Version 24.2 (latest)

Optimizing Performance (igCombo)

Topic Overview


This topic demonstrates how to enable item virtualization for maximum performance while scrolling the igCombo™ control.

Required background

You need to first read the igCombo Overview and Adding igCombo topic.

Infragistics Combo Configuration Overview

Control configuration

Enable the virtualization option to make the igCombo’s dropdown scroll quickly even with large amounts of data.

Virtualization details

The virtualization option enables the igCombo control to re-use HTML elements for each list item. The data is stored locally in a compact JSON format. When scrolling the igCombo’s dropdown, the HTML elements are re-used but different data is bound to the dropdown as the scrollbar’s position changes.

Virtualization property settings

The table below maps the desired configurations to property settings. The properties are accessed through the igCombo control’s options.

In order to… Use this property: And set it to…
Enable virtualization virtualization true

Example: enabling virtualization


    virtualization: true,


<%= Html.
    Render() %>

Virtualization property reference

For detailed information about these properties, refer to their listing in the property reference section:

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