
Creating Word Document Using Object Model Approach

This topic illustrates how to create a Microsoft®Word® document and its layout elements using the object model approach.


The topic is organized as follows:

Creating a Simple Word Document

The entire Word document is encapsulated by the Document class. The Document class is the root-level entity in the object hierarchy, under which all other objects are grouped. It serves as a container for block-level content such as paragraphs and tables. Block-level content is contained within the ContentBlocks collection.

Individual paragraphs in the document are encapsulated by the Paragraph class. The Paragraph class exposes a ContentRuns collection, which provides a way to add content to the paragraph.

To generate a Word document, create an instance of the Document class and manipulate it using publicly exposed properties and methods, and then call a Save method.

The various properties of the Word document such as Author, Title, Subject, etc., can be set using the DocumentProperties property. These information can be accessed in Word 2007 by clicking the Office Button and navigating to Prepare > Properties section. Similarly in Word 2010 by clicking the File tab the document properties can be accessed from the right side of the backstage view.

In C#:

using Infragistics.Documents.Word;

string documentName = @"C:TestWordDOMDoc.docx";
Document doc = new Document();
// Set the document properties, such as title, author, etc.
doc.DocumentProperties.Title = "Sample Document";
doc.DocumentProperties.Author = string.Format("Infragistics.{0}", SystemInformation.UserName);
Infragistics.Documents.Word.Font font = doc.CreateFont();
font.Bold = true;
font.Size = 15;
font.Underline = Underline.Double;
// Add a Paragraph to the document
Paragraph para1 = doc.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
para1.ContentRuns.AddTextRun("Sample Word Document with Hyperlinks,Images,Headers and Footers", font);

Adding a Hyperlink to the Word Document

The Infragistics Word library supports hyperlinks. The AddHyperlink method adds a TextHyperlink to the associated paragraph.

In C#:

using Infragistics.Documents.Word;

// Add a Paragraph to the document
Paragraph para2 = doc.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
para2.ContentRuns.AddTextRun("Hyperlink:  ");
// Add a Hyperlink
para2.ContentRuns.AddHyperlink("", "Infragistics Inc.");

Adding a Picture

Adding Anchored Picture

The AnchoredPicture class encapsulates a picture or image that is anchored to a specific location within the document. AddAnchoredPicture method adds an anchored picture to the associated paragraph.

In C#:

using Infragistics.Documents.Word;

// Get Image
Image img = Image.FromFile(@"....Ballon_New_Year.jpg");
// Add a paragraph to the Document
Paragraph para3 = doc.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
para3.ContentRuns.AddTextRun("Anchored Picture: An Anchored picture or image is one that is anchored to a specific location within the document. Unlike an inline picture, which moves along with adjacent content, an Anchored Picture remains at a fixed location within the paragraph, with adjacent text flowing around it.");

// Create an Anchored picture
AnchoredPicture anchPic = doc.CreateAnchoredPicture(img);
// Assign the picture outline properties for anchored image
anchPic.AlternateTextDescription = "Word Image";
anchPic.Outline.Color = Color.Brown;
anchPic.Outline.Style = PictureOutlineStyle.Single;
anchPic.Outline.LineWidth = 1;
// Add the Anchored picture to anchor section of the paragraph

Adding Inline Picture

The InlinePicture class enacpsulates a picture, which appears inline with the textual content within the document. AddInlinePicture method adds an inline picture to the associated paragraph.

In C#:

using Infragistics.Documents.Word;

// Get Image
Image img = Image.FromFile(@"....Ballon_New_Year.jpg");

// Add a Paragraph to the document
Paragraph para4 = doc.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
para4.ContentRuns.AddTextRun("Inline Picture: An inline picture moves with the adjacent content");

// Create an Inline picture
InlinePicture inlinePic = doc.CreateInlinePicture(img);
inlinePic.AlternateTextDescription = "Word Image";
// Add the Inline picture to a content section of the paragraph

The Section class encapsulates the pagination properties and header/footer content for a document section.

Setting the Header and the Footer

Adding and Setting the Header

The following code example shows how to display text and image in the header section of all pages.

