Version 24.2 (latest)

Using System.JS with Ignite UI for jQuery controls


Ignite UI for jQuery controls can be loaded using standard module loaders. Each module contains an AMD signature and references dependency modules. System.JS is a popular module loader which is used by the JSPM package manager. This topic describes how to setup System.JS to use Ignite UI for jQuery controls.

For all of the examples below command line prompt on Windows is being used. Similar commands can be performed in terminal on MacOS. Using Visual Studio Code is recommended, but not required.

Initialize application with JSPM

Install JSPM:

npm install -g jspm

Create a folder for the new application and make it the current folder.

mkdir igsample
cd igsample

Initialize the application using JSPM:

jspm init

After answering a series of questions (choosing the default answer is OK, although using TypeScript as the transpiler is recommended), you should have everything that is needed to use JSPM and System.JS loader in the application.

Install jquery, jquery-ui, and css loader packages:

jspm install jquery
jspm install jquery-ui
jspm install css

Add Ignite UI for jQuery package using GitHub

There is a set of components in the Ignite UI for jQuery suite that is distributed freely and their source code is hosted on GitHub for everyone to use and contribute to. If the application uses only open source Ignite UI for jQuery controls, you can add this package to the application using the following command:

jspm install github:igniteui/ignite-ui

Add Ignite UI for jQuery package using private NPM registry

Full paid version of Ignite UI for jQuery that includes all of the controls can also be used with JSPM. In order to use the Infragistics private feed please follow the steps outlined in the "Installing the Ignite UI for jQuery npm package from" from the Using Ignite UI for jQuery npm packages topic in order to setup the Infragistics private registry. Additionally you will have to update the jspm's npm registry:

jspm registry config npm

Input the following registry: "" and configure your credentials using the ones from your account in the webs site. Finally install the IgniteUI package from the newly registered feed.

jspm install npm:@infragistics/ignite-ui-full

Reference controls as ES6 modules

Create index.html and js/bootstrap.js, js/igsample.js files using Visual Studio Code (or your favorite text editor). Type

code .

to open the editor in the current folder.

index.html content:

<doctype html>
    <title>IG Sample</title>
    <span id="rating"></span>

    <script src="jspm_packages/system.js"></script>
    <script src="config.js"></script>

js/bootstrap.js content:

import 'igniteui/ignite-ui/src/css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css!';
import 'igniteui/ignite-ui/src/css/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.rating.css!';
import 'igniteui/ignite-ui/src/js/modules/infragistics.ui.rating';

export function bootstrap(){
    // init code here

The exclamation sign at the end of the css modules indicates that the module loader should not assume that it is a js module and that the css loader should handle these modules.

js/igsample.js content:

import $ from 'jquery';
import {bootstrap} from './bootstrap';

// execute initialization procedure


Bundle JavaScript and CSS

The example above instructs the System.JS loader to load all of the modules that are required for the requested control. The dependency tree is analyzed and necessary files are loaded in the order of dependency.

JSPM can also conveniently bundle all of the referenced modules along with their dependencies and css files into one js file. This helps to reduce time that is required by the browsers to request multiple individual files from the server.

To bundle all modules, execute the following command:

jspm bundle js/igsample.js --inject

To return to separate files execute the following command:

jspm unbundle


The example above can be hosted on your web server. Or if you prefer just quickly run it you can use the http-server:

npm install -g http-server

Open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to see the application running.

In this article we demonstrated how Ignite UI for jQuery controls can be used along with JSPM and System.JS loader.

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