Version 24.2 (latest)

Configuring Tooltips (igRadialMenu)

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to configure the igRadialMenu™ items’ tooltips.

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Tooltips summary

igRadialMenu tooltip is a small visual element shown outside of the menu when a user hovers over a menu item. The tooltip usually contains helpful user information that you can specify using the toolTip option. If tooltip’s message is not specified it is resolved based on the menu item type as shown in the table below:

Menu item type Default tooltip content
Button item The content of the header property (assuming it is not an element).
Numeric item Color item
Gauge item The pending value
Color well The calculated color name

The following is a screenshot showing the igRadialMenu tooltip:

Tooltips Configuration Summary

Tooltips configuration summary chart

The following table briefly explains the main configurable aspects of the igRadialMenu’s tooltips.

Configurable aspect Details Options
Tooltip Enable/Disable the item tooltip isToolTipEnabled
Item Tooltip’s content Set/Obtain the item tooltip content toolTip

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