Available in the OSS Version

Editors - Overview

Ignite UI for jQuery includes a set of editors including igTextEditor, igNumericEditor, igDateEditor, igCurrencyEditor, igPercentEditor, igMaskEditor, igDatePicker, igCheckboxEditor.

Measurement units

Total: 726.8

This sample is designed for a larger screen size.

On mobile, try rotating your screen, view full size, or email to another device.

These widgets share a common core providing the following features: Formatting, Localization and Validation

Code View

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    placeHolder: "Company name"
    placeHolder: "someone@example.com"
    email: true,
    notificationOptions: {
        direction: "bottom",
        mode: "popover"
    placeHolder: "Street address, P.O. box"
    placeHolder: "12/30/2015"
	size: "small",
	valueChanged: function (e, args) {
		var totalText = $("#total").text().replace("Total: ", ""),
					total = parseFloat(totalText, 10);
		if (args.newValue) {
			total = total - 20;
		} else {
			total = total + 20;
		$("#total").text("Total: " + total);
    value: "79",
    minValue : 0,
    currencySymbol: "€"
    dataMode: "int",
    value: 10,
    minValue: 1,
    blur: function (evt) {
    value: 0.08,
    minValue: 0

$(document).delegate("#price", "igcurrencyeditorblur", function (evt) {

$(document).delegate("#discount", "igpercenteditorblur", function (evt) {


function radioChange() {
    var radioMetric = document.getElementById("radioMetric");
    if (radioMetric.checked) {
        var imperialPrice = $('#price').igCurrencyEditor("option", "value");
        //Change the currency symbol to Euros
        $('#price').igCurrencyEditor("option", "currencySymbol", "€");
        //Calculate the price in Euros
        $('#price').igCurrencyEditor("option", "value", calculateNewPrice(imperialPrice));
        //Update labels to Metric units
        $("label[for='pricem3']").text("Price per cubic meter");
        $("label[for='amountm3']").text("Amount in cubic meter");

        //Update igNumericEditor
        //Update the amount in cubic meter
        var yardAmount = $('#amount').igNumericEditor("option", "value");
        $('#amount').igNumericEditor("option", "value", calculateNewAmount(yardAmount));

        //Update Total price
    else {
        //Update igCurrencyEditor
        var metricPrice = $('#price').igCurrencyEditor("option", "value");
        //Change the currency symbol to Dollar
        $('#price').igCurrencyEditor("option", "currencySymbol", "$");
        //Calculate the price in Dollars
        $('#price').igCurrencyEditor("option", "value", calculateNewPrice(metricPrice));
        //Update labels to Imperial units
        $("label[for='pricem3']").text("Price per cubic yard");
        $("label[for='amountm3']").text("Amount in cubic yard");

        //Update igNumericEditor
        //Update the amount in cubic yard
        var metricAmount = $('#amount').igNumericEditor("option", "value");
        $('#amount').igNumericEditor("option", "value", calculateNewAmount(metricAmount));

        //Update Total price

function calculateNewPrice(oldPrice) {
    var radioMetric = document.getElementById("radioMetric");
    var newPrice;
    if (radioMetric.checked) {
        newPrice = oldPrice * 0.8;
        return newPrice;
    else {
        newPrice = oldPrice * 1.25;
        return newPrice;

function calculateNewAmount(oldAmount) {
    var radioMetric = document.getElementById("radioMetric");
    var newAmount;
    if (radioMetric.checked) {
        newAmount = oldAmount * 0.77;
        return newAmount;
    else {
        newAmount = oldAmount * 1.30;
        return newAmount;

function calculateTotalPrice() {
    var pricePerUnit = $('#price').igCurrencyEditor("option", "value");
    var unitsAmount = $('#amount').igNumericEditor("option", "value");
    var discount = $('#discount').igPercentEditor("option", "value");
    var pricePerUnitWithDiscount = pricePerUnit - (pricePerUnit * discount);
    var totalPrice = pricePerUnitWithDiscount * unitsAmount;

    $("#total").text("Total: " + Math.round10(totalPrice, -2));

function createNewOrder() {
    $("#successMessage").text("Order successfully created!");
    $("#successMessage").stop(true, true).fadeIn(200).fadeOut(3000);