
Configuring igZoombar

Topic Overview


This topic explains, with code examples, how to configure the zoom action and the zoom window of the igZoombar™ control.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

  • igZoombar Overview: This topic provides conceptual information about the igZoombar control and the functionalities it provides including the supported user interactions and some configuration basics.

  • Adding igZoombar: This topic explains, with code examples, how to add the igZoombar control to an HTML page and an ASP.NET MVC application.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

igZoombar Default Configuration

igZoombar default configuration summary

By default, the zoom-range window is positioned at the center of the igZoombar control and spans over 30 percent of its total breadth (= 100%). The zoom-range window can be sized down to 5 percent of the control’s total breadth. The default refresh mode is Immediate.

igZoombar default configuration summary chart

The following table lists the igZoombar properties and their settings that form the default configuration of the control.

Property Type Default Value Description
defaultZoomWindow.left number 35 The starting (left) edge of the zoom-range window is placed at 35 percent of the total breadth of the igZoombar control, counted from its starting (left) edge.
defaultZoomWindow.width number 30 The width of the zoom-range window is set to 30 percent of the total breadth of the igZoombar control.
zoomWindowMinWidth number 5 The zoom-range window can be sized down by the user to 5 percent of the control’s total breadth.
zoomAction string “immediate” The default refresh mode is Immediate.

igZoombar Configuration Summary

igZoombar configuration summary chart

The following table lists the configurable aspects of igZoombar. Further details on most of them are available after the table.

Configurable aspect Details Properties
Initial zoom-range window size and position The initial breadth and position of the zoom-range window can be configured.
Minimum zoom-range window size The minimum breadth of the zoom-range window is a size limit under which users cannot shrink the window any further. This minimum size is configurable.
Refresh upon zoom interaction The igZoombar control can be configured to one of the following refresh modes based on how the control responds to zoom interactions performed by the user:
  • Immediate (default) – the zoom effect is applied without any delay as the user interacts with the igZoombar control
  • Deferred – the zoom effect is delayed until the user finishes their interaction
Movement step of the zoom-range window The step, with which the zoom-range window shifts upon clicking/tapping the navigation buttons on the scrollbar or pressing the Left/Right arrow keys on the keyboard, is configurable.

Configuring the Initial Zoom-Range Window Size and Position


By default, the zoom-range window is positioned at 35 percent of the total width of the igZoombar control counted from its starting (left) edge, and its breadth is set to 30 percent of the total width of control. This effectively places the zoom-range window in the center of the available scrollable range.

You can change the breadth of the window and position anywhere within the range.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to property settings. All properties as set as a percentage of the total width of the control, counted from its starting (left) edge.

In order to configure: Use this property: And set it to:
The position of the starting (left) edge of the zoom-range window defaultZoomWindow.left The desired percentage number
The breadth of the zoom-range window defaultZoomWindow.width The desired percentage number


The code below demonstrates setting the zoom-range window to the utmost-right position on the range upon the initialization of the igZoombar control as a result of the following settings:

In JavaScript:

    defaultZoomWindow: {
            left: 70,
            width: 30

Configuring the Minimum Zoom-Range Window Size


The minimum breadth of the zoom-range window is a size limit under which users cannot shrink (zoom in) the window any further. This limit prevents conflicts in case the range-based control with which igZoombar is integrated has lower zooming threshold than igZoombar. Setting the minimum breadth of the zoom-range window constrains the user from crossing that threshold.

This minimum breadth of the zoom-range window is configurable. By default, it is set to 5 percent of the total breadth of the igZoombar control.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to the property settings that manage it.

In order to configure: Use these properties: And set it to:
The minimum size of the zoom-range window zoomWindowMinWidth The desired number as a percentage of the total width of the control, counted from its starting (left) edge


The code below demonstrates setting the minimum breadth of the zoom-range window width to 10 percent of the total width of the igZoombar control, counted from its starting (left) edge:

Property Value
zoomWindowMinWidth 10

In JavaScript:

      zoomWindowMinWidth: 10

Configuring the Refresh Mode


The Refresh mode controls the refresh action of the component to which igZoombar is attached. The igZoombar control can be configured to one of the following refresh modes based on how the control responds to zoom interactions performed by the user:

  • Immediate (default) – the zoom effect is applied without any delay as the user interacts with the igZoombar control
  • Deferred – the zoom effect is delayed until the user finishes their interaction. You may need to configure igZoombar to this mode when the control operates in a data-intensive environment and the immediate refresh might operate with unacceptable latency or stall the application.

The Refresh mode is configured with the zoomAction property.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to property settings.

In order to configure the Refresh mode to: Use these properties: And set it to:
Deferred zoomAction “deferred”
Immediate zoomAction “immediate”


The code below demonstrates configuring the Refresh mode of the igZoombar control to Deferred:

Property Value
zoomAction “deferred”

In JavaScript:

      zoomAction: "deferred"

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Basic Zoombar: This sample demonstrates integrating igZoombar in an igDataChart control showing financial data.

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