Version 24.2 (latest)

Filtering (igGrid)


The Filtering feature of the igGrid allows users to do Excel-style filtering of data.

Note: Filtering is implemented as a jQuery UI widget which follows the lifecycle of any jQuery UI widget.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Filtering Persistence

Persisting Filtering between igGrid re-bindings is made easy in version 14.1 and in fact replaces the previous default behavior.

Note Filtering persistence is true by default. This is a breaking change.

When you enable igGridFiltering you are already using it in a persist mode. This means that after explicitly calls of dataBind(), that persistence is applied for UI and data source view (the filter editors are not cleared and the data source remains filtered)

Filtering persistence is implemented for igHierarchicalGrid too.

The following sample demonstrates the persistance capabilities of the Filtering feature.

If you would like to retain the previous behavior of filtering being cleared after user re-binds the igGrid, you can do this by disabling the feature through the persist option as shown in the code snippet below:

In JavaScript:

features: [
     name: "Filtering",
     persist: false

Filtering Modes

The mode option accepts two value values: advanced or simple. When the simple filtering mode is set, all filters are rendered for every column header, below the respective column header cell. When advanced filtering is configured, then an advanced filtering button is rendered next to the column header text (default). Once the advanced button is clicked, the “advanced” filtering dialog appears where more complex filtering conditions are available to the user.

Configuration Considerations

  • All filter row conditions are always combined using the “AND” operator.
  • The advanced filtering dialog does expose the “AND” or “OR” operators in order to combine multiple filters.
  • The advanced filter dialog also allows multiple filters to be set for a single column.
  • The actual data filtering is performed solely through the igDataSource control.
  • By default if no expression URL keys are set, an oData encoding is assumed – same as in the igDataSource filtering functionality.
  • The filter row can be navigated with the keyboard using TAB / SHIFT and TAB.
  • When the focus is on a filter dropdown, it can be opened with the ENTER key, and then filter dropdown items can be navigated with the UP and DOWN arrow keys.
  • Whenever some other grid feature triggers a “UI dirty” event (for example when the page size is changed when paging is enabled), filtering automatically clears all of the UI presets, if they are different than the defaults.
  • In order to have multiple filtering conditions configured for the same column, they should be added through the advanced filter dialog – when the filtering mode is set to advanced.
  • Whenever advanced filtering is used, and a column is chosen from the first column (in an advanced dialog filter row), the second column with the conditions is automatically updated depending on the column type. Therefore if the column is a numeric column, only numeric conditions are listed, and so on. Further the third column editor is updated, so if it is a date column, a date picker is rendered instead of a regular input element.
  • The filterDelay option combined with mode: “simple” can play an important role for making the end users’ work seamless. The greater the delay, the more time the end user can spend typing in the filter input before a filtering request is triggered.
  • It is very important to set the correct column types when filtering is used. If they are not configured properly, some unexpected errors and behaviors may occur, for example when setting a numeric column to be of type “string”, or the reverse.
  • Filtering can also be case sensitive, which can be turned on by setting the caseSensitive option to true. This options works only for local filtering.

You can get the current list of expression objects from the dataFiltering event arguments.

In JavaScript:

$(document).delegate("#grid1", "iggridfilteringdatafiltering", function (evt, ui) {
    var expressions = ui.expressions;

Figure 1: Simple Filtering (mode: “simple”)

Figure 2: Advanced Filtering (mode: “advanced”)

Figure 3: Advanced Filtering dialog

Figure 4: Filtering tooltips (mode: “advanced”)

Enabling Filtering

In order to get started with Filtering, you first need to include the necessary JavaScript and CSS dependencies. The easiest way to do that is to use the combined / minified version of the scripts and styles.

Listing 1: Necessary CSS and JavaScript references you need to include in your application


<link type="text/css" href="infragistics.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link type="text/css" href="infragistics.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.core.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.lob.js"></script>

Listing 2: Minimal set of CSS and JavaScript references (not minified and combined) – needed only for filtering


<script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.util.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.util.jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.dataSource.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.ui.shared.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.ui.popover.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.ui.editors.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.ui.grid.framework.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.ui.grid.shared.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.ui.grid.filtering.js"></script>

Listing 3 shows sample code used to configure grid filtering.

