Version 24.2 (latest)

Configuring Toolbars and Buttons

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to configure igHtmlEditor™ toolbars and buttons.

Required Background

The following table lists the topics required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

In This Topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Control Configuration Summary

Control configuration overview

The following table lists the configurable aspects of the igHtmlEditor control toolbars. Additional details are available after the summary table.

Configurable aspects Details Properties
Hide toolbar Toolbars can be visible or hidden. All toolbars are initially visible.You can use the properties on the right to toggle toolbars visibility state.
  • showTextToolbar
  • showFormattingToolbar
  • showInsertObjectToolbar
  • showCopyPasteToolbar
Collapse toolbar Toolbars can be expanded or collapsed. All toolbars are initially expanded. You can use the properties on the right to toggle the toolbar expanded/collapsed state.
  • toolbarSettings
  • isExpanded
Toggle button state Some of the toolbar buttons can be toggled on initialization. For example bold, italic, underline buttons can be toggled on initialization
  • isBold
  • isItalic
  • isUnderline
  • isStrikethrough
  • isJustifyleft
  • isJustifycenter
  • isJustifyright
  • isJustifyfull
Set button tooltip Each toolbar button has a tooltip. Use properties on the right to change the button tooltip. Note: Tooltips are localizable. If you want to localize the igHtmlEditor then set the locale code in the Infragistics Loader.
  • italicButtonTooltip
  • boldButtonTooltip
  • underlineButtonTooltip
  • decreaseFontTooltip
  • increaseFontTooltip
  • fontSizeComboTooltip
  • fontFamilyComboTooltip
  • textColorPickerTooltip

  • textBackgroundColorPickerTooltip
  • formatListTooltip
  • bulletsTooltip
  • numbersTooltip
  • alignmentTooltip
  • leftAlignmentTooltip
  • centerAlignmentTooltip
  • rightAlignmentTooltip

  • indentTooltip
  • decreaseIndentTooltip

  • increaseIndentTooltip
  • spacingTooltip
  • tableTooltip
  • rowsLabel
  • columnsLabel
  • tableRowsLabelTooltip
  • tableColumnsLabelTooltip
  • insertImageTooltip
  • insertUrlTooltip
  • insertVideoTooltip
Configure text options You can configure the initial text values for:
  • Font family
  • Font size
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Selected format (heading)

  • selectedFontFamily
  • selectedFontSize
  • selectedTextColor
  • selectedTextBackgroundColor
  • selectedFormat

Hide toolbar


In order to hide a toolbar, set the show <toolbarName> option to false, where <toolbarName> is the name of the toolbar and can have the following values:

  • TextToolbar
  • FormattingToolbar
  • InsertObjectToolbar
  • CopyPasteToolbar
  • <CustomToolbarName>

In cases where you have a custom toolbar defined, use the show <CustomToolbarName> option to set its visibility state.

Option settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to option settings.

In order to: Use this option: And set it to:
Hide text toolbar showTextToolbar false
Hide formatting toolbar showFormattingToolbar false
Hide insert object toolbar showInsertObjectToolbar false
Hide copy paste toolbar showCopyPasteToolbar false
Hide custom toolbar show <MyCustomToolbarName> false


The screenshot below demonstrates how the igHtmlEditor looks as a result of the following settings:

Property Value
showTextToolbar false
showFormattingToolbar false
showInsertObjectToolbar false
showInsertObjectToolbar false
show <MyCustomToolbarName> false

The toolbar area is empty because all the standard toolbars are hidden. Here is the code to accomplish this:

In JavaScript:

    showTextToolbar: false,
    showFormattingToolbar: false,
    showInsertObjectToolbar: false,
    showCopyPasteToolbar: false,
    showMyCustomToolbar: false,
    customToolbars: [{
        name: "myCustomToolbar",
        // myCustomToolbar definition

Collapse toolbar


In order to initially collapse the text toolbar, set the isExpanded option to false. You need to define an object literal in toolbarSettings and set its name option to the name of the toolbar. Then, use the isExpanded option to expand/collapse the toolbar.

Toolbar names:

  • textToolbar
  • formattingToolbar
  • insertObjectToolbar
  • copyPasteToolbar
  • <customToolbarName>

where <customToolbarName> is the name of the custom toolbar.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to property settings.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Collapse text toolbar isExpanded false
Collapse formatting toolbar isExpanded false
Collapse insert object toolbar isExpanded false
Collapse copy paste toolbar isExpanded false
Collapse custom toolbar isExpanded false


The screenshot below demonstrates how the igHtmlEditor looks as a result of the following settings:

Property Value
isExpanded false

In the example above, the standard toolbars are collapsed. Here is the code to accomplish this:

In JavaScript:

    toolbarSettings: [
        name: "textToolbar",
        isExpanded: false
        name: "formattingToolbar",
        isExpanded: false
        name: "insertObjectToolbar",
        isExpanded: false
        name: "copyPasteToolbar",
        isExpanded: false
    customToolbars: [{
        name: "myCustomToolbar",
        isExpanded: false,
        // myCustomToolbar settings

Toggle button state


Some of the buttons in the toolbars can be toggled. Toggling options are in the respective toolbar object.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to property settings.

In the text toolbar object:

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Toggle Bold button on isBold true
Toggle Italic button on isItalic true
Toggle Underline button on isUnderline true
Toggle Strikethrough button on isStrikethrough true

In Formatting toolbar:

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Toggle Justify left button on isJustifyleft true
Toggle Justify right button on isJustifyright true
Toggle Justify center button on isJustifycenter true
Toggle Justify full button on isJustifyfull true

Note: Only one text alignment option will be applied i.e. they are mutually exclusive.


