
Styling igUpload

This topic demonstrates how to customize the igUpload control to achieve a custom look and feel. You’ll also learn about the required scripts and styles needed to style the control.

Required CSS and Themes

The Ignite UI for jQuery™ igUpload, like other jQuery widgets, utilizes the jQuery UI CSS Framework for styling. Included in Ignite UI for jQuery are custom jQuery UI themes called Infragistics and Metro. These themes provide a professional and attractive design to all Infragistics and standard jQuery UI widgets.

In addition to the Infragistics and Metro themes, there is a structure directory, which is required for the basic CSS layout of the Infragistics widgets.

Adding Required Themes to a Website

The Infragistics and Metro themes are located in the installed directory within the css folder. To add the themes to your application, copy the whole css folder (including structure and themes directories) into your site’s location.

Note: When using Infragistics Loader, the folder structure must be preserved. Thus the loader will work as expected. If some of the themes are not used they can be deleted, but the structure should remain the same.

Figure 1: Included theme folders upon product install

Infragistics and Metro Themes

The Infragistics Theme is a custom theme which includes all of the styles typically found in a jQuery UI theme. This theme may be replaced by a different theme but for the jQuery widgets to display correctly a reference to file {IG Resources root}/css/structure/infragistics.css is required..

Metro theme is implementation of the clean, modern and fast Metro design language. It has the same requirements for {IG Resources root}/css/structure/infragistics.css like Infragistics theme.

When using a theme other than the Infragistics (or Metro) theme, the igUpload has some additional styling points that may need customization to achieve a complete design (depending on the upload's enabled features and theme).

The igUpload control requires having a link to the stylesheet of a standard jQuery UI theme. For the IG Theme, you must include reference to the theme’s stylesheet in the page:

Listing 1: Manual CSS reference to Infragistics theme


<link href="css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="css/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.upload.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Listing 2: CSS reference to Infragistics theme in ASP.NET MVC


<%@ Import Namespace="Infragistics.Web.Mvc" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head runat="server">
<link href="<%= Url.Content("~/css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css") %>” rel="stylesheet"                                                                       type="text/css" />
<link href="<%= Url.Content("~/css/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.upload.css") %>” rel="stylesheet"                                                                       type="text/css" />

Metro Theme

The Metro Theme is referenced after the jQuery Theme. The following stylesheets are required when using the igUpload control:

Listing 3 : Manual CSS reference to the Metro theme


<link href="css/themes/metro/infragistics.theme.css " rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="css/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.upload.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Listing 4 : CSS reference to the Metro theme in ASP.NET MVC


<%@ Import Namespace="Infragistics.Web.Mvc" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head runat="server">
<link href="<%= Url.Content("~/css/themes/metro/infragistics.theme.css ") %>” rel="stylesheet"                                                                       type="text/css" />
<link href="<%= Url.Content("~/css/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.upload.css") %>” rel="stylesheet"                                                                       type="text/css" />

CSS Property

The upload CSS property is the member where all the styles for the control are applied. Table 1 shows all the properties of the CSS object property and all the rules applied to them. This gives you the freedom to create your own theme by overwriting specific classes.

Note: The Theme Roller theming the control by simply overwriting the listed classes presented in the table. For more information you can see the running sample with Theme Roller [link to sample].

