Version 24.2 (latest)

Axis Tickmarks

Tick marks display points on the axes. They represent a certain numeric point on a scale or the value of the category in a category axis.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Property Settings

In the igCategoryChart™ control, you can change the length, thickness and color of the x-axis and y-axis labels using the following properties:

Property Name Property Type Description
xAxisTickLength, yAxisTickLength number Determines the length of the tickmark along the x-axis or y-axis
xAxisTickStroke, yAxisTickStroke string Determines the color of the tickmark along the x-axis or y-axis
xAxisTickStrokeThickness, yAxisTickStrokeThickness number Determines the thickness of of the tickmark along the x-axis or y-axis

Code Snippet

The following code snippet demonstrates how to set the color, length and thickness of the tickmark on the x-axis


$(function () {
                dataSource: data,
                xAxisTickLength: 10,
                xAxisTickStrokeThickness: 3,
                xAxisTickStroke: 'red'

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