Listing 3: Sample grid code for filtering

In JavaScript:

//Basic filtering on client
    dataSource: "/GetCensusData/",
    columns: [
        { headerText: "State", key: "StateName" },
        { headerText: "Congressional District", key: "CongressionalDistrict" },
        { headerText: "Population", key: "TotalPopulation" }
            name: "Filtering",
            allowFiltering: true,
            caseSensitive: false,
            columnSettings: [
                {columnKey: "StateName", allowFiltering: false}

Listing 4: Sample JSON response

In JavaScript:

   {"AverageFamilySize":3.36, "AverageHouseholdSize":2.91, "CongressionalDistrict":"14", "StateName": "Illinois", "TotalPopulation":720663},
   {"AverageFamilySize":3.00, "AverageHouseholdSize":2.43, "CongressionalDistrict":"15", "StateName": "Illinois", "TotalPopulation":595833},
   {"AverageFamilySize":3.16, "AverageHouseholdSize":2.67, "CongressionalDistrict":"16", "StateName": "Illinois", "TotalPopulation":691356}

Listing 5: HTML element required to instantiate the grid


<table id="myGrid"></table>

Running sample with advanced filtering

Listing 6: Razor or CSHTML markup to use with Ignite UI for MVC

In Razor:

@(Html.Infragistics().Grid(Model).ID("grid1").PrimaryKey("ProductID").Height("400px").Columns(column =>
        column.For(x => x.ProductID).HeaderText("Product ID").DataType("number");
        column.For(x => x.Name).HeaderText("Product Name");
        column.For(x => x.ModifiedDate).HeaderText("Modified Date");
        column.For(x => x.ListPrice).HeaderText("List Price");
    }).Features(features => {

Remote Filtering

If filtering is configured to be remotely (ie: the type option is set to remote), the URL is automatically configured so that all filtering expressions are encoded automatically based on the end user actions (or based on the parameters passed, if programmatic filtering is performed). If no filterExprUrlKey is specified, oData URI conventions are automatically used in the encoding.

Note: For more information regarding oData URI conventions, please visit:

Otherwise, the grid encodes filtering information in the following way (example):

http://<SERVER>/grid/GridGetData? filter(Name)=startsWith(a)&filter(ModifiedDate)=today()&filterLogic=AND

When Ignite UI for MVC is used to bind to server-side data through LINQ (IQueryable), all filtering information that’s encoded in the URL is automatically translated to LINQ expression clauses (Where clause), so you do not need to do anything additional in order to filter the data.

Column Settings

Each column setting can contain custom options that apply for a specific column, that is specified by the columnKey property. Table 1 shows all available properties that can be set in a single object that is part of the columnSettings option.

Note: The columnSettings option is an array of objects listed in Table 1.

Table 1: igGridFiltering columnSettings

Property Description
columnKey Key of the column for which this column setting applies. The columnKey and columnIndex are mutually exclusive.
columnIndex Index of the column for which this column setting applies. The columnKey and columnIndex are mutually exclusive.
allowFiltering Whether filtering is enabled or disabled on the respective column. Default is true.
condition The default filtering condition that will be used for the column.
conditionList An array of strings that defines the available conditions for the column. When not set the default conditions by column data type are set plus the conditions defined in the customConditions option.
customConditions An object (with the following schema {labelText: "/dataType='string'/", expressionText: "/dataType='string'/", requireExpr: /dataType='bool'/, filterImgIcon: "/dataType='string'/", filterFunc: /dataType='string or function'/ }) defining a custom filtering condition.
defaultExpressions An array of initial filtering expressions. A filtering expression object schema looks like this: {fieldName: "/dataType='string'/", cond: "/dataType='string'/" expr: "/dataType='string'/"}

