
Performing Data Transformations Using DataSchema (igDataSource)

The data schemas handle transformations of data for the igDataSource component. Schema definition consists of the following parts:

  • List of field name definitions
  • Schema type

A field definition consists of:

  • field name
  • type
  • searchField value (specifying exactly where the field value is located in the input data)
  • formatter function

Array Schema

When working with JavaScript arrays, the best option is to use an array schema. These arrays used in this way may contain JavaScript objects or other arrays.

In Javascript:

    var arrayOfObjects =  [
        {song:"Light My Fire",artist:"The Doors",year:1967},
        {song:"Another Brick in the Wall",artist:"Pink Floyd",year:1979},
        {song:"The Show Must Go On",artist:"Queen",year:1991}
    var arrayOfArrays = [
        ["Light My Fire", "The Doors", 1967],
        ["Another Brick in the Wall", "Pink Floyd", 1979],
        ["The Show Must Go On", "Queen", 1991]
    var mySchema = new $.ig.DataSchema("array", {
        fields: [{
            name: "song"
        }, {
            name: "artist"
        }, {
            name: "year"
    var ds = new $.ig.DataSource({
        dataSource: arrayOfObjects,
        schema: mySchema

JSON Schema

When working with JSON data, the best option is to use a JSON schema.

In Javascript:

    var json = {
        "program": [
                "weekly schedule":[
                    {"day":"sunday", "activity":"swimming"},
                    {"day":"monday", "activity":"running"},
                    {"day":"tuesday", "activity":"biking"},
                    {"day":"wednesday", "activity":"running"},
                    {"day":"thursday", "activity":"swimming"},
                    {"day":"friday", "activity":"running"},
                    {"day":"saturday", "activity":"golf"}
    var jsonSchema = new $.ig.DataSchema("json", {
        fields: [{
            name: "day"
        }, {
            name: "activity"
        searchField: "program[0]['weekly schedule']"
    var ds = new $.ig.DataSource({
        dataSource: json,
        schema: jsonSchema

XML Schema

When working with XML data, the best option is to use a XML schema.


    May 16 2005 4:33

    May 16 2005 4:33

    May 16 2005 4:33

For XML schemas, use XPath to select the nodes with the data you want to bind to:

In Javascript:

     var xmlSchema = new $.ig.DataSchema("xml", { fields:[ 
        {name : "FirstName", xpath: "generalInfo/@firstName"},
        {name : "LastName", xpath : "generalInfo/@lastName"}, 
        {name : "Email",  xpath : "generalInfo"} ], 

Note: After the data schema is defined, you can then apply it to data source’s schema option.

In Javascript:

    var mySchema = new $.ig.DataSchema("array", {
        fields: [{
            name: "song"
        }, {
            name: "artist"
        }, {
            name: "year"
    var ds = new $.ig.DataSource({
        dataSource: arrayOfObjects,
        schema: mySchema

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