
Configuring igGridExcelExporter

Topic Overview


This topic explains the options igGridExcelExporter™ provides to configure how igGrid data and features will be exported to the Excel Worksheet.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Required background

Configure the gridFeatureOptions settings

Тhe gridFeatureOptions object defines how the data and layout manipulations caused by the Filtering, Hiding, Paging, Sorting, Summaries and Column Fixing features of the igGrid will be reflected in the exported Excel Worksheet.


All igGrid built-in filtering conditions are matched to the corresponding filtering conditions that are native to Excel, thus verifying the user works with a valid set of data. Custom filtering conditions defined in igGrid are not supported, so if such exists, they are ignored by the igGridExcelExporter.


Sorting in igGrid displays a sort indicator and colors the column cells. When exported in Excel, the column headers will display indicators showing the sorting direction (ascending or descending), but the column itself will not be colored. This is native behavior to Excel, but can be customized in some igGridExcelExporter event, see the events below for example.


Summaries in igGrid are highly flexible, allowing developers to customize the way summaries are calculated and modify the specific UI that is rendered. When applying summaries in the Worksheet, the igGridExcelExporter uses the native data aggregations available to Excel - sum, min, max, average and count. Custom summaries defined in igGrid are not supported and are ignored by the igGridExcelExporter.


Paging in igGrid can be customized in many ways, but in the context of igGridExcelExporter it is only about exporting the current page data or all pages data.


Columns in igGrid can be defined as hidden initially or can be hidden/shown by the user if the Hiding feature is enabled. The igGridExcelExporter allows the developer to control whether these columns will be exported using the hiding property.

Column Fixing

Columns in igGrid can be fixed to either left or right direction, while in Excel columns get fixed to the left side only.

Refer to the below table that lists the properties of the gridFeatureOptions object along with all the possible values and how they affect the exported Excel Worksheet.

Setting Property Description
Configure Sorting sorting Accepted values "none" , "applied"
.When "none" Sorting is not applied in the Excel. When "applied" Sorting is applied in the Excel Worksheet.
Configure Filtering filtering Accepted values: "none" , "applied" , "filteredRowsOnly".
When "none" Filtering is not applied in the Excel. When "applied" filtering expressions are read from the igGrid and applied to respective columns in Excel. Value of "filteredRowsOnly" will export only the records that have been filtered in the igGrid and will not apply filtering in the Excel worksheet.
Configure Paging paging Accepted values: "currentPage" , "allRows"
"currentPage" will export only the current igGrid page, while "allRows" will export all data pages.
Configure Hiding hiding Accepted values: "none" , "applied" , "visibleColumnsOnly"
Value of "none" will ignore if any columns are hidden initially or through the igGrid UI and will still export them to the worksheet. "applied" will export the hidden columns, but they will not be visible in Excel until the user changes the column width in Excel to a value greater than 0. When value is "visibleColumnsOnly" the igGridExcelExporter will export only the igGrid columns that are not hidden.
Configure Column Fixing columnfixing Accepted values: "none" , "applied"
Set "none" to ignore Column Fixing. Value of "applied" will fix the respective columns in the Excel Worksheet.
Configure Summaries summaries Accepted values: "none" , "applied"
Set "none" to ignore the igGrid summaries. Value of "applied" will make the Excel calculate summaries for each column that has summaries in igGrid.

Note: While Filtering and Sorting always manipulate the whole data set in the igGrid, the data exported to Excel might be just a subset of the whole data (when paging is set to "currentPage"). Applying the same filtering and/or sorting expression to the Excel data will bring different results than in igGrid. Same is valid when calculating summaries for a given column in the Excel.