Listing 7: Example usage of columnSettings

In JavaScript:

    columns: [
        { headerText: "Product ID", key: "ProductID", dataType: "number" },
        { headerText: "Product Name", key: "Name", dataType: "string" },
        { headerText: "Product Number", key: "ProductNumber", dataType: "string" },
    width: '500px',
    dataSource: products,
    features: [
            name: 'Filtering',
            columnSettings: [
                {columnKey: 'ProductID', condition: "startsWith" }

Client-Side events

You can bind to Filtering client-side events in two ways, which are described in Listing 8 and Listing 9, respectively. If you would like to bind using the approach described in Listing 8, you can use the jQuery on() method.

Listing 8: Binding to client-side events from anywhere in your application

In JavaScript:

$("#grid1").on("iggridfilteringdatafiltered", handler);

Listing 9: Binding to client-side events by specifying the event name as an option when you initialize the filtering feature (case sensitive)

In JavaScript:

    $(function () {
            columns: [
                { headerText: "Product ID", key: "ProductID", dataType: "number" },
                { headerText: "Product Name", key: "Name", dataType: "string" },
                { headerText: "Product Number", key: "ProductNumber", dataType: "string" },
            width: '500px',
            dataSource: products,
            features: [
                    name: 'Filtering',
                    dataFiltering: handler

    //Handler code
    function handler(event, args) {


Note: All ‘ing’ events are cancellable. In order to cancel an ‘ing’ event, its respective event handler must return false.

Table 2: Filtering Client-side events

Client-side event name Description Args
dataFiltering Event which is raised before a filtering request is made (either local or remote) columnKey: The column key from which filtering is triggered
columnIndex: Index of the column
owner: Reference to the filtering widget object
dataFiltered Event which is raised after data is filtered and rendered in the grid Same as dataFiltering
Note: The expressions array can be obtained from the dataFiltering event arguments: ui.expressions.
dropDownOpening Event raised before a filtering dropdown is about to be opened dropDown: Reference to the filtering drop down
owner: Reference to the filtering widget object
dropDownOpened Event which is raised after a filtering dropdown is opened. Same as dropDownOpening
dropDownClosing Event which is raised before a filtering dropdown is about to be closed Same as dropDownOpening
dropDownClosed Event which is raised after a filtering dropdown is closed Same as dropDownOpening
filterDialogOpening Event which is raised before the advanced filtering dialog is opened dialog: Reference to the filtering element – in a jQuery object wrapper
owner: Reference to the filter widget object
filterDialogOpened Event which is raised after the advanced filtering dialog gets opened Same as filterDialogOpening
filterDialogMoving Event which is raised when the advanced filtering dialog is moving Same as filterDialogOpening
filterDialogFilterAdding Event raised before a new filter is added in the advanced filtering dialog filtersTableBody: Reference to the TABLE element holding any filters, wrapped with the jQuery object
owner: Reference to the Filtering widget object
filterDialogFilterAdded Event raised after a new filter is added in the advanced filtering dialog filter: Reference to the filterRow element in a jQuery object wrapper
owner: Reference to the filtering widget object
filterDialogClosing Event raised before the advanced filtering dialog starts closing owner: Reference to the calling widget (this)
filterDialogClosed Event raised after the advanced filtering dialog is closed owner: Reference to the calling widget (this)
filterDialogContentsRendering Event raised before contents are rendered in the advanced filtering dialog dialogElement: The dialog element where contents are going to be rendered, in a jQuery object wrapper
owner: Reference to the filtering widget object
filterDialogContentsRendered Event raised after contents are rendered in the advanced filtering dialog Same as filterDialogContentsRendering
filterDialogFiltering Event raised when the OK button is pressed in the advanced filtering dialog and it starts filtering.
Note: The dataFiltering and dataFiltered events are still raised after this event.
Same as filterDialogOpening

API Usage

In order to filter the grid programmatically, you need to call the filter() function on the igGridFiltering widget. The filter function is defined in the following way:

filter(expressions, updateUI)

The expressions argument is an array of expression objects. Listing 10 gives an overview of the structure of each expression object. The updateUI argument is optional and it can be set explicitly to false so that the UI is not updated when the grid is filtered programmatically.