The screenshot below demonstrates how the igHtmlEditor looks as a result of the following settings:

Property Value
isJustifycenter true
isBold true
isItalic true
isUnderline true
isStrikethrough true

In the example above, all text toolbar buttons which can be toggled are pressed because they work independently from each other. For the formatting toolbar, only the isJustifycenter option is toggled on. Here is the code which accomplishes this:

In JavaScript:

    toolbarSettings: [
        name: "textToolbar",
        isBold: true,
        isItalic: true,
        isUnderline: true,
        isStrikethrough: true
        name: "formattingToolbar",
        isJustifycenter: true,

Set button tooltip


Each toolbar button has a tooltip. Here is a list of buttons and their respective properties grouped by toolbar.

Note: Tooltips are localizable. If you just want to localize igHtmlEditor the set you locale code in the Infragistics loader..

Option settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to option settings.

In Text toolbar object:

In order to: Use this option: And set it to:
Set Bold button tooltip boldButtonTooltip "Bold"
Set Italic button tooltip italicButtonTooltip "Italic"
Set Underline button tooltip underlineButtonTooltip "Underline"
Set Strikethrough button tooltip strikethroughButtonTooltip "Strikethrough"
Set Decrease font button tooltip decreaseFontButtonTooltip "Decrease font"
Set Increase font button tooltip increaseFontButtonTooltip "Increase font"

In Formatting toolbar:

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Set Align Text Left button tooltip justifyleftButtonTooltip "Align Text Left"
Set Align Text Center button tooltip justifycenterButtonTooltip "Center"
Set Align Text Right button tooltip justifyrightButtonTooltip "Align Text Right"
Set Justify button tooltip justifyfullButtonTooltip "Justify"

In Insert object toolbar object:

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Set Insert Picture button tooltip imageButtonTooltip "Insert Picture"
Set Insert Hyperlink button tooltip linkButtonTooltip "Insert Hyperlink"
Set Table button tooltip tableButtonTooltip "Table"
Set Add Row button tooltip addRowButtonTooltip "Add Row"
Set Add Column button tooltip addColumnButtonTooltip "Add Column"
Set Remove Row button tooltip removeRowButtonTooltip "Remove Row"
Set Remove Column button tooltip removeColumnButtonTooltip "Remove Column"

In Copy paste toolbar object:

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Set Copy button tooltip copyButtonTooltip "Copy"
Set Cut button tooltip cutButtonTooltip "Cut"
Set Paste button tooltip pasteButtonTooltip "Paste"
Set Undo button tooltip undoButtonTooltip "Undo"
Set Redo button tooltip redoButtonTooltip "Redo"


The following example shows how to set buttons tooltips:

In JavaScript:

    toolbarSettings: [
        name: "textToolbar",
        boldButtonTooltip: "Bold",
        italicButtonTooltip: "Italic",
        underlineButtonTooltip: "Underline",
        strikethroughButtonTooltip: "Strikethrough",
        decreaseFontButtonTooltip: "Decrease font",
        increaseFontButtonTooltip: "Increase font",
        name: "formattingToolbar",
        justifyleftButtonTooltip: "Align Text Left",
        justifycenterButtonTooltip: "Center",
        justifyrightButtonTooltip: "Align Text Right",
        justifyfullButtonTooltip: "Justify"
        name: "insertObjectToolbar",
        imageButtonTooltip: "Insert Picture",
        linkButtonTooltip: "Insert Hyperlink",
        tableButtonTooltip: "Table",
        addRowButtonTooltip: "Add Row",
        addColumnButtonTooltip: "Add Column",
        removeRowButtonTooltip: "Remove Row",
        removeColumnButtonTooltip: "Remove Column"
        name: "copyPasteToolbar",
        copyButtonTooltip: "Copy",
        cutButtonTooltip: "Cut",
        pasteButtonTooltip: "Paste",
        undoButtonTooltip: "Undo",
        redoButtonTooltip: "Redo"

Configure text options


You can configure text options for:

  • Font family
  • Font size
  • Text color
  • Text background color

Option settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to option settings.

In order to: Use this option: And set it to:
Set text font family selectedFontFamily "Georgia"
Set text font size selectedFontSize "4"
Set text color selectedTextColor "black"
Set text back color selectedTextBackgroundColor "white"
Set text format (heading) selectedFormat "h2"


The screenshot below demonstrates how the igHtmlEditor looks as a result of the following settings:

Property Value
selectedFontFamily "Georgia"
selectedFontSize "4"
selectedTextColor "black"
selectedTextBackgroundColor "white"
selectedFormat "h2"

Here is the code which accomplishes this:

In JavaScript:

    toolbarSettings: [
        name: "textToolbar",
        selectedFontFamily: "Georgia",
        selectedFontSize: "4",
        selectedFormat: "h2"
        name: "formattingToolbar",
        selectedTextColor: "black",
        selectedTextBackgroundColor: "white"

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Edit Content: In this forum post example, an initial piece of content provided in the HTML Editor.

  • Custom Toolbars and Buttons: This sample demonstrates how the HtmlEditor control works as an email client. This implementation features a custom toolbar where you can add a signature to the message.

  • API and Events: This sample demonstrates how to handle events in the Html Editor control and API usage.

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