Version 24.2 (latest)

Known Issues and Limitations (igLinearGauge)

Known Issues and Limitations


The following table summarizes the known issues and limitations of the igLinearGauge control. Detailed explanations of known issues and the possible workarounds are provided for some of the issues in the following summary table.


Workaround available
No known workaround
Fix planned


Issue Description Status
Only one needle supported The igLinearGauge control supports only one needle.
No label collisions detection The igLinearGauge control does not provide means for detecting label collisions. As a result, when the space to visualize the labels is not sufficient, label collisions may occur.


Only one needle supported

The igLinearGauge control supports only one needle.

Workaround : The effect of displaying multiple needles can be achieved by overlaying several instances of the control.

No label collisions detection

The igLinearGauge control does not provide means for detecting label collisions. As a result, when the space to visualize the labels is not sufficient, label collisions may occur.

Workaround: Make sure that in the container of the control there is sufficient space to display the labels properly.

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