Version 24.2 (latest)

Binding igHierarchicalGrid to a DataSet

Topic Overview


This topic shows how to configure the igHierarchicalGrid™ control in order to bind it to a DataSet.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

In this topic


Binding to a DataSet

Starting with version 12.2, the igHierarchicalGrid supports data binding to a DataSet. Until version 12.1, the DataSource property accepted instances of IQueryable only.

There is a new property introduced in the GridModel - DataMember. When set, the grid looks for the name of the DataTable matching the DataMember value from the DataSet to which the grid is bound. The property is useful when AutoGenerateLayouts is False and the layouts are defined manually. When AutoGenerateLayouts is True, this setting is ignored.

In C#:

GridModel model = new GridModel();          
DataSet ds = GetEmployDepartmentDataSet();
model.DataSource = ds;
model.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
model.AutoGenerateLayouts = false;
// Setting as DataMember of the root grid the name of Departments DataTable 
model.ColumnLayouts[0].DataMember = "Departments";
// Setting as DataMember of the child grid the name of Employees DataTable
model.ColumnLayouts[0].ColumnLayouts[0].DataMember = "Employees";

Another change in volume 12.2 is that AutoGenerateLayouts is False by default.

Binding to a DataSet is accomplished in one of the following ways:

Return the DataSet from the action method referenced by the grid’s DataSourceURL in the view.

In this scenario the model type is DataSet, however you may set it to be of type dynamic as well.


    .Features(features => {
    .Render()) %>

In C#:

public ActionResult DataSetInteractions()
    DataSet ds = this.DepartmentsData;
    return View("DataSetInteractions", ds);

Construct a GridModel in the controller and return as the view’s model


@model  Infragistics.Web.Mvc.GridModel

In C#:

GridModel model = new GridModel();
DataSet ds = GetEmployDepartmentDataSet();
model.DataSource = ds;
model.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
model.AutoGenerateLayouts = true;
// defining the grid
return View("BindToDataSet", model);

Load on Demand

When binding the igHierarchicalGrid to a DataSet, LoadOnDemand is supported.

When using LoadOnDemand with the igHierarchicalGrid you need to set both the DataSource and DataSourceUrl.

In C#:

GridModel grid = GridLoadOnDemandModel();            
grid.DataSource = GetEmployDepartmentDataSet();
grid.DataSourceUrl = this.Url.Action("NewBindParent");
grid.ColumnLayouts[0].DataSourceUrl = this.Url.Action("NewBindChild");
return View("NewLoadOnDemand", grid);

public JsonResult NewBindChild(string path, string layout)
    GridModel model = GridLoadOnDemandModel();           
    model.DataSource = GetEmployDepartmentDataSet();
    model.DataMember = "Employees";
    return model.GetData(path, layout);

Known issues and limitations

When binding to a DataSet with no DataMember set and AutogenerateLayouts is false, the igHierarchicalGrid is bound only to the first table in the DataSet tables collection

When binding to a DataSet with no DataMember set and AutoGenerateLayouts is false, then the igHierarchicalGrid is bound only to the first table in the DataSet collection.

The grid uses the DataRelations between the tables to build the hierarchy.

  1. The first table in the dataset tables array is used as the root table.
  2. If the DataTables do not have DataRelations, the grid shows the root table only.

In other words, iteration is done through the DataTables’ DataRelations, not the table collection itself.

Filtering, GroupBy and Sorting features can be only Local type, Summaries feature is not supported

LINQ expressions used internally by the Filtering, Sorting and Grouping features don’t work with DataTables or DataSets.

Due to this initially setting a grouped column via the ColumnSettings option, even when the GroupBy’s Type option is set to Local, is not supported since the GridModel will try to sort the data before sending it to the client.

Remote Sorting and Filtering can be implemented by manually handling the request and processing the data of the DataSet before returning it as a JsonResult.

In addition, the Summaries feature is unsupported when using a DataSet as the grid’s data source.


        .Features(features => {
        .Render()) %>

In C#:

GridFiltering filtering = new GridFiltering();
filtering.Type = OpType.Local;

The following features work remotely with the grid:

  • Paging
  • Updating – should be changed to work with the LoadTransactions method

When updating, a serializer which supports Dictionary<string, string> should be used

The Microsoft JSON serializer doesn’t support deserializing a Dictionary from JSON. If you want to use the updating feature, the GridModel must override the LoadTransactions method. You can use the Json.NET serializer for this purpose. You can download it from the page below and it is also included in ASP.NET MVC 4 as the default JSON serializer.

In C#:

public List<Transaction<T>> LoadTransactionsDictionary<T>(string postdata) where T : class
    List<Transaction<T>> transactions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Transaction<T>>>(postdata);
    return transactions;

Another approach is to create strongly-typed models which correspond to the structure of each DataTable from the DataSet. The fields of the custom type must match the type and key of the DataColumns of the DataTable that they represent. This model should be used in the LoadTransactions method.

The sample Editing DataSet demonstrates how to use the updating feature when binding to a DataSet and passing a model based on the root table’s layout in the LoadTransactions method.

If no primaryKeys are set on the bound DataTables, they should be set on the corresponding GridModel and ColumnLayout objects

When using the Updating feature, if DataTables have PrimaryKeys defined, then the igHierarchicalGrid automatically uses them, otherwise this should be set manually on the ColumnLayouts. This is needed when the updating feature is enabled.

In C#:

GridModel grid = new GridModel();
grid.PrimaryKey = "DepartmentID";

Manually creating the columns in igHierarchicalGrid using Ignite UI for MVC in the view

When bound to a DataSet and manually creating layouts, each ColumnLayout should have its DataMember set to its corresponding DataTable’s name in the dataset tables’ collection.

If the igHierarchicalGrid is defined in the view and a DataSet is used as the grid’s Model then the columns can only be auto-generated. If you want to define the columns manually, define a model which corresponds to the root DataTable structure and set it as the grid’s type.

You should create strongly-typed models which correspond to the structure of each DataTable from the DataSet. Thus you should be able to use the grid with Ignite UI for MVC in the view.

Note: The fields of the custom type Customer must match the type and key of the DataColumns of the DataTable that they represent.

In C#:

DataTable dtCustomers = new DataTable("Customers");
dtCustomers.Columns.Add("CustomerID", typeof(int));
dtCustomers.Columns.Add("CustomerName ", typeof(string));
DataTable dtData = new DataTable("Orders");
dtData.Columns.Add("OrderID", typeof(int));
dtData.Columns.Add("CustomerID ", typeof(int));
dtData.Columns.Add("OrderQty", typeof(int));

In C#:

public class Customer
    public int CustomerID { get; set; }
    public string CustomerName { get; set; }      
    public List<Order> Orders { get; set; }

public class Order
    public int OrderID { get; set; }
    public int OrderQty { get; set; }      


// class Customer copies the structure of the root DataTable 
// additionally class Order is created
// and has the same fields as table Orders columns 
.ID("grid1").Height("550px").Width("100%"). PrimaryKey("CustomerID")
        .Columns(column =>
            column.For(x => x.CustomerID).HeaderText(“CustomerID”);
        ColumnLayouts(layouts => {
            layouts.For(x => x.Orders).ResponseDataKey(String.Empty).Width("100%").ForeignKey("CustomerID").PrimaryKey("OrderID")
.Columns(childcolumn =>
                    childcolumn.For(x => x.OrderID).HeaderText(“OrderID”);

                }).Features(features => features.Updating().EditMode(GridEditMode.Row).ColumnSettings(
                    cs => cs.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("OrderID").ReadOnly(true)

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