
Returns and sets formatting information on a range of cells.


The current widget has no options.
The current widget has no events.
  • alignment

    .alignment( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The horizontal alignment of the content in a cell.

    Gets the horizontal alignment of the content in a cell.


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The value assigned is not defined in the HorizontalCellAlignment enumeration.
  • alignment

    .alignment( value:ig.excel.HorizontalCellAlignment );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The horizontal alignment of the content in a cell.

    Sets the horizontal alignment of the content in a cell.

    • value
    • Type:ig.excel.HorizontalCellAlignment


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The value assigned is not defined in the HorizontalCellAlignment enumeration.
  • fill

    .fill( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The fill of the cell.

    Gets the fill of the cell.

  • fill

    .fill( value:ig.excel.CellFill );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The fill of the cell.

    Sets the fill of the cell.

    • value
    • Type:ig.excel.CellFill
  • font

    .font( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The default font formatting.

    Gets the default font formatting.


    This font formatting is just the default font used in the cell. This can be overridden by strings on a character by character basis by using the FormattedString class.

  • formatString

    .formatString( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The number format string.

    Gets the number format string.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentException The assigned value is an invalid format string and Workbook.validateFormatStrings is True.


    For more information on excel format strings, consult Microsoft Excel help.

  • formatString

    .formatString( value:string );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The number format string.

    Sets the number format string.

    • value
    • Type:string


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentException The assigned value is an invalid format string and Workbook.validateFormatStrings is True.


    For more information on excel format strings, consult Microsoft Excel help.

  • indent

    .indent( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The indent in units of average character widths or -1 to use the default indent.

    Gets the indent in units of average character widths.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The assigned value is not -1 and is outside the valid indent level range of 0 and 250.


    A value of -1 indicates that the default value should be used.

  • indent

    .indent( value:number );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The indent in units of average character widths or -1 to use the default indent.

    Sets the indent in units of average character widths.

    • value
    • Type:number


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The assigned value is not -1 and is outside the valid indent level range of 0 and 250.


    A value of -1 indicates that the default value should be used.

  • locked

    .locked( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The valid which indicates whether the cell is locked in protected mode.

    Gets the valid which indicates whether the cell is locked in protected mode.


    The Locked valid is used in Excel file only if the associated Worksheet or Workbook is protected. Otherwise the value is ignored.

  • locked

    .locked( value:boolean );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The valid which indicates whether the cell is locked in protected mode.

    Sets the valid which indicates whether the cell is locked in protected mode.

    • value
    • Type:boolean


    The Locked valid is used in Excel file only if the associated Worksheet or Workbook is protected. Otherwise the value is ignored.

  • rotation

    .rotation( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The rotation of the cell content in degrees.

    Gets the rotation of the cell content in degrees.


    Cell text rotation, in degrees; 0 – 90 is up 0 – 90 degrees, 91 – 180 is down 1 – 90 degrees, and 255 is vertical.

  • rotation

    .rotation( value:number );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The rotation of the cell content in degrees.

    Sets the rotation of the cell content in degrees.

    • value
    • Type:number


    Cell text rotation, in degrees; 0 – 90 is up 0 – 90 degrees, 91 – 180 is down 1 – 90 degrees, and 255 is vertical.

  • setBorders

    .setBorders( borders:ig.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetCellRangeBorders, borderColor:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo, borderStyle:ig.excel.CellBorderLineStyle );

    Sets the specified borders for the associated range to the specified style and color.

    • borders
    • Type:ig.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetCellRangeBorders
    • Identifies the borders to be changed
    • borderColor
    • Type:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo
    • The color for the borders
    • borderStyle
    • Type:ig.excel.CellBorderLineStyle
    • The style for the borders
  • shrinkToFit

    .shrinkToFit( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The value indicating whether the cell content will shrink to fit the cell.

    Gets the value indicating whether the cell content will shrink to fit the cell.


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The value assigned is not defined in the ExcelDefaultableBoolean enumeration.


    If True, the size of the cell font will shrink so all data fits within the cell.

  • shrinkToFit

    .shrinkToFit( value:boolean );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The value indicating whether the cell content will shrink to fit the cell.

    Sets the value indicating whether the cell content will shrink to fit the cell.

    • value
    • Type:boolean


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The value assigned is not defined in the ExcelDefaultableBoolean enumeration.


    If True, the size of the cell font will shrink so all data fits within the cell.

  • style

    .style( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    A WorkbookStyle instance if this is a cell or differential format, or null if this is a style format.

    Gets the parent WorkbookStyle of the format.


    Exception Description
    ig.InvalidOperationException The value assigned is non-null and the format is a style format.
    ig.ArgumentException The value assigned is from a different Workbook.


    The parent style of a cell or differential format provides default format values. Depending on which FormatOptions flags are present, only certain groups of format properties will be resolved from parent style. When any of the properties in a group is set to a non-default value, the FormatOptions will automatically have that flag included so the format provides values in that group rather than the style providing values in that group.

    By default, all cell and differential formats will have a parent style of the normal style, which is exposed by the WorkbookStyleCollection.normalStyle property. If a value of null is assigned as the Style for a cell or differential format, then NormalStyle will actually be set.

  • style

    .style( value:ig.excel.WorkbookStyle );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    A WorkbookStyle instance if this is a cell or differential format, or null if this is a style format.

    Sets the parent WorkbookStyle of the format.

    • value
    • Type:ig.excel.WorkbookStyle


    Exception Description
    ig.InvalidOperationException The value assigned is non-null and the format is a style format.
    ig.ArgumentException The value assigned is from a different Workbook.


    The parent style of a cell or differential format provides default format values. Depending on which FormatOptions flags are present, only certain groups of format properties will be resolved from parent style. When any of the properties in a group is set to a non-default value, the FormatOptions will automatically have that flag included so the format provides values in that group rather than the style providing values in that group.

    By default, all cell and differential formats will have a parent style of the normal style, which is exposed by the WorkbookStyleCollection.normalStyle property. If a value of null is assigned as the Style for a cell or differential format, then NormalStyle will actually be set.

  • verticalAlignment

    .verticalAlignment( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The vertical alignment of the content in a cell.

    Gets the vertical alignment of the content in a cell.


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The value assigned is not defined in the VerticalCellAlignment enumeration.
  • verticalAlignment

    .verticalAlignment( value:ig.excel.VerticalCellAlignment );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The vertical alignment of the content in a cell.

    Sets the vertical alignment of the content in a cell.

    • value
    • Type:ig.excel.VerticalCellAlignment


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The value assigned is not defined in the VerticalCellAlignment enumeration.
  • wrapText

    .wrapText( );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The value which indicates whether text will wrap in a cell.

    Gets the value which indicates whether text will wrap in a cell.


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The value assigned is not defined in the ExcelDefaultableBoolean enumeration.


    If True, and the row associated with the cell has a default WorksheetRow.height, the row's height will automatically be increased to fit wrapped content.

  • wrapText

    .wrapText( value:boolean );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    The value which indicates whether text will wrap in a cell.

    Sets the value which indicates whether text will wrap in a cell.

    • value
    • Type:boolean


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException The value assigned is not defined in the ExcelDefaultableBoolean enumeration.


    If True, and the row associated with the cell has a default WorksheetRow.height, the row's height will automatically be increased to fit wrapped content.

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