Version 24.2 (latest)

Styling and Theming (igVideoPlayer)

Required CSS and Themes

When you decide to use the jQuery Video Player™ control in your web application the most common issue you will face is making the Video Player control look and feel according to your application’s style. You can achieve this using the following information about styling and theming for the video player in particular and in broader terms for the client UI controls available in the Ignite UI for jQuery™ package.

The igVideoPlayer control, like other jQuery widgets, utilizes the jQuery UI CSS Framework for styling. Included in Ignite UI for jQuery is a custom jQuery UI theme called ‘IG Theme’. This theme provides a professional and attractive design to all Infragistics and standard jQuery UI widgets.

Required CSS and Themes

The Ignite UI for jQuery™ videoplayer, like other jQuery widgets, utilizes the jQuery UI CSS Framework for styling. Included in Ignite UI for jQuery are custom jQuery UI themes called Infragistics and Metro. These themes provide a professional and attractive design to all Infragistics and standard jQuery UI widgets.

In addition to the Infragistics and Metro themes, there is a structure directory, which is required for the basic CSS layout of the Infragistics widgets.

Adding Required Themes to a Website

The Infragistics and Metro themes are located in the installed directory within the css folder. To add the themes to your application, copy the whole css folder (including structure and themes directories) into your site’s location.

Note: When using Infragistics Loader, the folder structure must be preserved. Thus the loader will work as expected. If some of the themes are not used they can be deleted, but the structure should remain the same.

Figure 1: Included theme folders upon product install

Infragistics and Metro Themes

The Infragistics Theme is a custom theme which includes all of the styles typically found in a jQuery UI theme. This theme may be replaced by a different theme but for the jQuery widgets to display correctly a reference to file {IG Resources root}/css/structure/infragistics.css is required..

Metro theme is implementation of the clean, modern and fast Metro design language. It has the same requirements for{IG Resources root}/css/structure/infragistics.css like Infragistics theme.

When using a theme other than the Infragistics (or Metro) theme, the videoplayer has some additional styling points that may need customization to achieve a complete design (depending on the videoplayer’s enabled features and theme).

The igVideoPlayer control requires having a link to the stylesheet of a standard jQuery UI theme. For the IG Theme, you must include reference to the theme’s stylesheet in the page:

Listing 1: Manual CSS reference to Infragistics theme


<link href="css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="css/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.videoplayer.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Listing 2: CSS reference to Infragistics theme in ASP.NET MVC


<%@ Import Namespace="Infragistics.Web.Mvc" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head runat="server">
<link href="<%= Url.Content("~/css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css") %>” rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="<%= Url.Content("~/css/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.videoplayer.css") %>” rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Metro Theme

The Metro Theme is referenced after the jQuery Theme. The following stylesheets are required when using the igVideoPlayer control:

Listing 3 : Manual CSS reference to the Metro theme


<link href="css/themes/metro/infragistics.theme.css " rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="css/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.videoplayer.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Listing 4 : CSS reference to the Metro theme in ASP.NET MVC


<%@ Import Namespace="Infragistics.Web.Mvc" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head runat="server">
<link href="<%= Url.Content("~/css/themes/metro/infragistics.theme.css ") %>” rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="<%= Url.Content("~/css/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.videoplayer.css") %>” rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Video Player CSS Classes

Below you can find the complete list of CSS classes used by the Video Player. You can get and set classes for the separate elements using the control’s properties in the first column.

