Version 24.2 (latest)

Configuring Custom Drop Validation (igTree)

Topic Overview


This topic explains, with code examples, how to configure custom drop validation of the Drag-and-Drop feature of the igTree™ control, in both JavaScript and MVC.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


Overview capability of igTree

By default, the Drag-and-Drop feature of igTree control has own build validation. It validates whether the drop target is a node. You can implement additional validation by using the customDropValidation property.

Property settings

The following table shows the property settings implementing custom drop validation.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Configure custom drop validation customDropValidation your custom function


The following table demonstrates examples of setting the customDropValidation property in both jQuery and MVC:

Technology customDropValidation property value
JavaScript function
MVC string


Code examples summary

The following table lists the code examples included in this topic.

Example Description
Code Example: Configuring Drag-and-Drop Custom Drop Validation in JavaScript This procedure initializes igTree with Drag-and-Drop feature, adds custom drop validation, and binds it to a JSON data source with simple folder structure.
Code Example: Configuring Drag-and-Drop Custom Drop Validation in MVC This procedure initializes igTree with Drag-and-Drop feature, adds custom drop validation and binds it to a XML file with simple folder structure.

Code Example: Configuring Drag-and-Drop Custom Drop Validation in JavaScript


This procedure initializes igTree with Drag-and-Drop feature, adds custom drop validation, and binds it to a JSON data source with simple folder structure. The custom drop validation function checks whether the dragging node is a file (or folder) and whether it is being dropped over a file node. If the drop validation fails the dragging of the node is reverted.


The following screenshot demonstrates the custom validation performed on a user drop action.


This topic takes you step-by-step toward configuring igTree with Drag-and-Drop feature with custom drop validation in JavaScript. The following is a conceptual overview of the process:

  1. Defining the data source for the igTree control

  2. Adding the script references using the Infragistics Loader

  3. Configuring the Drag-and-Drop mode to Copy

  4. Adding the Custom Drop Validation function


The following steps demonstrate how to configure igTree with Drag-and-drop custom drop validation in JavaScript.

  1. Define the data source for the igTree control.

    For the sake of this example, a simple folder and file structure is created in JSON format. Each object has the following properies

    • Text – the name of the node
    • Value – the type of node - file or folder
    • ImageUrl – URL link which points to a specific node image
    • Folder – array of objects with same data as above

      In JavaScript:

        Text: "My Documents",
        Value: "Folder",
        ImageUrl: "../content/images/DocumentsFolder.png",
        Folder: [{
              Text: "2009",
              Value: "Folder",
              ImageUrl: "../content/images/DocumentsFolder.png",
              Folder: [{
                    Text: "Month Report",
                    Value: "File",
                    ImageUrl: "../content/images/Documents.png",
                    Folder: ""
              }, {
                    Text: "Year Report",
                    Value: "File",
                    ImageUrl: "../content/images/Documents.png",
                    Folder: ""
        }, {
              Text: "2010",
              Value: "Folder",
              ImageUrl: "../content/images/DocumentsFolder.png",
              Folder: [{
                    Text: "Month Report",
                    Value: "File",
                    ImageUrl: "../content/images/Documents.png",
                    Folder: ""
              }, {
                    Text: "Year Report",
                    Value: "File",
                    ImageUrl: "../content/images/Documents.png",
                    Folder: ""
  2. Add the script references using the Infragistics loader.

    The references are required for initializing the igTree control.

    Create an HTML file (e.g. tree.html) with the following references to in it.

    In HTML:

     <script src="../scripts/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <script src="../scripts/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
     <script src="../js/infragistics.loader.js"></script>
         scriptPath: "../js/",
         cssPath: "../css/",
         resources: "igTree"
  3. Add the Custom Drop Validation function.

    1. Define the DOM (Document Object Model) Html element placeholder in the tree.html file.

      In HTML:

       <!--igTree target element-->
       <div id="tree">
    2. Instantiate an igTree with the Custom Drop Validation function in JavaScript.

      In JavaScript:

           checkboxMode: 'triState',
           singleBranchExpand: true,
           dataSource: data,
           dataSourceType: 'json',
           initialExpandDepth: 0,
           pathSeparator: '.',
           bindings: {
               textKey: 'Text',
               valueKey: 'Value',
               imageUrlKey: 'ImageUrl',
               childDataProperty: 'Folder' 
           dragAndDrop: true,
           dragAndDropSettings: {
               customDropValidation: function (element) {
                   // Validates the drop target
                   var valid = true,
                   droppableNode = $(this);
                   if ('a') && droppableNode.closest('li[data-role=node]').attr('data-value') === 'File') {
                       valid = false;
                   return valid;

Code Example: Configuring Drag-and-Drop Custom Drop Validation in MVC


This procedure initializes igTree with Drag-and-Drop feature, adds custom drop validation, and binds it to a XML file with simple folder structure. The custom drop validation function checks whether the dragging node is a file (or folder) and whether it is being dropped over a file node. If the drop validation fails the dragging of the node is reverted.


