
Creating Custom Responsive Web Design (RWD) Profiles (igGrid)

Topic Overview


This topic explains, with code examples, how to create custom Responsive Web Design (RWD) mode profiles for the igGrid™ control.

Required background

The following table lists the concepts, topics, and articles required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Creating Custom RWD Mode Profiles Overview

If you are targeting a specific device, chances are that the default profile of RWD mode profiles may not suit your needs. In this case, you will want to define a custom RWD mode profile.

When you configure custom RWD mode profiles inline, you implicitly use the $.ig.ResponsiveMode class implementation for mode activation. This implementation checks the class( minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight and maxHeight) properties for profile activation against the browser’s window height and width( window.clientWidth and window.clientHeight).

Extending $.ig.ResponsiveMode class allows you to implement $.ig.ResponsiveMode.isActive method and set various rules for profile activation.

When extending $.ig.ResponsiveMode class the following rules apply:

  • Class name convention – your class must be named $.ig.<custom_class_name>Mode, where is the name of your class.
  • Registering the class as a RWD mode profile – declare a custom mode in the responsiveConfig property of the RWD Mode feature. In the following code, <custom_mode_name> stands for the actual name of the RWD mode profile.

    In JavaScript:

    responsiveConfig: {    <custom_mode_name>: “<custom_class_name>” }

    The RWD Mode feature differentiates between two types of responsiveModes properties – object properties and string properties:

Creating custom RWD mode profiles summary chart

The following table briefly explains the available alternatives for creating custom RWD mode. Additional details are available after the table.

Task Details Properties
Creating Custom RWD Mode Profiles Inline Inline custom RWD mode profile creation uses $.ig.ResponsiveMode class implementation. responsiveModes
Creating Custom RWD Mode Configuration by Extending the $.ig.ResponsiveMode Class By extending $.ig.ResponsiveMode you should implement the $.ig.ResponsiveMode.isActive function. This offers you greater flexibility to set the rules for mode activation. responsiveModes

Creating Custom RWD Mode Profiles Inline


Inline custom RWD mode profiles are defined directly in the responsiveModes property. Configuring custom RWD mode profiles inline includes profiles defining a new property of the responsiveModes object, where the property name is used for the RWD mode custom profile name and property values are used as a profile object. This object can have any of the following properties: minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight and maxHeight, which define width and height boundaries for mode activation.

The profile object is then used by the RWD Mode feature to create an instance of the $.ig.ResponsiveMode class which will determine and activate the correct RWD mode profile.

The $.ig.ResponsiveMode class has an isActive method which is called by the RWD Mode feature to check for mode activation. The $.ig.ResponsiveMode.isActive method implementation uses minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight and maxHeight settings and checks them against browser’s window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight properties.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired task to the property settings related to it.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Create custom RWD mode profile inline responsiveModes.<custom_name> An identifier which will be used as a name of the custom responsive mode.
For example: responsiveModes.galaxyNexusPhone, where <custom_name> = galaxyNexusPhone


The following code demonstrates how to define inline custom RWD mode profile named customPhone. The customPhone setting is an object with the properties minWidth and maxWidth defining the width range which will activate the mode based on the screen width (respective height range properties, e.g. minHeight and maxHeight, are not defined, because covering mode-based changes of the height is beyond the scope of this example). The options defined in customPhone are used to initialize the $.ig.ResponsiveMode class.

With these settings, the Name column is configured as hidden in customPhone mode.

In JavaScript:

In C#:

@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc
@model IQueryable<GridDataBinding.Models.Product>
    .Columns(col =>
        col.For(c => c.ProductID).HeaderText("Product ID");
        col.For(c => c.Name).HeaderText("Product Name");
        col.For(c => c.ProductNumber).HeaderText("Product Number");
    .Features(feature =>
        feature.Responsive().ResponsiveConfig(config => config.AddExplicitMode("customPhone", m => m.MinWidth(0).MaxHeight(767)))
        .ColumnSettings(cs =>
            cs.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Name").Configuration(conf => {
                conf.AddColumnModeConfiguration("customPhone", c => c.Hidden(true));

Creating Custom RWD Mode Configuration by Extending the $.ig.ResponsiveMode Class


There are cases when inline defining of RWD mode custom profiles is not suitable for determining the profile. This is the case with the $.ig.BootstrapMode class in which Twitter Bootstrap CSS classes are used to determine the active profile. (Twitter Bootstrap uses CSS Media Queries to determine which styles are applied to elements in a situation engaging RWD mode). Extending the $.ig.ResponsiveMode class allows you to define your custom logic to determine the profile activation by implementing the $.ig.ResponsiveMode.isActive method (for example you can check the browser agent string, but this is not a recommended practice). This method should return a Boolean value, which is true when the profile is active and false otherwise.