Property CSS Classes Used Description
baseClasses ui-widget ui-igplayer Base CSS classes.
controlsClass ui-widget-header ui-igplayer-controls ui-igplayer-grid ui-igplayer-autohide Controls CSS classes.
controlsHideClass ui-igplayer-controls-hide Controls hide CSS class. Applied on controls auto hide.
videoClass ui-igplayer-video A class applied on the main video element.
unsupportedBrowserClass ui-igplayer-unsupported-browser-msg Applied on a span element, shown when the player is opened in a non-HTML5 compatible browser.
activeVideoClass ui-igplayer-active-video A class applied on the main video when the control is activated.
playButtonClass ui-igplayer-playbutton Applied on the play button of the playback controls.
progressBarClass ui-igplayer-progressbar ui-corner-all Applied on the slider widget of the playback controls.
fullScreenClass ui-igplayer-fullscreen-button A class applied on the full screen button of the playback controls.
volumeControlClass ui-igplayer-volumecontrol A class applied on the volume control button of the playback controls.
volumeSliderClass ui-igplayer-volumeslider Applied on the volume slider of the playback controls.
progressLabelClass ui-igplayer-progresslabel Applied on the progress label of the playback controls.
bookmarkContainerClass ui-widget ui-igplayer-bookmark-container A class applied on the bookmark container DIV.
bookmarkContainerHeaderClass ui-widget-header ui-igplayer-bookmark-header Applied on the bookmark header container.
bookmarkListClass ui-widget-content ui-igplayer-bookmark-list Applied on the bookmark list in the bookmark area.
bookmarkItemTimeClass ui-igplayer-bookmark-item-time A class applied on the bookmark list item showing the time in the bookmark area.
bookmarkItemTitleClass ui-igplayer-bookmark-item-title Applied on the bookmark list item showing the title in the bookmark area.
bookmarkActiveItemClass ui-igplayer-bookmark-active-item A class showing the active bookmark item in the bookmark area.
relatedVideosContainerClass ui-igplayer-related-video-container Applied on the related videos container class.
relatedVideosOuterContainerClass ui-igplayer-related-video-outer-container A class applied on the related videos outermost container.
relatedVideoClass ui-igplayer-related-video Applied on a related video element.
relatedVideoHoverClass ui-igplayer-related-video-hover A class applied on a related video hover.
relatedVideoScrollLeftClass ui-igplayer-related-scroller-left Applied on the left scroll button.
relatedVideoScrollLeftIconClass ui-icon-triangle-1-w The left scroll button icon CSS class.
relatedVideoScrollRightClass ui-igplayer-related-scroller-right A class applied on the right scroll button of the related videos.
relatedVideoScrollRightIconClass ui-icon-triangle-1-e Applied on the right icon of the scroll button.
relatedVideoScrollListClass ui-igplayer-related-list The related videos list CSS class.
relatedVideosHeaderClass ui-igplayer-related-video-header Applied on the related videos header area.
relatedVideoBarClass ui-igplayer-related-video-bar Applied on the related videos bottom area containing the replay and fullscreen buttons.
relatedVideoReplayClass ui-igplayer-related-video-replay A CSS class applied on the replay button in the related videos area.
relatedVideoReplayIconClass ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-s Replay button icon CSS class.
relatedVideoFullScreenClass ui-igplayer-related-video-full-screen Applied on the full screen button in the related videos area.
relatedVideoFullScreenIconClass ui-icon-arrow-4-diag A class applied on the full screen button icon.
bannerContainerClass ui-igplayer-banner ui-corner-all Applied on the banner container div.
bannerCloseClass ui-igplayer-banner-close A class applied on the banner close button.
bannerCloseIconClass ui-icon-close A class applied on the banner close icon.
adMsgContainerClass ui-igplayer-ad-msg-container Applied on the resume video message container.
adMsgClass ui-igplayer-ad-msg Applied on the resume video message span.
adMsgCloseClass ui-igplayer-ad-msg-close Applied on the resume video message close button.
adMsgCloseIconClass ui-icon-close A class applied on the resume video message close button icon.
linkedBookmarkClass ui-igplayer-linked-bookmark Applied on the linked commercial bookmark.
adBookmarkClass ui-igplayer-ad-bookmark A class applied on an embedded commercial bookmark.
unsupportedVideoSourceClass ui-igplayer-not-supported-video-source Applied on the anchor element shown when video sources are unsupported.
unsupportedVideoSourceIconClass ui-igplayer-not-supported-video-source-icon Applied on the anchor element showing the unsupported video source icon.
centerPlayButtonClass ui-igplayer-centerplaybutton-play Applied on the center play button.
centerPauseButtonClass ui-igplayer-centerplaybutton-pause A class applied on the center pause button.
centerPlayButtonIconClass ui-igplayer-centerplaybutton-icon A class applied on the center play button icon.
waitingIndicatorClass ui-igplayer-waiting Buffering indicator CSS class.
waitingIndicatorIconClass ui-igplayer-waiting-icon Applied on the buffering indicator icon.
seekTooltipClass ui-igplayer-seektooltip Applied on the seek tooltip.

External References

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