Version 22.2

Formatting Dates, Numbers and Strings

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to format dates, numbers and strings using the $.ig.formatter utility function.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


The infragistics.util files contain an utility function $.ig.formatter that is used to format dates, numbers and strings across the Ignite UI for jQuery controls. For example the igGrid uses it in the format option. The function signature is: $.ig.formatter = function (val, type, format, notTemplate, enableUTCDates, displayStyle, labelText, tabIndex). Result is of type string.

The topic will focus only on the first three parameters of the function:

  • val - the value that is going to be formatted.
  • type - data type of the value.
  • format - format specifier (explained in detail in the following sections).

The function takes into an account the regional settings configured in the $.ig.regional.defaults variable.

Following sections will explain the usage of $.ig.formatter in greater detail.

Formatting Dates

When type parameter is "date" the $.ig.formatter function parses dates. The val argument should be of type Date.

In JavaScript:

var result = $.ig.formatter(new Date(2016, 05, 01), "date", "yyyy-MM-dd"); // result is "2016-06-01"

List of supported format specifiers:

Format specifier Description
"d" Day of the month in number from 1 to 31
"dd" Day of the month in number with fixed 2 digits from 01 to 31
"ddd" Day of the week short name
"dddd" Day of the week full name
"M" Month in number from 1 to 12
"MM" Month in number from 01 to 12
"MMM" Month short name
"MMMM" Month full name
"yy" Year short
"yyyy" Year long
"h" Hour number from 1 to 12 (12 hour format)
"hh" Hour number from 01 to 12 (12 hour format)
"H" Hour number from 0 to 23 (24 hour format)
"HH" Hour number from 00 to 23 (24 hour format)
"m" Minutes from 0 to 59
"mm" Minutes from 00 to 59
"s" Seconds from 0 to 59
"ss" Seconds from 00 to 59
"t" The first character of AM or PM designator
"tt" AM or PM designator
"f" Tenths of a second
"ff" Hundreds of a second
"fff" Miliseconds
"date" Format specifier is taken from $.ig.regional.defaults.datePattern
"dateLong" Format specifier is taken from $.ig.regional.defaults.dateLongPattern
"dateTime" Format specifier is taken from $.ig.regional.defaults.dateTimePattern
"time" Format specifier is taken from $.ig.regional.defaults.timePattern
"timeLong" Format specifier is taken from $.ig.regional.defaults.timeLongPattern

Formatting Numbers

When type parameter is "number" the $.ig.formatter function parses numbers. The val argument should be of type Number.

In JavaScript:

var result = $.ig.formatter(0.55, "number", "0.0"); // result is "0.6"

List of supported format specifiers:

Format specifier Description
"0" Zero format character with rounding. Replaces "0" with the corresponding digit if available. Otherwise outputs "0". Example: $.ig.formatter(0.7, "number", "0.000") outputs "0.700".
"#" Digit format character with rounding. Replaces "#" with the corresponding digit if available. Otherwise outputs nothing. Example: $.ig.formatter(0.7, "number", "#.###") outputs "0.7".
"." Dot format character. Determines the location of the decimal separator in the result string. Example: $.ig.formatter(0.77, "number", "0.00") outputs "0.77".
"number" Formats the number with 2 digits after the decimal separator with rounding.
"currency" Formats the number as currency using the $.ig.regional.defaults settings.
"percent" Formats the number as percent using the $.ig.regional.defaults settings.
"int" Formats the number as integer value. There is no decimal separator and rounding is applied.
"double" Formats the number as double value. There is decimal separator and no rounding is applied.

Formatting Strings

When type parameter is "string" the $.ig.formatter function parses strings. The {0} placeholder can be used in the format parameter to denote the position of the value parameter in the resulting string.

In JavaScript:

var result = $.ig.formatter("Black", "string", "Color is {0}");

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