
GridAppendRowsOnDemandClientEvents Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by GridAppendRowsOnDemandClientEvents.

Public Fields
Public FieldRowsRequestedEvent fired after the requested rows are returned from the remote endpoint, but before grid data rebinds. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use ui.owner to get reference to igGridAppendRowsOnDemand. Use ui.owner.grid to get reference to igGrid. Use ui.chunkIndex to get current chunk index. Use ui.chunkSize to get chunk size. Use ui.rows to get requested rows.  
Public FieldRowsRequestingEvent fired before the rows are requested from the remote endpoint. Return false in order to cancel requesting of rows. Function takes arguments evt and ui. Use ui.owner to get reference to igGridAppendRowsOnDemand. Use ui.owner.grid to get reference to igGrid. Use ui.chunkIndex to get next chunk index. Use ui.chunkSize to get next chunk size.  
See Also

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