For a list of all members of this type, see IGridModel members.
Name | Description | |
AccessibilityRendering | when accessibility rendering is enabled, all cells and rows have role and aria-describedby attributes rendered | |
AdjustVirtualHeights | If this option is set to true, the height of the grid row will be calculated automatically based on the average row height and the visible virtual records. If no average row height is specified, one will be calculated automatically at runtime. False - no matter what avg row height is set, one will be automatically calculated at runtime | |
AggregateTransactions | specifies whether transactions will be aggregated | |
AlternateRowStyles | enables/disables rendering of alternating row styles (odd and even rows receive different styling). Note that if a custom jQuery template is set, this has no effect and CSS for the row should be adjusted manually in the template contents. | |
AnimationDuration | expand/collapse animation duration | |
AutoAdjustHeight | if false, Height will be directly set on the grid scrolling container, instead of the topmost DIV container | |
AutoCommit | auto generation of column layouts (hierarchical view) | |
AutofitLastColumn | If autofitLastColumn is true and all columns' widths are specified and their combined width is less than the grid width then the last column width will be automatically adjusted to fill the entire grid. | |
AutoFormat | auto format options of cell values in grid for numeric and date columns | |
AutoGenerateColumns | when true, column collection will be automatically generated based on the data source column names and data types | |
AutoGenerateLayouts | auto generation of column layouts (hierarchical view) | |
AvgColumnWidth | used for virtualization, this is the average value in pixels for a column width | |
AvgRowHeight | average height of the rows. This is particularly useful when virtualization is enabled, so that the grid can correctly size virtual areas | |
Caption | caption text rendered above the headers (spans all columns) | |
ClientDataSourceType | type of the data source, when DataSourceUrl is specified | |
CollapseTooltip | collapse tooltip text | |
ColumnLayouts | a list of child column layouts | |
Columns | list of grid column definitions | |
ColumnVirtualization | horizontal virtualization (horizontal scrolling), for columns only | |
DataMember | defines the table name in the dataset that contains data for the current layout | |
DataSource | reference to the data source object holding data row objects (IQueryable, etc.) | |
DataSourceType | explicitly set data source type (such as "json"). Please refer to the documentation of $.ig.DataSource and its type property | |
DataSourceUrl | Url from which to fetch data, after the grid has been rendered for the first time (if DataSource is not set and the grid is rendered) it will use the DataSourceUrl to fetch rows (the backend doesn't need to match the MVC backend in that case) | |
DataView | reference to the DataView, returning an instance of a JsonResult | |
DefaultColumnWidth | default column width for all columns. When set, all columns will have this width set at runtime | |
EnableHoverStyles | enables/disables applying hover styles on mouseover | |
EnableResizeContainerCheck | enables/disables check for resizing grid container | |
EnableUTCDates | Enables/Disables serializing client date as UTC ISO 8061 string instead of using the local time and zone values. | |
ExpandCollapseAnimations | enable disable expand/collapse animations | |
ExpandColWidth | expand column width | |
ExpandTooltip | expand tooltip text | |
FeatureChooserIconDisplay | Configures how the feature chooser icon should display on header cells - e.g. to display as gear icon or to not show gear icon but on click/tap the header cell to show the feature chooser | |
Features | a list of GridFeature objects | |
FixedFooters | see FixedHeaders | |
FixedHeaders | if FixedHeaders is enabled (default), the headers are rendered in a separate fixed area on top of the table holding data records | |
ForeignKey | ||
GenerateCompactJSONResponse | The difference between compact JSON response and non-compact is that for "compact" mode, JSON is rendered as an array of values, such as [val1, val2, val3] while in non-compact mode JSON is rendered as an object with name-value pairs, such as: {key1: val1, key2: val2, key3: val3 } | |
Height | height of the control - can accept px, percentage, number (as string) | |
HtmlAttributes | Sets custom attributes of the div(HTML DOM element on which the grid is instantiated) | |
HtmlHelper | reference to the View's HtmlHelper | |
ID | ID of the control - becomes ID of the container element when rendered on the page (in the HTML) | |
InitialExpandDepth | if InitialExpandDepth is enabled, all rows on that many levels down will be automatically expanded. Not applicable when LoadOnDemand is enabled (e.g. expanding a row) | |
JsonpRequest | When dataSource is string defines whether to set data source of type JSONP | |
LoadOnDemand | if LoadOnDemand is enabled, databinding will always be done on one level, subsequent levels will be bound based on a specific end user request (e.g. expanding a row) | |
LocalSchemaTransform | when local schema transforming is turned off (default for the MVC grid), there is no additional transformation of data and data types on the client, that is, data is assumed to come in the correct format and # of columns from the server | |
MergeUnboundColumns | If true then the unbound columns are merged to the datasource at runtime - indeed DataSource is expanded with the new data and this could cause performance issues when dataSource is huge if false then the unbound data is sent to the client | |
OData | If true, encodes all requests using OData conventions and the $expand syntax. | |
PrimaryKey | optional primary key - required if features such as grid editing are enabled | |
RenderCheckboxes | ability to render checkboxes for column with boolean data type | |
RequestType | Specifies the HTTP verb to be used to issue the requests to a remote data source. | |
ResponseContentType | Content type of the response. See => contentType | |
ResponseDataKey | the property in the response JSON holding the list of data rows | |
Rest | If true, load on demand will be achieved using REST compliant resource access with appropriate url-s for the ajax GET calls. | |
RestSettings | Settings related to REST compliant update routine. This setting is optional and is going to be used only if Updating is enabled. | |
RowVirtualization | vertical virtualization (vertical scrolling ) , for rows only | |
ScrollSettings | Settings related to content scrolling | |
ShowHeader | toggles visibility of the column headers | |
TabIndex | tab index attribute that is set on the grid container html element | |
TemplatingEngine | the templating engine that will be used to render the grid and some specific parts of its ui | |
UpdateUrl | UpdateUrl is optional and can be set when Updating is enabled. The UpdateUrl should point to an MVC controller action which will handle persisting changes in the data base through LInQ | |
Virtualization | virtualization allows a fixed portion of the DOM to be rendered and reused for performance purposes | |
VirtualizationMode | virtualization mode allows to switch between 'fixed' and 'continuous' virtualization modes | |
Width | width of the control - can accept px, percentage, number (as string) |
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