Version 24.2 (latest)

Migrating to the new igValidator control

With the 15.2 release of Ignite UI for jQuery™ we introduce a new reworked igValidator control, with a new design, focused on ease of use and improved UX experience. This control uses the new igNotifier control to display error messages.

Topic overview

This topic aims to help migrating from the old validator to the new one.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

  1. Options changes
  2. New options
  3. API Methods changes
  4. New API methods
  5. Event changes
  6. New events
  7. Requirements

Options changes

Option Previously Now
alignment Used for determining the location of the error label. You should use the igNotifier direction property.
animationHide, animationShow Set the duration of hide and show animations in milliseconds. You should use the igNotifier animationDuration property.
bodyAsParent Determines the parent/location of error message. You should use the igNotifier appendTo property.
checkboxesName Use the name attribute of checkboxes in order to validate ranges. This option is removed. Checkboxes with the same name are automatically detected.
element Gets or sets reference to html element, which is used to process mousedown and mouseup events in order to trigger validation. This option is removed. API methods validate() and isValid() should be used instead.
enableTargetErrorCss Allows user to apply error css to target element. Use the equivalent allowCSSOnTarget on the igNotifier
errorLabel Gets or sets custom jQuery element, which innerHTML will be used to show validation messages. This property is renamed to messageTarget.
formSubmit Triggers validation when application called form.submit(). This option is removed.
keepFocus Set focus back to editor when validation failed This option is removed.
locale Sets object that contains custom settings. This option is removed. You can use the localization files for default messages or assign error messages for separate validation rules.
max, maxLength Used to determine the maximum length of text or maximum number of selected items. Those options are replaced by the lengthRange property.
min, minLength Used to determine the minimum length of text or minimum number of selected items. Those options are replaced by the lengthRange property.
regExp Gets or sets regular expression which is used to validate value in text editor. This property is renamed to pattern.
showIcon Determines whether the icon of the error messages should be visible or not. You can set this option though the igNotifier options.
theme Sets a selector for CSS classes. This option is removed. You can use the igNotifier CSS classes to customize the appearance of the error messages.

New options

Option Description
number Validate if value is a number.
date Validate if value is a date.
email Validate if value is an email.
lengthRange Gets or sets minimum and maximum length of text or number of selected items.
valueRange Gets or sets minimum and maximum values.
successMessage Gets or sets text for success message.
threshold Determines the validation minimum input length.
equalTo Requires the value in this field to be the same as another input element or editor control.
creditCard Gets or sets option to validate if value is a Credit Card number.
Note: This rule will only validate the checksum of the number using Luhn algorithm irregardless of type.
custom Gets or sets a custom function to perform validation.
fields Determines a list of field items describing each field with validation options and a selector.
notificationOptions Sets the options for the igNotifier used to show error messages.
requiredIndication Show an asterisks indication next to required fields.
optionalIndication Show an optinal label indication next to optional fields.

API Methods changes

Method Change Description
getLocaleOption This method is removed. You can use the localization files for default messages or assign error messages for separate validation rules.
hide Method now hides all available messages and also takes optional field parameter.
isMessageDisplayed Check for currently displayed message(s). Takes an optional field.
isValidState This option is renamed to isValid. It takes optional field.
validate This option return bool values only and takes optional field.

New API Methods

Method Description
getErrorMessages Gets all current error messages for invalid field(s).
notifier Gets the notifier for the igValidator or for a single filed.
addField Adds an new input to the fields collection and initializes it with the validator.
removeField Removes an input from the fields collection.
updateField Updates a field in the validator collection. Used to reiitialize field in case a control has been initialized after the validator or to pass in new options.

See all API methods

Event changes

Event Changes
checkValue This event is renamed to validating to better communicate what it does. Return false to cancel the event.
validation This event is renamed to validated to better communicate what it does. This event is not cancellable.

Note: Both events are now aligned with the default behavior, where returning false on the cancellable event will prevent further execution on this action and produce no further effects for the event that cannot be cancelled. To change the outcome of validation use the custom function option.

New events

Event Description
success Event raised for invalid field after value was validated but before any action takes effect.
successShowing Event which is raised before success message is displayed.
successHiding Event which is raised before success message is hidden.
successShown Event which is raised after success message was displayed.
successHidden Event which is raised after success message was hidden.
formValidating Event triggered on igValidator instance level before handling a form submit event.
formValidated Event triggered on igValidator instance level as it is about to handle a form submit event.
formError Event triggered when the form is submitted and an error occurs
success Event triggered when the form is submitted successfully

See all events

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