| Name | Description |
| AddClientEvent | ModelWidgetBase.AddClientEvent |
| AllowedExtensions | UploadModel.AllowedExtensions |
| AutoStartUpload | UploadModel.AutoStartUpload |
| ClientEvents | Sets the Upload model ModelWidgetBase.ClientEvents |
| ControlId | UploadModel.ControlId |
| ErrorMessageAJAXRequestFileSize | UploadModel.ErrorMessageAJAXRequestFileSize |
| ErrorMessageCancelUpload | UploadModel.ErrorMessageCancelUpload |
| ErrorMessageGetFileStatus | UploadModel.ErrorMessageGetFileStatus |
| ErrorMessageMaxFileSizeExceeded | UploadModel.ErrorMessageMaxFileSizeExceeded |
| ErrorMessageMaxSimultaneousFiles | UploadModel.ErrorMessageMaxSimultaneousFiles |
| ErrorMessageMaxUploadedFiles | UploadModel.ErrorMessageMaxUploadedFiles |
| ErrorMessageNoSuchFile | UploadModel.ErrorMessageNoSuchFile |
| ErrorMessageOther | UploadModel.ErrorMessageOther |
| ErrorMessageValidatingFileExtension | UploadModel.ErrorMessageValidatingFileExtension |
| FileExtensionIcons | UploadModel.FileExtensionIcons |
| FileSizeDecimalDisplay | UploadModel.FileSizeDecimalDisplay |
| FileSizeMetric | UploadModel.FileSizeMetric |
| Height | UploadModel.Height |
| HtmlAttributes | UploadModel.HtmlAttributes |
| ID | UploadModel.ID |
| LabelAddButton | UploadModel.LabelAddButton |
| LabelClearAllButton | UploadModel.LabelClearAllButton |
| LabelHideDetails | UploadModel.LabelHideDetails |
| LabelProgressBarFileNameContinue | UploadModel.LabelProgressBarFileNameContinue |
| LabelShowDetails | UploadModel.LabelShowDetails |
| LabelSummaryProgressBarTemplate | UploadModel.LabelSummaryProgressBarTemplate |
| LabelSummaryProgressButtonCancel | UploadModel.LabelSummaryProgressButtonCancel |
| LabelSummaryProgressButtonContinue | UploadModel.LabelSummaryProgressButtonContinue |
| LabelSummaryProgressButtonDone | UploadModel.LabelSummaryProgressButtonDone |
| LabelSummaryTemplate | UploadModel.LabelSummaryTemplate |
| LabelUploadButton | UploadModel.LabelUploadButton |
| Language | Set control language. Possible values are: "en", "bg", "ru", "ja", "fr", "es", "de" (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.Mvc.Framework.LocalizationBaseWrapper<UploadModel,UploadWrapper>) |
| Locale | Set control locale. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.Mvc.Framework.LocalizationBaseWrapper<UploadModel,UploadWrapper>) |
| MaxFileSize | Gets or sets the maximum size(in bytes) allowed for the file to be uploaded. If it is set to null or -1 there is no limitation otherwise if the size(of the selected file) exceeds this value it is not allowed to be uploaded. This option is used for validation only on client side and only if the browser supports HTML5 file API and share information about the file size |
| MaxSimultaneousFilesUploads | UploadModel.MaxSimultaneousFilesUploads |
| MaxUploadedFiles | UploadModel.MaxUploadedFiles |
| Mode | UploadModel.Mode |
| MultipleFiles | Get or set a bool setting that allows user to select(for upload) more than 1 file from the browse dialog at once. HTML 5+ - it is supported by Chrome, MOzilla FF, Safar, Opera latest versions and IE10+ |
| ProgressUrl | UploadModel.ProgressUrl |
| Regional | Set control regional. Example: "en" or "en-GB" (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.Mvc.Framework.LocalizationBaseWrapper<UploadModel,UploadWrapper>) |
| Render | Render the upload widget with the accumulated model changes in the wrapper. |
| ShowFileExtensionIcon | UploadModel.ShowFileExtensionIcon |
| UploadUrl | UploadModel.UploadUrl |
| Width | UploadModel.Width |