The following screenshot demonstrates the custom validation performed on a user drop action.


To complete the procedure, you need the following:

  • Microsoft® Visual Studio 2010 or newer installed
  • MVC 3 Framework installed
  • Infragistics.Web.Mvc.dll added


This topic takes you step-by-step toward configuring igTree with Drag-and-Drop feature with custom drop validation in MVC. The following is a conceptual overview of the process:

  1. Creating an XML data source file

  2. Defining the View

  3. Defining the Controller


The following steps demonstrate how to define View and Controller for configuring igTree.

  1. Create an XML data source file.

    1. Add a new XML file to project. Name it ThreeData.xml.
    2. Add sample data to the XML file with Text, ImageUrl and Value following attributes following this structure:

      In XML:

      <Folder Text="Network" ImageUrl="../content/images/igTree/Common/door.png" Value="Folder">     
                 <Folder Text="Archive" ImageUrl="../content/images/igTree/Common/door_in.png" Value="Folder"></Folder>
                 <Folder Text="Back Up" ImageUrl="../content/images/igTree/Common/door_in.png" Value="Folder"></Folder>
                 <Folder Text="FTP" ImageUrl="../content/images/igTree/Common/door_in.png" Value="Folder"></Folder>
  2. Define the View.

    1. Add a new View to the Views folder. For this example, name it SampleDataXML.cshtml.

    2. In the View, define the tree and set the name of the function performing the custom drop validation. Following is a sample code to add to the view.

      In C#:

       <script src="http://localhost/ig_ui/js/infragistics.loader.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
               .Bindings( bindings => {
               .DragAndDropSettings(settings =>
               // Configuring Drag-and-drop with custom drop validation
               settings.CustomDropValidation ("customDropValidation");
    3. Define the customDropValidation function in JavaScript. The function validates that the target drop location is not a file.

      In JavaScript:

       customDropValidation (element) { 
       // Validates the drop target 
       var valid = true, 
       droppableNode = $(this); 
       if ('a') && droppableNode.closest('li[data-role=node]').attr('data-value') === 'File') { 
           valid = false; 
           return valid; 
  3. Define the Controller.

    1. Add a new Controller to the Controllers folder. For this example, name it name it SampleDataXMLController.cs.

    2. Add the method for returning the View (ActionResult method). For this example, name it DataBindingUsingMVC.

    3. To the controller, add a new method to load the XML file and return the IEnumerable objects of the Folders objects. For this example, name it GetData.

  4. Add a class representing the Folders objects. (Folders in this example).

    In C#:

     public class SampleDataXMLController : Controller
             public ActionResult DataBindingUsingMVC()
                 return View("SampleDataXML", this.GetData());
             private IEnumerable<Folders> GetData()
                 string phisicalFilePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/ThreeData.xml");
                 var ctx = XDocument.Load(phisicalFilePath);
                 IEnumerable<Folders> data = from item in ctx.Root.Elements("Folder")
                                             select new Folders
                                                 Text = item.Attribute("Text").Value,
                                                 Value = item.Attribute("Value").Value,
                                                 ImageUrl = Url.Content(item.Attribute("ImageUrl").Value),
                                                 Folder = from i1 in item.Elements("Folder")
                                                          select new Folders
                                                              Text = i1.Attribute("Text").Value,
                                                              Value = i1.Attribute("Value").Value,
                                                              ImageUrl = Url.Content(i1.Attribute("ImageUrl").Value),
                                                              Folder = from i2 in i1.Elements("Folder")
                                                                       select new Folders
                                                                           Text = i2.Attribute("Text").Value,
                                                                           Value = i2.Attribute("Value").Value,
                                                                           ImageUrl = Url.Content(i2.Attribute("ImageUrl").Value),
                                                                           Folder = from i3 in i2.Elements("Folder")
                                                                                    select new Folders
                                                                                        Text = i3.Attribute("Text").Value,
                                                                                        Value = i3.Attribute("Value").Value,
                                                                                        ImageUrl = Url.Content(i3.Attribute("ImageUrl").Value)
                 return data;
         public class Folders {
             public string Text { get; set; }
             public string Value { get; set; }
             public string ImageUrl { get; set; }
             public IEnumerable<Folders> Folder { get; set; }

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