Table 1: List of CSS classes

CSS object properties List of CSS classes applied to the property Area where CSS classes are applied
clearClass ui-helper-clearfix Applies float wrapping properties to parent elements
hiddenClass ui-helper-hidden Hide element
baseClassIE6 ui-ie6 Class for IE6
baseClassIE7 ui-ie7 Class for IE7
baseClassMoz ui-moz Class for FF
baseClassOpera ui-opera Class for Opera
startupBrowseButtonClasses ui-igstartupbrowsebutton Class for startup browse button
baseClass ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-igupload Class for the container
baseMainContainerClass ui-igupload-basemaincontainer Classes applied to main container in single/multiple mode
multipleDialogClasses ui-iguploadmultiple Classes applied to main container when multiple file upload mode is selected
singleDialogClass ui-iguploadsingle Classes applied to main container when multiple file upload mode is selected
browseButtonClass ui-igupload-browsebutton Classes applied on browse button - button in main container
containerClass ui-igupload-container ui-widget-content Classes applied to DOM element containing all file upload progress bars
uploadProgressClass ui-igupload-uploadprogress div containing separate individual file upload
fileInfoMainContainer ui-igupload-fimaincontainer Class applied on div which contains add button, clear button and progress details of the files
progressContainer ui-helper-clearfix Class container for each file
progressBarUploadClass ui-igupload-progressbar-upload ui-helper-clearfix Class applied on single progressbar
progressBarFileNameClass ui-igupload-progressbar-filename Classes applied to file name DOM element in the summary progress bar
progressBarFileSizeClass ui-igupload-progressbar-filesize Classes applied to file size DOM element in the summary progress bar
progressBarInnerHTMLContainerClass ui-igupload-progressbar-container ui-helper-clearfix Classes of the container of the filename DOM element and file size DOM element inside each of the progressbar
containerButtonCancelClass ui-container-button-cancel-class ui-helper-clearfix Classes for container of the cancel/done button near the progress bar
summaryProgressBarClass ui-igupload-summaryprogressbar Classes applied to summary progressbar
summaryProgressContainerClass ui-igupload-summaryprogresscontainer Classes applied to container of summary progress bar
summaryProgressbarLabelClass ui-igupload-summaryprogress-label Classes of label of the summary progress bar
summaryInformationContainerClass ui-igupload-summaryinformation-container ui-helper-clearfix Classes of container in summary progress area - contains label for summary progress and show/hide details button
summaryUploadedFilesLabelClass ui-igupload-summaryuploadedfiles-label Classes applied to DOM element showing status of summary progress
summaryShowHideDetailsButtonClass ui-igupload-showhidedetails-button Classes of show/hide details button in summary progress area
summaryButtonClass ui-igupload-summary-button Classes which are set to the cancel button
summaryProgressBarInnerProgress ui-igupload-summaryprogres_summpbar_progress Classes set inside progress DIV
summaryProgressBarSecondaryLabel ui-igupload-summaryprogress-label ui-igupload-summaryprogress-secondary-label Class for the second label in summary progress bar
containerFUS ui-widget-content ui-igupload-progress-container ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix Class for container of each individual file - including progress bar, file info, cancel button, etc.

Note: Not all of the classes are custom for the upload control. Some of them are reused from the jQuery UI CSS Framework.

File Extensions Icons

When the Upload property showFileExtensionIcon is set to true, the control displays an icon to the left of the file name indicating the type of the file being uploaded.

Figure 3: File Extension icon during an upload

By default most of the popular extensions has built-in icons. The types that are supported with icons are from the current categories:

File Type File Extension
Application exe, app
Images gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, uyv, tif, thm, psd
Music mp3, wav, mp4, aac, mid, wma, ra, iff, aif, m3u, mpa
Documents doc, docx, xls, xlsx, txt, ppt, pptx, pdf
Video 3pg, asf, asx, avi, flv, mov, mp4, mpg, rm, swf, vob, wmv

Figure 4 depicts how the default values of the icons look during a multiple file upload operation.

Figure 4: The upload control during a multiple file upload process

Note: If the file type is outside the built-in ones, a default icon is applied.

Modifying File Extensions Icons

If you want to customize the file extension icons, you can override the default values by providing new icons to the fileExtensionIcons property.

The fileExtensionIcons property accepts an an array of objects that maps to each file type. Listing 1 demonstrates how to associate existing extension styles to a new CSS class.

Listing 1: Overriding default file extension icons

In JavaScript:

fileExtensionIcons: [
        ext: ['gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp', 'yuv', 'tif', 'thm', 'psd'],
        css: 'image-class',
        def: true
        ext: ['mp3', 'wav', 'mp4', 'aac', 'mid', 'wma', 'ra', 'iff', 'aif', 'm3u', 'mpa'],
        css: 'audio-class',
        def: false

Each mapping must account for the following three values:

  • ext: Array of the file extensions to share an icon
  • css: CSS class that is applied to each file that has the extension as defined in the ext property
  • def: Designates if this is the default rule that is going to be applied to the types that have not been defined in any ext array.

If there are file extension icons with more than one set default property then the last definition takes precedence.

External References

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