
PivotGridClientEvents Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by PivotGridClientEvents.

Public Fields
Public FieldDataSourceInitializedEvent which is raised after the data source has initialized.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.dataSource to get a reference to the data source.

Use ui.error to see if an error has occured during initialization.

Use ui.metadataTreeRoot to get a reference to the root of the data source metatadata root item.  
Public FieldDataSourceUpdatedEvent which is raised after the data source has updated.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.dataSource to get a reference to the data source.

Use ui.error to see if an error has occured during update.

Use ui.result to get the result of the update operation.  
Public FieldDragEvent which is raised on drag.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.metadata to get a reference to the data.

Use ui.helper to get a reference to the helper.

Use ui.offset to get a reference to the offset.

Use ui.originalPosition to get a reference to the original position of the draggable element.

Use ui.position to get a reference to the current position of the draggable element.  
Public FieldDragStartEvent which is raised on drag start.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.metadata to get a reference to the data.

Use ui.helper to get a reference to the helper.

Use ui.offset to get a reference to the offset.

Use ui.originalPosition to get a reference to the original position of the draggable element.

Use ui.position to get a reference to the current position of the draggable element.  
Public FieldDragStopEvent which is raised on drag stop.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.helper to get a reference to the helper.

Use ui.offset to get a reference to the offset.

Use ui.originalPosition to get a reference to the original position of the draggable element.

Use ui.position to get a reference to the current position of the draggable element.  
Public FieldFilterDropDownClosedEvent which is raised after the filter members drop down closes.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.hierarchy for a reference to the hierarchy.  
Public FieldfilterDropDownClosingEvent which is raised before the filter members drop down closes.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.hierarchy for a reference to the hierarchy.

Use ui.dropDownElement for a reference to the drop down.  
Public FieldFilterDropDownOkEvent which is raised after the OK button in the filter members drop down is clicked.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.hierarchy for a reference to the hierarchy.

Use ui.filterMembers for a collection with the selected filter members. If all filter members are selected the collection will be empty.

Use ui.dropDownElement for a reference to the drop down.  
Public FieldFilterDropDownOpenedEvent which is raised after the filter members drop down opens.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.hierarchy for a reference to the hierarchy.

Use ui.dropDownElement for a reference to the drop down.  
Public FieldFilterDropDownOpeningEvent which is raised before the filter members drop down opens.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.hierarchy for a reference to the hierarchy.  
Public FieldFilterMembersLoadedEvent which is raised after the filter members are loaded.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.rootFilterMembers for a collection with the root filter members.  
Public FieldHeadersSortedEvent which is raised after the sorting of the headers.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.levelSortDirections to get an array of the level names and sort directions that were used.

Use ui.appliedLevelSortDirections to get an array of the level names and sort directions that were actually applied to the table view.  
Public FieldHeadersSortingEvent which is raised before the sorting of the headers.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.levelSortDirections to get an array of the level names and sort directions that will be used.  
Public FieldMetadataDroppedEvent which is raised after a metadata item drop.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.targetElement for a reference to the drop target.

Use ui.draggedElement for a reference to the metadata item element.

Use ui.metadata to get a reference to the data.

Use ui.metadataIndex to get the index at which the metadata will be inserted.

Use ui.helper to get a reference to the helper.

Use ui.offset to get a reference to the offset.

Use ui.position to get a reference to the current position of the draggable element.  
Public FieldMetadataDroppingEvent which is raised before a metadata item drop.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.targetElement for a reference to the drop target.

Use ui.draggedElement for a reference to the metadata item element.

Use ui.metadata to get a reference to the data.

Use ui.metadataIndex to get the index at which the metadata will be inserted.

Use ui.helper to get a reference to the helper.

Use ui.offset to get a reference to the offset.

Use ui.position to get a reference to the current position of the draggable element.  
Public FieldMetadataRemovedEvent which is raised after a metadata item is removed when the user clicks the close icon.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.metadata to get a reference to the data.  
Public FieldMetadataRemovingEvent which is raised before a metadata item is removed when the user clicks the close icon.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.targetElement for a reference to the dragged element.

Use ui.metadata to get a reference to the data.  
Public FieldPivotGridHeadersRenderedEvent which is raised after the headers have been rendered.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.grid to get a reference to the igGrid widget, which holds the headers.

Use ui.table to get a reference to the headers table DOM element.  
Public FieldPivotGridRenderedEvent which is raised after the whole grid widget has been rendered (including headers, footers, etc.).

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.grid to get a reference to the igGrid widget, which holds the headers.  
Public FieldSortedEvent which is raised after the sorting of the columns.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.sortDirections to get an array of the tuple indices and sort directions that were passed to the table view.

Use ui.appliedSortDirections to get an array of the tuple indices and sort directions that were actually applied to the table view.  
Public FieldSortingEvent which is raised before the sorting of the columns.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.sortDirections to get an array of the tuple indices and sort directions that will be used.  
Public FieldTupleMemberCollapsedEvent which is raised after the collapse of the tuple member.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.dataSource to get a reference to the data source.

Use ui.axisName to get the name of axis, which holds the member and the tuple.

Use ui.memberIndex to get the index of the member in the axis.

Use ui.tupleIndex to get the index of the tuple in the member.  
Public FieldTupleMemberCollapsingEvent which is raised before the collapse of the tuple member.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.dataSource to get a reference to the data source.

Use ui.axisName to get the name of axis, which holds the member and the tuple.

Use ui.memberIndex to get the index of the member in the axis.

Use ui.tupleIndex to get the index of the tuple in the member.  
Public FieldTupleMemberExpandedEvent which is raised after the expand of the tuple member.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.dataSource to get a reference to the data source.

Use ui.axisName to get the name of axis, which holds the member and the tuple.

Use ui.memberIndex to get the index of the member in the axis.

Use ui.tupleIndex to get the index of the tuple in the member.  
Public FieldTupleMemberExpandingEvent which is raised before the expand of the tuple member.

Function takes arguments evt and ui.

Use ui.owner to get a reference to the pivot grid.

Use ui.dataSource to get a reference to the data source.

Use ui.axisName to get the name of axis, which holds the member and the tuple.

Use ui.memberIndex to get the index of the member in the axis.

Use ui.tupleIndex to get the index of the tuple in the member.  
See Also

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