Code sample:

$.ig.GridExcelExporter.exportGrid($(".selector"), {
    gridFeatureOptions: {
        // Fixed `igGrid` columns will be fixed in the excel worksheet
        columnfixing: "applied",
        // summaries will not be calculated in the worksheet
        summaries: "none",
        // Sorted `igGrid` columns will be sorted in the excel worksheet
        sorting: "applied",
        // Hidden `igGrid` columns will be exported, but hidden in the worksheet
        hiding: "applied",
        // All pages of data will be exported
        paging: "allRows",
        // The same filter expressions will be applied to the excel worksheet
        filtering: "applied"

Configure exporting hierarchical data

When exporting igHierarchicalGrid you may opt to export all data down the hierarchy or just the data under expanded rows. The behavior is controlled by the dataExportMode property, which takes values "allRows" or "expandedRows".

$.ig.GridExcelExporter.exportGrid($(".selector"), { 
    // The keys of the columns that will not be exported
    dataExportMode: "expandedRows",

Configure columns that will not be exported

columnsToSkip option is used to define columns that will not be exported. The option takes an array containing the column keys:

$.ig.GridExcelExporter.exportGrid($(".selector"), { 
 // The keys of the columns that will not be exported
  columnsToSkip: ["ProductID", "Supplier"]

Configure styling

By default the igGridExcelExporter will copy styles from the header row and the first two data rows from igGrid to apply the same to the Worksheet table. If gridStyling is set to "none", then a predefined Excel table style will be applied to the worksheet. Table styles follow the ECMA specification for Office Open XML (see section on Table Style Definitions). The predefined style may be set using the tableStyle and the available choices are divided into three categories: TableStyleMedium[1-28], TableStyleLight[1-21] and TableStyleDark[1-11]. The range in brackets is the available theme number that may be chosen:

$.ig.GridExcelExporter.exportGrid($(".selector"), {
    gridStyling: "none",
    //Setting the table style to 18th theme from TableStyleMedium category
    tableStyle: "TableStyleMedium18"

Attach to callbacks (events)

A number of callbacks (events) are exposed that are called during the exporting process and provide entry points to customize or end the exporting process. Exporting/ed callbacks that are available for cells and rows are suitable to apply formulas and conditional formatting, read/write values from the Worksheet object, etc. There are also the exportStarting, exportEnding and error and success callbacks, which are suitable to verify anything before exporting or before saving the file locally, or to display a modal overlay over the igGrid while exporting, as shown in the Display an overlay while exporting section.

$.ig.GridExcelExporter.exportGrid($("#grid1"), {},
    cellExported: function (e, args) {
        if (args.columnKey == 'Company') {
            var xlRow = args.xlRow;
            // apply formula to a cell
            xlRow.cells(args.columnIndex).applyFormula('=HYPERLINK("' + args.cellValue + '")');
        if (args.columnKey == "Age" && args.cellValue > 43) {
            // format the font and the cell fill color
            args.xlRow.getCellFormat(args.columnIndex).fill($.ig.excel.CellFill.createLinearGradientFill(45, '#FF0000', '#00FFFF'));
    exportEnding: function (e, args) {
        // format a date value to be displayed as 19/Mar/2017

Display an overlay while exporting

During exporting the igGrid UI is not available for interactions so you may want to place a modal overlay above. It will show in the beginning of exporting and hide in the end. To implement this the exportStarting and success callbacks are used:

$.ig.GridExcelExporter.exportGrid($("#grid1"), {},
    exportStarting: function (e, args) {
        showOverlay(args.grid, exportingOverlay);
    success: function () {

Create igGrid with Excel Exporting configured using the Ignite UI CLI

The easiest way to add a new igGrid, with Excel Exporting configured, to your application is via the Ignite UI CLI.

To install the Ignite UI CLI:

npm install -g igniteui-cli

Once the Ignite UI CLI is installed the commands for generating an Ignite UI project, adding a new igGrid component, with Excel Exporting configured, building and serving the project are as following:

ig new <project name>
cd <project name>
ig add grid-export newGridExport
ig start

For more information and the list of all available commands read the Using Ignite UI CLI topic.


The following is a preview of the final result.

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