In C#:

using Infragistics.Documents.Word;

// Add a paragraph to the Document
Paragraph para5 = doc.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
// Add text to Paragraph
Section sec = doc.Sections.Add(para5);

// Header
Paragraph headerPara = sec.HeaderAllPages.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
// The header text alignment is set to right
headerPara.Properties.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
// Create an Anchored Image to display in the Header
AnchoredPicture headeranchPic = doc.CreateAnchoredPicture(img);
// Display Anchored Image in Header
// Display Text in Header
headerPara.ContentRuns.AddTextRun("This is a header");

Adding and Setting the Footer

The AddPageNumberField method adds a PageNumberField to the associated paragraph.

In C#:

using Infragistics.Documents.Word;

// Add a paragraph to the Document
Paragraph para5 = doc.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
// Add section which defines pagination for specified paragraph
Section sec = doc.Sections.Add(para5);

Paragraph footerPara = sec.FooterAllPages.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
// The footer text alignment is set to right
footerPara.Properties.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
// Display Text in Footer
footerPara.ContentRuns.AddTextRun("This is a footer");
// Add Page numbers to the Footer

Example Code: Full Code Sample

Following is the complete functional code used in the examples in this topic.

In C#:

using Infragistics.Documents.Word;

string documentName = @"C:TestWordDOMDoc.docx";
Document doc = new Document();
// Set the document properties, such as title, author, etc.
doc.DocumentProperties.Title = "Sample Document";
doc.DocumentProperties.Author = string.Format("Infragistics.{0}", SystemInformation.UserName);
Infragistics.Documents.Word.Font font = doc.CreateFont();
font.Bold = true;
font.Size = 15;
font.Underline = Underline.Double;
// Add a Paragraph to the document
Paragraph para1 = doc.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
para1.ContentRuns.AddTextRun("Sample Word Document with Hyperlinks,Images,Headers and Footers", font);
Paragraph para2 = doc.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
para2.ContentRuns.AddTextRun("Hyperlink:  ");

// Add a Hyperlink
para2.ContentRuns.AddHyperlink("", "Infragistics Inc.");

// Get Image
Image img = Image.FromFile(@"....Ballon_New_Year.jpg");
// Add a paragraph to the Document
Paragraph para3 = doc.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
para3.ContentRuns.AddTextRun("Anchored Picture: An Anchored picture or image is one that is anchored to a specific location within the document. Unlike an inline picture, which moves along with adjacent content, an Anchored Picture remains at a fixed location within the paragraph, with adjacent text flowing around it.");

// Create an Anchored picture
AnchoredPicture anchPic = doc.CreateAnchoredPicture(img);
// Assign the picture outline properties for anchored image
anchPic.AlternateTextDescription = "Word Image";
anchPic.Outline.Color = Color.Brown;
anchPic.Outline.Style = PictureOutlineStyle.Single;
anchPic.Outline.LineWidth = 1;
// Add the Anchored picture to anchor section of the paragraph

// Add a Paragraph to the document
Paragraph para4 = doc.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
para4.ContentRuns.AddTextRun("Inline Picture: An inline picture moves with the adjacent content");

// Create an Inline picture
InlinePicture inlinePic = doc.CreateInlinePicture(img);
inlinePic.AlternateTextDescription = "Word Image";
// Add the Inline picture to a content section of the paragraph

// Add a paragraph to the Document
Paragraph para5 = doc.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
// Add text to Paragraph
Section sec = doc.Sections.Add(para5);
// Header
Paragraph headerPara = sec.HeaderAllPages.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
// The header text alignment is set to right
headerPara.Properties.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
// Create an Anchored Image to display in the Header
AnchoredPicture headeranchPic = doc.CreateAnchoredPicture(img);
// Display Anchored Image in Header
// Display Text in Header
headerPara.ContentRuns.AddTextRun("This is a header");

Paragraph footerPara = sec.FooterAllPages.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph();
// The footer text alignment is set to right
footerPara.Properties.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
// Display Text in Footer
footerPara.ContentRuns.AddTextRun("This is a footer");
// Add Page numbers to the Footer


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