represents a right single quotation mark. | |
RSIDTBL | Defines a keyword name. | |
RTF | Represents the "\rtf" keyword. | |
RXE | Represents a bookmark for a range of page numbers. | |
SECT | Represents a new section. | |
SECTD | Represents a reset to default section properties. | |
SHPPICT | Specifies a Word 97 picture. | |
STRIKE | Represents strikeout text. | |
STYLESHEET | Represents definitions and descriptions of various styles used in the document. | |
SUB | Represents subscripted text. | |
SUBJECT | Represents the subject of a document. | |
SUPER | Represents superscripted text. | |
TAB | Represents a tab character. | |
TC | Represents a table of contents entry. | |
TEMPLATE | Represents the name of a related template file. | |
Tilde | Represents a non-breaking space. | |
TITLE | Represents the title of a document. | |
TX | Represents a tabstop. | |
TXE | Represents the text to be used instead of a page number. | |
U | Represents a single Unicode character that has no equivalent ANSI representation. | |
UC | Represents the number of bytes corresponding to a given Unicode character. | |
UD | Represents a destination that is represented in Unicode. | |
UL | Represents continuous underlining. | |
ULNONE | Represents the stoppage of all underlining. | |
UPR | Represents a destination with two embedded destinations, one for Unicode and one for ANSI. | |
URTF | Represents an RTF file in which all text is encoded in UTF-8. | |
USERPROPS | Represents user-defined document properties. | |
V | Represents hidden text. | |
VerticalLine | Represents a vertical line character ("|"). | |
WMETAFILE | Represents a Windows metafile. | |
XE | Represents an index entry. |
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