
Column Summaries Events (igGrid)

Topic Overview


This topic explains the events that are specific to the Column Summaries widget of the igGrid™.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Events Overview

There are three events that are specific the Column Summaries widget. (See the Events Reference Chart block below). All the events that suffix is ‘-ing’ are cancelable and the propagation can be terminated when in such handler we return false.

In Javascript:

   features: [
        name: 'Summaries',
        showDropDownButton: true,
        summariesCalculating: function (e, args) {
              return  false;

Most of the argument methods and properties contain a row specific data, as well as the grid they belong to.

Attaching Handlers to Events in jQuery and MVC

To attach to an event, you just need to define a handler for it, in the same way you define a property. Now, if the event is triggered, the handler will be called.

In Javascript:

    features: [
            name: 'Summaries',
            showDropDownButton: true,
            summariesCalculating: function (e, args) {
            // Handle event  

When attaching a handler in MVC, you need to use the jQuery UI pattern which is a concatenation of the names of the control and the event in lowercase letter format.

In Javascript:

$("#grid1").live("iggridsummariessummariescalculating", function (e, args) {
    // Handle event  

Note: The jQuery live function is used in case some DOM elements are added after attaching to the handler.

Events Reference Chart

Event Description Cancelable
dropDownOpening Fired before drop down is opened for a specific column summary
dropDownOpened Fired after the filter dropdown is opened for a specific column
dropDownClosing Fired before the dropdown for a summary column starts closing
dropDownClosed Fired after a summary column dropdown is completely closed
summariesCalculating Fired before summaries calculations are made
summariesCalculated Fired after summaries calculation are completely made
summariesMethodSelectionChanged Fired when user selects summary method from checkbox
summariesToggling Event is fired before summary rows start toggling
summariesToggled Event is fired after summary rows are toggled
dropDownOKClicked Event is fired when OK button is clicked in drop down
dropDownCancelClicked Event is fired when Cancel button is clicked in drop down

Related Topics

Enabling Column Summaries

igGrid Configuration: Column Summaries

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