Listing 10: Filtering expression object structure

In JavaScript:

    expr: <filter expression string>,
    cond: [<filtering condition>](#default-conditions-list),
    fieldName: [<column key>](

Listing 11 and Listing 12 show examples of using the filter() function off the igGridFiltering widget.

Listing 11: Filter by ProductID = 1

In JavaScript:

$("#grid1").igGridFiltering('filter', ([{ fieldName: "ProductID", expr: 1, cond: "equals"}]));

Listing 12: Filter by ProductID = 1 and ProductName startsWith “a”:

In JavaScript:

$("#grid1").igGridFiltering('filter', ([{ fieldName: "ProductID", expr: 1, cond: "equals"}, {fieldName: "ProductName", expr: "a", cond: "startsWith"} ]));

Listing 13: Retrieving the applied filtering expressions

In JavaScript:

var expressions = $('#grid1').data('igGrid').dataSource.settings.filtering.expressions;

Default Conditions List

The following conditions (grouped by data type) are available to perform filtering on the grid:

  • String
    • startsWith
    • endsWith
    • contains
    • doesNotContain
    • equals
    • doesNotEqual
    • null
    • notNull
    • empty
    • notEmpty
  • Number
    • equals
    • doesNotEqual
    • greaterThan
    • lessThan
    • greaterThanOrEqualTo
    • lessThanOrEqualTo
    • null
    • notNull
    • empty
    • notEmpty
  • Boolean
    • true
    • false
    • null
    • notNull
    • empty
    • notEmpty
  • Date
    • on
    • notOn
    • after
    • before
    • today
    • yesterday
    • thisMonth
    • lastMonth
    • nextMonth
    • thisYear
    • lastYear
    • nextYear
    • null
    • notNull
    • empty
    • notEmpty
  • Time
    • at
    • notAt
    • before
    • after
    • atBefore
    • atAfter
  • Object
    • null
    • notNull
    • empty
    • notEmpty

List of Filtering Options (Properties)

