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Tree Grid - ASP.NET MVC Helper
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This sample demonstrates how to utilize the ASP.NET MVC helper to implement a file explorer with the igTreeGrid control. You can see how to customize the expand and collapse icons.
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@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc @using IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Models @model IQueryable<IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Models.FileExplorer> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> <!-- Ignite UI for jQuery Required Combined CSS Files --> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/css/structure/infragistics.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/modernizr/modernizr-2.8.3.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <!-- Ignite UI for jQuery Required Combined JavaScript Files --> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/js/infragistics.core.js"></script> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2024.1/latest/js/infragistics.lob.js"></script> <style> .ui-icon.ui-igtreegrid-expansion-indicator.ui-icon-minus { background: url(http://www.igniteui.com/images/samples/tree-grid/opened_folder.png) !important; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .ui-icon.ui-igtreegrid-expansion-indicator.ui-icon-plus { background: url(http://www.igniteui.com/images/samples/tree-grid/folder.png) !important; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .ui-icon-plus:before { content: '' !important; } .ui-icon-minus:before{ content: '' !important; } </style> </head> <body> @(Html.Infragistics().TreeGrid(Model) .ID("treegrid1") .Width("100%") .AutoGenerateColumns(false) .PrimaryKey("ID") .ChildDataKey("Files") .RenderExpansionIndicatorColumn(true) .InitialExpandDepth(1) .Columns(column => { column.For(x => x.ID).Hidden(true); column.For(x => x.Name).HeaderText("Name").Width("30%"); column.For(x => x.DateModified).HeaderText("Date Modified").Width("20%"); column.For(x => x.Type).HeaderText("Type").Width("20%"); column.For(x => x.Size).HeaderText("Size in KB").Width("20%"); }) .DataBind() .Render() ) </body> </html>
using IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Models; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using Infragistics.Web.Mvc; using IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Models.Repositories; using IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Models.Northwind; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Text; namespace IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser.Controllers { public class TreeGridController : Controller { // // GET: /TreeGrid/ [ActionName("aspnet-mvc-helper")] public ActionResult AspMvcHelper() { var files = new List<FileExplorer>(); files.Add(new FileExplorer { ID = "1", Name = "Documents", DateModified = new DateTime(2013, 9, 12), Type = "File Folder", Size = 4480, Files = new List<FileExplorer> { new FileExplorer { ID = "4", Name = "To do list.txt", DateModified = new DateTime(2013,11,30), Type = "TXT File", Size = 4448 }, new FileExplorer { ID = "5", Name = "To do list.txt", DateModified = new DateTime(11/30/2013), Type = "TXT File", Size = 4448 } } }); files.Add(new FileExplorer { ID = "2", Name = "Music", DateModified = new DateTime(2014, 6, 10), Type = "File Folder", Size = 5594, Files = new List<FileExplorer> { new FileExplorer { ID = "6", Name = "AC/DC", DateModified =new DateTime(2014,6,10), Type = "File Folder", Size = 2726 , Files = new List<FileExplorer> { new FileExplorer { ID = "8", Name = "Stand Up.mp3", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,6,10), Type = "MP3 File", Size = 456 }, new FileExplorer { ID = "9", Name = "T.N.T.mp3", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,6,10), Type = "MP3 File", Size = 1155 }, new FileExplorer { ID = "10", Name = "The Jack.mp3", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,6,10), Type = "MP3 File", Size = 1115 } } }, new FileExplorer { ID = "7", Name = "WhiteSnake", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,6,11), Type = "File Folder", Size = 2868, Files = new List<FileExplorer> { new FileExplorer { ID = "11", Name = "Trouble.mp3", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,6,11), Type = "MP3 File", Size = 1234 }, new FileExplorer { ID = "12", Name = "Bad Boys.mp3", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,6,11), Type = "MP3 File", Size = 522 }, new FileExplorer { ID = "13", Name = "Is This Love.mp3", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,6,11), Type = "MP3 File", Size = 1112 } } } } }); files.Add(new FileExplorer { ID = "3", Name = "Pictures", DateModified = new DateTime(2014, 1, 20), Type = "File Folder", Size = 1825, Files = new List<FileExplorer> { new FileExplorer { ID = "14", Name = "Jack's