
XmlaPropertiesCollection Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by XmlaPropertiesCollection.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorXmlaPropertiesCollection ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the XmlaPropertiesCollection class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCountGets the number of elements contained in the System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.  
Public PropertyIsReadOnlyGets a value indicating whether the System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1 is read-only.  
Public PropertyItemGets or sets the element at the specified index.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddAdds an item to the System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.  
Public MethodClearRemoves all items from the System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.  
Public MethodContainsOverloaded. Determines whether the collection contains a property with the specified name.  
Public MethodCopyToCopies the elements to the specified array.  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorReturns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.  
Public MethodIndexOfDetermines the index of a specific item in the System.Collections.Generic.IList`1.  
Public MethodInsertInserts an item to the System.Collections.Generic.IList`1 at the specified index.  
Public MethodRemoveRemoves the first occurrence of a specific object from the System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.  
Public MethodRemoveAtRemoves the System.Collections.Generic.IList`1 item at the specified index.  
Public MethodTryGetValueGets the property with the specified name.  
See Also

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