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Data Chart - Overview

The igDataChart is an HTML5 chart control built with performance in mind. It can render very large data sets and includes tooltips, crosshairs, gradients, highlighting, and animation functionality. The igDataChart renders over 50 chart types including the following: And many more features listed in the menu!
Population data from: Quandl

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var data = [
    { "Year": "1995", "China": 1297, "India": 920, "United States": 266 },
    { "Year": "2005", "China": 1216, "India": 1090, "United States": 295 },
    { "Year": "2010", "China": 1271, "India": 1131, "United States": 314 },
    { "Year": "2015", "China": 1361, "India": 1251, "United States": 322 },
    { "Year": "2020", "China": 1381, "India": 1341, "United States": 342 },
    { "Year": "2025", "China": 1394, "India": 1466, "United States": 361 }

CreateChart("#columnChart", "column", "Column");
CreateChart("#pointChart", "point", "Point");

CreateChart("#lineChart", "line", "Line");
CreateChart("#splineChart", "spline", "Spline");

CreateChart("#areaChart", "area", "Area");
CreateChart("#splineAreaChart", "splineArea", "Spline Area");

CreateChart("#stepLineChart", "stepLine", "Step Line");
CreateChart("#stepAreaChart", "stepArea", "Step Area");
CreateChart("#waterfallChart", "waterfall", "Waterfall");

function CreateChart(chartID, seriesType, chartTitle) {
        width: "250px",
        height: "250px",
        title: chartTitle,
        horizontalZoomable: true,
        verticalZoomable: true,
        dataSource: data,
        axes: [
                name: "xAxis", type: "categoryX", label: "Year",
                labelTextStyle: "8pt Verdana",
                name: "yAxis", type: "numericY", minimumValue: 0,
                title: "Millions of People",
                labelTextStyle: "8pt Verdana",
        series: [
            CreateSeries(seriesType, "China"),
            CreateSeries(seriesType, "India"),
            CreateSeries(seriesType, "United States"),

function CreateSeries(seriesType, seriesMemberPath) {
    var thickness = 3;
    var markerType = "none";
    if (seriesType == "column" || seriesType == "waterfall")
        thickness = 1;

    if (seriesType == "point") {
        markerType = "circle";

    var series = {
        type: seriesType,
        markerType: markerType,
        xAxis: "xAxis",
        yAxis: "yAxis",
        name: seriesMemberPath + "series",
        title: seriesMemberPath,
        valueMemberPath: seriesMemberPath,
        isTransitionInEnabled: true,
        isHighlightingEnabled: true,
        showTooltip: true,
        thickness: thickness
    return series;