Option and default value shows in brackets

Option and default value shows in brackets Description
caseSensitive (false) Enables / disables case sensitive filtering (boolean). This options works only for local filtering.
filterSummaryAlwaysVisible (true) By default, once filtering is performed, a summary label will appear in the footer area of the grid stating how many matches have been found. When paging is enabled, the filter summary replaces the area on the left which denotes how many records are shown. When the page is changed, respectively, the filter summary is replaced with the paging label.
filterSummaryTemplate (${matches} matching records) Template for the filter summary label
filterDropDownAnimations (“linear”) Accepted values are “linear” and “none”
filterDropDownAnimationDuration (500) Duration of the animations when filterDropDownAnimations is set to “linear”
filterDropDownWidth (0) Default width of the filter dropdown width. When set to 0, the width will grow with contents automatically
filterDropDownHeight (0) Same as filterDropDownWidth but for height
filterExprUrlKey (null) Expression key to encode in the URL when remote filtering is performed. Default value of null assumes oData URI Conventions will be used (documentation/odata-version-2-0/uri-conventions/)
filterDropDownItemIcons (true) Small image icons for the filtering conditions will be rendered in front of every dropdown item if this option is enabled – it is enabled by default.
columnSettings ([]) A list of custom column settings for filtering conditions. The format of each column settings object in the list is described below.
type (“remote”) Type of the filtering operations. Can be remote or local. The local setting implies filtering is performed on the currently bound data in the data source.
filterDelay (500) Delay before filtering is triggered. As the end user is typing, most of the times we don’t want a filtering request after every keystroke, so this is the delay that starts after every keystroke, and is cancelled if the time between the previous and the potential next keystroke (if any) exceeds this value.
mode (“simple”) Simple filtering renders a filter row below the grid’s headers, where each column has a dedicated editor and button (optional) that is always visible. “advanced” filtering renders a button in the header which, after clicked, opens up the advanced filtering dialog where multiple conditions can be configured (even more than 1 conditions per column)
advancedModeEditorsVisible (false) When this option is set to true, dedicated filtering editors are still rendered for every column header, even though the filter mode is Advanced. The advanced filtering dialog can be accessed from the “Advanced” button located at the end of every column filter dropdown.
advancedModeHeaderButtonLocation (“left”) When the filtering mode is Advanced, and advancedModeEditorsVisible is false, the advanced button is renderd in the header next to the header text, so this property controls if it will be rendered before the header text or after it. If there is sorting enabled, and a column is sorted, the sorting indicator gets rendered always to the right of anything else.
filterDialogWidth (350) Width of the advanced filtering dialog (if applicable)
filterDialogHeight (‘’) Height of the advanced filtering dialog (if applicable). By default no height is set to that it grows with the contents.
filterDialogFilterDropDownDefaultWidth (80) This is the default width of every dropdown Filter Condition added in the advanced filtering. That’s the second dropdown in every filter row, which is also a plain HTML SELECT element, and lets the end user choose from the filtering conditions list.
filterDialogExprInputDefaultWidth (80) This is the default width for every filter expression input which is added as the last box of every filter row in the advanced filtering dialog.
filterDialogColumnDropDownDefaultWidth (null) This is the default width of every dropdown column filter added in the advanced filtering. That’s the first dropdown in every filter row, which is also an igEditor, and lets the end user choose from the columns list.
renderFilterButton (true) Enables / disables rendering of the filter dropdown button in every filter row cell. If this is set to false, it means the end user can only use the predefined filter and enter text in the input.
filterButtonLocation (“left”) Location of the filter dropdown button. Can be “left” or “right”.
tooltipTemplate ("${condition} filter applied") Tooltip template that will appear when the end user hovers over the filtering dropdown button
filterDialogAddButtonWidth (100) Width of the “Add” button in the advanced filter dialog
filterDialogOkCancelButtonWidth (100) Width of the Ok and Cancel buttons in the advanced filter dialog
filterDialogMaxFilterCount (5) Maximum number of filters that can be added in the advanced filtering dialog. If this number is exceeded, a validation error message will appear.
featureChooserText ("Hide Filter") Feature chooser text when filter is shown and filter mode is simple.
featureChooserTextHide ("Show Filter") Feature chooser text when filter is hidden and filter mode is simple.
featureChooserTextAdvancedFilter ("Advanced Filter") Feature chooser text when filter mode is advanced.

Custom Filtering Conditions

The Filtering feature when in local mode (type="local") allows the user to define custom filtering conditions per column. The custom conditions are appended to the conditions list (following the default conditions list based on the column data type) for the specific column and allow you to specify a custom comparer filtering function to process the data. The condition needs to be defined in the column settings for the related column via the customConditions option. The assigned value should be an object, where each property name represents an unique condition key and the value represents the custom condition's declaration.

There are additional options that further affect the behavior and visualization of the conditions:

  • requireExpr - specifies whether this condition requires the user to input a filtering expression or not.
  • labelText - specifies the label text that will appear in the column's condition dropdown.
  • expressionText - specifies the text that will display in the editor if requireExpr is false and the condition is selected from the dropdown.
  • filterImgIcon - specifies the css class applied to the dropdown item when in simple filtering mode.
  • filterFunc - specifies the custom comparing filter function(or name of a function) that will be used when the condition is applied.