Custom profile is created in several steps:

  1. First, you must extend $.ig.ResponsiveMode class. This class has settings for minWidth, maxWith, minHeight, maxHeight and one function called isActive which returns true if the mode defined in the settings is currently active and false otherwise. Your class should be named $.ig.<custom_class_name>Mode, where <custom_class_name> is the name of your class.
  2. Declare the custom profile in the responsiveConfig property of the feature. Example:

    In JavaScript:

    responsiveConfig: {    <custom_mode_name>: “<custom_class_name>” }

    Where <custom_mode_name> is the name of the profile which you will use to configure column hiding and template switching.

  3. Use the custom profile to configure column hiding or template switching

    • Configure column hiding – use the columnSettings.configuration.<custom_mode_name> property to configure column hiding for a column.
    • Configure template switching – use the columnSettings.configuration for column template to configure template for the profile.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired task to the property settings related to it.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:
Create custom RWD mode profile by extending $.ig.ResponsiveMode class responsiveModes.<custom_name> A class name in the $.ig namespace which extends $.ig.ResponsiveMode and has name suffix Mode.


The following code defines a class $.ig.CustomPhoneMode which extends the $.ig.ResponsiveMode class. The minWidth and maxWidth values are set in order to configure RWD mode switching by width. The isActive function calls the base class’s implementation of the isActive i.e. $.ig.ResponsiveMode.isActive (in real-life situations you will want to put some custom logic instead of calling the base implementation).

Note: This code is common for JavaScript and MVC implementations.

In JavaScript:

$.ig.loader(function () {
    $.ig.CustomPhoneMode = $.ig.CustomPhoneMode || $.ig.ResponsiveMode.extend({
        settings: {
            minWidth: 0,
            maxWidth: 767
        init: function (options) {
            this.settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.ig.CustomPhoneMode.prototype.settings, options);
            return this;
        isActive: function () {
            return this._super();

The following code defines new property of the responsiveModes object named custom_phone which has a value of “CustomPhone”. The RWD Mode feature seeks a class named $.ig.CustomPhoneMode which will be used to identify and activate the RWD mode profile.

With these settings, the Name column is configured as hidden in custom_phone mode.

In JavaScript:

$.ig.loader(function () {
        width: "100%",
        columns: [
            { headerText: "Product ID", key: "ProductID", dataType: "number"},
            { headerText: "Product Name", key: "Name", dataType: "string" },
            { headerText: "Product Number", key: "ProductNumber", dataType: "string" }
        autoGenerateColumns: false,
        dataSource: adventureWorks,
        responseDataKey: "Records",
        features: [
            name: "Responsive",
            columnSettings: [
                    columnKey: "Name",
                    configuration: {
                        custom_phone: {
                            hidden: true
            responsiveModes: {
                custom_phone: "CustomPhone"

In C#:

@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc
@model IQueryable<GridDataBinding.Models.Product>
    .Columns(col =>
        col.For(c => c.ProductID).HeaderText("Product ID");
        col.For(c => c.Name).HeaderText("Product Name");
        col.For(c => c.ProductNumber).HeaderText("Product Number");
    .Features(feature =>
        feature.Responsive().ResponsiveConfig(config => config.AddPredefinedMode("custom_phone", "CustomPhone"))
        .ColumnSettings(cs =>
            cs.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Name").Configuration(conf => {
                conf.AddColumnModeConfiguration("custom_phone", c => c.Hidden(true));

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Configuring Column Hiding (igGrid, RWD Mode): This topic explains, with code examples, how to configure column hiding for the igGrid control in Responsive Web Design (RWD) mode.

  • Configuring Column Templates (igGrid, RWD Mode): This topic explains, with code examples, how to define column templates for the individual Responsive Web Design (RWD) mode profiles of the igGrid control and how to configure automatic change of template when switching the active RWD mode profile.

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