Version 24.2 (latest)


In This Group of Topics


The igSparkline™ is a lightweight charting control that can render the following chart types:

  • Line
  • Area
  • Column
  • Win/Loss

It is intended for rendering in a small scale layout such as a grid Cell. It can also be rendered stand alone. The following previews illustrate the four Sparkline types.






This topic provides an overview of the various ways to configure the igSparkline control and links to the related API members.

  • igSparkline Overview: This topic provides an overview of the igSparkline control, its benefits, and the supported chart types.

  • Adding igSparkline: The topics in this group explain the different ways in which you can add an igSparkline to an application.

  • Binding igSparkline to Data: This topic explains how to bind the igSparkline control to various data sources (JavaScript array, IQueryable<T>, web service).

  • Configuring igSparkline: This topic provides an overview of the various ways to configure the igSparkline control and links to the related API members.

  • igSparkline Visual Elements: This topic provides an overview and image explaining the visual elements of the igSparkline.

  • Accessibility Compliance (igSparkline): This topic explains igSparkline accessibility features and provides specific advice on achieving accessibility compliance for pages containing an igSparkline.

  • jQuery and ASP.NET MVC Helper Links (igSparkline): This topic provides links to the API documentation for jQuery and ASP.NET MVC helper class for the igSparkline control.

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