Birthday", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,6,21), Type = "File Folder", Size = 631, Files = new List<FileExplorer> { new FileExplorer { ID = "16", Name = "Picture1.png", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,6,21), Type = "PNG image", Size = 493 }, new FileExplorer { ID = "17", Name = "Picture2.png", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,6,21), Type = "PNG image", Size = 88 }, new FileExplorer { ID = "18", Name = "Picture3.gif", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,6,21), Type = "GIF File", Size = 50 } } }, new FileExplorer { ID = "15", Name = "Trip to London", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,3,11), Type = "File Folder", Size = 1194, Files = new List<FileExplorer> { new FileExplorer { ID = "19", Name = "Picture1.png", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,3,11), Type = "PNG image", Size = 974 }, new FileExplorer { ID = "20", Name = "Picture2.png", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,3,11), Type = "PNG image", Size = 142 }, new FileExplorer { ID = "21", Name = "Picture3.png", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,3,11), Type = "PNG image", Size = 41 }, new FileExplorer { ID = "22", Name = "Picture4.png", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,3,11), Type = "PNG image", Size = 25 }, new FileExplorer { ID = "23", Name = "Picture5.png", DateModified = new DateTime(2014,3,11), Type = "PNG image", Size = 12 } } } } }); return View("aspnet-mvc-helper", files.AsQueryable()); } [ActionName("load-on-demand")] public ActionResult LoadOnDemand() { return View(); } [ActionName("remote-features")] public ActionResult RemoteFeatures() { return View(); } [ActionName("updating")] public ActionResult Updating() { return View(); } [ActionName("editing-knockout")] [TreeGridDataSourceAction] public ActionResult EditingKnockout() { var employees = OrgChartEmployeesRepository.GetEmployees(); return View(employees.AsQueryable()); } public JsonResult GetDirectors() { var directors = OrgChartEmployeesRepository.GetDirectors(); return Json(directors, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } #region Data [TreeGridDataSourceAction] public ActionResult ChildEmployeesOnDemand() { IQueryable allData = RepositoryFactory.GetHierarchicalEmployeeData().AsQueryable(); return View("load-on-demand", allData); } [TreeGridDataSourceAction] public ActionResult GetTreeData() { IQueryable allData = RepositoryFactory.GetHierarchicalEmployeeData().AsQueryable(); return View("remote-features", allData); } [TreeGridDataSourceAction] public ActionResult GetTreeGridData() { IQueryable allData = RepositoryFactory.GetTreeGridRepository().Get().AsQueryable(); return View("updating", allData); } #endregion //Data public ActionResult EmployeeSaveData() { TreeGridModel treeGridModel = new TreeGridModel(); List<Transaction<EmployeeData>> transactions = treeGridModel.LoadTransactions<EmployeeData>(HttpContext.Request.Form["ig_transactions"]); var employees = RepositoryFactory.GetTreeGridRepository(); foreach (Transaction<EmployeeData> t in transactions) { if (t.type == "newrow") { employees.Add(t.row); } else if (t.type == "deleterow") { employees.Delete(o => o.ID == Int32.Parse(t.rowId)); } else if (t.type == "row") { var employee = FindElementEmployees(employees.Get(), Int32.Parse(t.rowId)); if (t.row.FirstName != null) { employee.FirstName = t.row.FirstName; } if (t.row.LastName != null) { employee.LastName = t.row.LastName; } if (t.row.Title != null) { employee.Title = t.row.Title; } if (t.row.Email != null) { employee.Email = t.row.Email; } if (t.row.HireDate != null) { employee.HireDate = t.row.HireDate; } employees.Update(employee, o => o.ID == Int32.Parse(t.rowId)); } else if (t.type == "insertnode") { var parentEmployee = FindElementEmployees(employees.Get(), Int32.Parse(t.parentRowId)); if (parentEmployee.Employees == null) { parentEmployee.Employees = new List<EmployeeData>() as IEnumerable<EmployeeData>; } var temp = parentEmployee.Employees.ToList(); temp.Add(t.row); parentEmployee.Employees = temp as IEnumerable<EmployeeData>; } } employees.Save(); JsonResult result = new JsonResult(); Dictionary<string, bool> response = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); response.Add("Success", true); result.Data = response; return result; } private EmployeeData FindElementEmployees(IEnumerable<EmployeeData> data, int id) { EmployeeData employee = null; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count(); i++) { if (employee != null) { break; } employee = GetNode(data.ElementAt(i), id); } return employee; } public static EmployeeData GetNode(EmployeeData parent, int id) { if (parent != null) { if (parent.ID.Equals(id)) { return parent; } } if (parent.Employees != null) foreach (var child in parent.Employees) { if (child.ID.Equals(id)) { return child; } var employee = GetNode(child, id); if (employee != null) { return employee; } } return null; } } }