
Configuring Appointments (igScheduler)


This topic explains the concept of the appointments in the igScheduler control and provides examples on how to bind and perform CRUD operations with those appointments.


The appointments are used to represent an event which starts at a specific time and ends at a specific time. The appointment can be associated with a resource, which means that the resource (a kind of entity, for example a person) is the owner of the activity represented by that appointment.

It is important to note that the scheduling control is built by the igSchedulerCore and the igScheduler controls. The igSchedulerCore is the engine and the igScheduler runs the user interface.

The igScheduler works with appointments that are simple JSON objects, containing only the properties listed in the Appointment object properties section. The collection of appointments, assigned to the dataSource option by the developer, needs to contain this type of appointments.

At the same time the igSchedulerCore maps these objects to another type of appointment objects. In comparison to the other type of appointments, the appointments of the igSchedulerCore do not contain the properties listed in the Appointment object properties section, but expose getter and setter methods with the same name and more. Please refer to Appointment object methods section below for more information.

The crossing point between those type are the events triggered on user interactions with the igScheduler. Attaching to a certain event, the developer may access the appointment that is being created, edited, etc. However, the developer may need to call .dataObject() in order to retrieve a simple JSON object representing the activity, and this JSON object then may be passed to other methods to work with it.

Code example

The developer access the appointment that is created and then programatically creates the same event for a different location:

    dataSource: appointments,
    resources: resources,
    appointmentCreated: function (evt, ui) {
        ui.appointment.dataObject().location = "London";

Appointment object properties

The following table lists the Appointment's key properties and their purpose:

Property Purpose
id This property is used to distinguish this activity amongst all other appointments. It must be unique.
subject This string property is used as short description of the activity. It is the main information shown in the control’s views and therefore used to distinguish a specific appointment amongst the other appointments.
location This string property is used to store the location where the appointment takes place.
start This Date property contains the start date and time of the appointment.
end This Date property contains the end date and time of the appointment.
resourceId This property is used to associate the current appointment with a resource.
recurrence This property holds the recurrence pattern for the appointment.

Appointment object methods

The following table lists the Appointment's key methods and their purpose:

Property Purpose
id Gets the id property value that is used to distinguish this activity amongst all other appointments.
subject Gets/sets the subject property value that is used as short description of the activity.
location Gets/sets the location property value that stores where the activity takes place.
start Gets/sets the start property value that contains the start date and time of the appointment.
end Gets/sets the end property value that contains the end date and time of the appointment.
resourceId Gets/sets the resourceId property value that is used to associate the current appointment with a resource.
resource Gets the resource object that is associated with the current appointment with.
recurrence Gets/sets the recurrence property value that holds the recurrence pattern.
recurrenceId Returns the ID of the root recurrence activity or null if the activity is not associated with a recurrence.
isRecurrenceRoot Returns a boolean indicating whether this appointment is a recurrence root activity.
recurenceRoot Returns the recurrence root activity or null if the appointment is not associated with a reccurence.
dataObject Returns a simple JSON object with the properties listed in the Appointment object properties section

Code example

The appointments are a collection of JSON objects, containing all or some of the appointment`s properties:

var appointments = [{
        "id": 11,
        "start": new Date(currentYear, currentMonth, 2, 6, 45),
        "end": new Date(currentYear, currentMonth, 3, 6, 45),
        "subject": "Marketing conference",
        "resourceId": 1
        "id": 5,
        "end": new Date(currentYear, currentMonth, 3, 12, 45),
        "start": new Date(currentYear, currentMonth, 3, 13, 45),
        "subject": "Dentist appointment"
        "resourceId": 6
        "id": 10,
        "start": new Date(currentYear, currentMonth, 4, 8),
        "end": new Date(currentYear, currentMonth, 4, 8, 30),
        "subject": "Distributions sync",
        "description": "Sync with distributions team"
        "resourceId": 11

    height: "650px",
    width: "100%",
    dataSource: appointments

Getting all appointments in time range

A collection of all appointments for the given time range can be retrieved by the getAppointmentsInRange method

Code example

var appointment = $("#scheduler").igScheduler("getAppointmentById", 4);

Adding appointment through the API

Appointments can be added by using the createAppointment method by passing the appointment object as an argument .

Code example

var appointment = $("#scheduler").igScheduler("createAppointment", {
    id: 1,
    subject: "Some subject",
    location: "Somewhere",
    start: new Date(2017, 04, 05, 12, 30),
    end: new Date(2017, 04, 05, 12, 30),
    resourceId: 4,
    description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit."

Editing appointment through the API

Appointments can be edited by using the editAppointment method that is taking as parameters the appointment object and an object containing the properties that will be changed.

Code example

var appointment = var appointment = $("#scheduler").igScheduler("getAppointmentById", 4);

$("#scheduler").igScheduler("editAppointment", appointment, {
    subject: "Some subject",
    location: "Somewhere",
    start: new Date(2017, 04, 05, 12, 30),
    end: new Date(2017, 04, 05, 12, 30),
    resourceId: 4,
    description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit."

Deleting appointment through the API

Appointments can be deleted by using the deleteAppointment method which needs to be passed the appointment object as an argument.

Code example

$("#scheduler").igScheduler("deleteAppointment", appointment);

Related topics

Topic Purpose
Configuring Appointments (igScheduler) This topic shows how to setup and configure Appointments DataSource for the igScheduler.

Configuring Views (igScheduler): The topics in this section provide information about the different views used by the igScheduler control to present calendar data.

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