    Listing 14: Example usage of custom conditions with running sample

In JavaScript:

   columns: [
                { headerText: "Employee ID", key: "EmployeeID", dataType: "string", hidden: true },
                { headerText: "First Name", key: "FirstName", dataType: "string" },
                { headerText: "Last Name", key: "LastName", dataType: "string" },
                { headerText: "Register Date", key: "RegistererDate", dataType: "date" },
                { headerText: "Country", key: "Country", dataType: "string" },
                { headerText: "Age", key: "Age", dataType: "number" },
                { headerText: "Is Active", key: "IsActive", dataType: "bool" }
    dataSource: employees,
    width: '500px',
    dataSource: products,
    features: [
            name: 'Filtering',
            columnSettings: [
                     columnKey: "Country",
                     customConditions: {
                        USA: {
                             labelText: 'USA',
                             expressionText: "USA",
                             filterFunc: function(value, expression, dataType, ignoreCase, preciseDateFormat) {  return value === "USA";}
                              labelText: 'Canada',
                              expressionText: "Canada",
                              filterFunc: function(value, expression, dataType, ignoreCase, preciseDateFormat) {  return value === "Canada";}


Filtering CSS Classes

List of CSS classes applied to the element Area where CSS classes are applied
ui-iggrid-filterrow ui-widget Classes applied to the filter row TR in the headers table
ui-iggrid-filtercell Classes applied to every filter cell TH
ui-iggrid-filtereditor Classes applied to every filter editor element (igEditor)
ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-iggrid-filterddlist ui-corner-all Classes applied to the UL filter dropdown list
ui-iggrid-filterdd Classes applied to the DIV which wraps the dropdown UL
ui-iggrid-filterddlistitem Classes applied to each filter dropdown list item (LI)
ui-iggrid-filterddlistitemcontainer Classes applied to the element that holds the text in every filter list item (LI)
ui-iggrid-filterddlistitemadvanced Class applied to the list item that holds the Advanced button, if options are configured such that editors are shown when mode is advanced
ui-iggrid-filterddlistitemicons ui-state-default Classes applied to the list item when filtering icons are visible for it
ui-iggrid-filterddlistitemclear Classes applied to the “clear” filter list item
ui-iggrid-filterddlistitemhover ui-state-hover Classes applied to the list item when it is hovered
ui-iggrid-filterddlistitemactive ui-state-active Classes applied to the list item when it is selected
ui-iggrid-filterbutton ui-corner-all ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s Classes applied to every filtering dropdown button
ui-iggrid-filterbutton ui-iggrid-filterbuttonadvanced ui-icon ui-icon-search Classes applied to the button when mode is advanced. This also applies to the button when it’s rendered in the header (which is the default behavior).
ui-iggrid-filterbuttonright ui-iggrid-filterbuttonadvanced ui-icon ui-icon-search Classes applied to the advanced filtering button when it is rendered on the right
ui-iggrid-filterbuttonhover ui-state-hover Classes applied to the filter button when it is hovered
ui-iggrid-filterbuttonactive ui-state-active Classes applied to the filter button when it is selected
ui-iggrid-filterbuttonfocus ui-state-focus Classes applied to the filter button when it has focus but is not selected.
ui-iggrid-filterbuttondisabled ui-state-disabled Classes applied to the filtering button when it is disabled
ui-iggrid-filterbuttondate Classes applied to the filter button when a date filter is defined for the column
ui-iggrid-filterbuttonstring Classes applied to the filter button when a string filter is applied for the column (default)
ui-iggrid-filterbuttonnumber Classes applied to the filter button when a number filter is applied for the column (default)
ui-iggrid-filterbuttonbool Classes applied to the filter button when a boolean filter is applied for the column (default)
ui-iggrid-filterbuttonadvancedhover ui-state-hover Classes applied on the advanced button when it is hovered
ui-iggrid-filterbuttonadvancedactive ui-state-active Classes applied on the advanced button when it is selected
ui-iggrid-filterbuttonadvancedfocus ui-state-focus Classes applied on the advanced button when it has focus
ui-iggrid-filterbuttonadvanceddisabled ui-state-disabled Classes applied on the advanced button when it is disabled
ui-iggrid-filtericon Classes applied to every filter dropdown list item’s image icon area
ui-iggrid-filtericoncontainer Classes applied to the item icon’s container element
ui-iggrid-filtericonstartswith Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “startsWith” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonendswith Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds an “endsWith” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericoncontains Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “contains” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonequals Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds an “equals” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericondoesnotequal Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “notEquals” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericondoesnotcontain Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “doesNotContain” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericongreaterthan Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “greaterThan” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonlessthan Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “lessThan” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericongreaterthanorequalto Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “greaterThanOrEqualTo” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonlessthanorequalto Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “lessThanOrEqualTo” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericontrue Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “true” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonfalse Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “false” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonafter Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds an “after” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonbefore Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “before” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericontoday Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “today” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonyesterday Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “yesterday” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonthismonth Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “thisMonth” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonlastmonth Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “lastMonth” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonnextmonth Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “nextMonth” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonthisyear Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “this year” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonlastyear Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “lastYear” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonnextyear Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “nextYear” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonon Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds an “on” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonnoton Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “notOn” condition
ui-iggrid-filtericonclear Classes applied to the item icon’s span when the item holds a “clear” condition
ui-widget-overlay ui-iggrid-blockarea Classes applied to the filtering block area, when the advanced filter dialog is opened and the area behind it is grayed out (that’s the block area)
ui-dialog ui-draggable ui-resizable ui-iggrid-dialog ui-widget-content ui-corner-all Classes applied to the filter dialog element
ui-dialog-titlebar ui-iggrid-filterdialogcaption ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix Classes applied to the filter dialog header caption area
ui-dialog-title Class applied to the filter dialog header caption title
ui-iggrid-filterdialogaddcondition Classes applied to the filter dialog add condition area
ui-iggrid-filterdialogaddconditionlist Classes applied to the filter dialog add condition SELECT dropdown.
ui-iggrid-filterdialogaddbuttoncontainer ui-helper-reset Classes applied to the filter dialog add button
ui-dialog-buttonpane ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-iggrid-filterdialogokcancelbuttoncontainer Classes applied to the filter dialog OK and Cancel buttons.
ui-iggrid-filtertable ui-helper-reset Classes applied to the filter dialog filters table
ui-icon ui-icon-closethick Classes applied to the “X” button used to remove filters from the filters table
ui-iggrid-filterdialogclearall Classes applied to the filter dialog “Clear All” button.

