Version 24.2 (latest)

Multidimensional (OLAP) Data Source Components Overview

Topic Overview


This topic provides an overview of the multidimensional data source components of Ignite UI for jQuery® and their functionality.

Required background

The following table lists the topics required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

Multidimensional (OLAP) Data Source Components

Components summary

The multidimensional data source components in Ignite UI for jQuery – igOlapFlatDataSource™ and igOlapXmlaDataSource™ – operate as “intermediaries” between actual data (OLAP Cube or a flat data collection) and the visual controls used to display the data (like igPivotView™, igPivotGrid™, and igPivotDataSelector™). Both igOlapFlatDataSource and igOlapXmlaDataSource provide an abstraction of a pivot table with all its elements – rows, columns, filters and measures, filtering mechanisms, etc. – that can be used to retrieve the data resulting from interaction with those elements.

Functionalities implemented through components

The following table summarizes the data retrieval functionalities covered by each of the multidimensional data source components.

Functionality Control
Using data from a Microsoft® Analysis Services Server (MASS) igOlapXmlaDataSource
Enabling pivot table-like analysis on flat data collections igOlapFlatDataSource

For details about individual controls, refer to Individual components summary

Individual components summary

The following summarizes the capabilities of the igOlapXmlaDataSource and igOlapFlatDataSource components.


This is a JavaScript client-side component for obtaining data from an MS SSAS server. igOlapXmlaDataSource fetches the needed data from the server and generates the required Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) queries based on the interactions with it. This mode of operation enables you to use OLAP data without having to understand, MDX, XML for Analysis (XMLA) and other specifics regarding communicating with an MS SSAS server.

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This is a JavaScript client-side component for making data aggregations over a flat data collection thus enabling pivot-table-like analysis of the data. The igOlapFlatDataSource accepts either a flat data collection or an instance of the igDataSource. Based on the input data, igOlapFlatDataSource makes the necessary aggregations to enable pivot analysis on the data. You can define your own dimensions, hierarchies, levels, and measures based on the underlying data source.

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Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

  • igOlapXmlaDataSource: This is a group of topics explaining the igOlapXmlaDataSource control and its use.

  • igOlapFlatDataSource: This is a group of topics explaining the igOlapFlatDataSource control and its use.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

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