Keyboard Interactions

When simple filtering mode is enabled the following keyboard interactions are available.

When focus is on the grid:

  • TAB: Can move focus between the focusable elements of the filtering UI: filtering buttons and editors. When focus is on the filtering button:
  • ENTER/SPACE: Opens the filtering conditions drop down. You can then navigate the available items in the drop down with the UP/DOWN keys.
  • UP/DOWN: Changes the active filtering condition for the cell.
  • TAB: Moves focus to the filtering editor element.

When advanced filtering mode is enabled the following keyboard interactions are available.

When focus is on the grid:

  • TAB: Moves focus to the first filter button. When focus is on the filter buttons:
  • ENTER: Opens the advanced filter dialog.
  • TAB: Moves focus to the next filter button or the next focusable element on the page.

When focus is on the advanced filter dialog:

  • TAB: Moves focus between the elements of the dialog.
  • ESCAPE: Closes the dialog.

Note: There is a difference between the drop-down for selecting the column and the condition drop-down. One is an igCombo, the other a standard < select > element. The < select > element opens on SPACE/ENTER and its content can be navigated with the UP/DOWN keys and selected with ENTER. The igCombo cannot be opened with enter/space. Its values can be changed directly using the UP/DOWN keys.

Breaking Changes

  • Behavioral changes

The default filtering condition (which depends on the column data type) or the one explicitly set via the condition option in the Filtering`s columnSettings is now selected in the drop-down conditions list. The only exceptions are the columns, which default (or explicitly set) condition does not require user's input such as Boolean columns, date columns with conditions "Today", "Yesterday", "This month" etc. In the later the end user should explicitly select them so that they get applied.

  • DOM structure changes

The DOM structure for filtering drop down conditions list has changed. In versions prior to 18.2 there was a separate div element rendered for each column's conditions list drop down. With performance in mind, from version 18.2 on, only one div element will be rendered for all columns.

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