Version 24.2 (latest)

Known Issues and Limitations (igCombo)

Known Issues and Limitations Summary

Known issues and limitations summary chart

The following table summarizes the known issues and limitations of the igCombo™ control. Detailed explanations of some of the issues and the existing workarounds are provided after the summary table.

Workaround available
No known workaround
No known workaround, fix planned
Issue Description Status
In IE9 and lower versions placeHolder text is not previewed Input placeholders are simply ignored in IE9 and below
When virtualization is enabled, all ItemTemplate elements should have equal heights Misalignment issues may occur with the scrollbar
When Grouping and Virtualization are used some items are not rendered properly When scrolling down, some items are not properly added
When loadOnDemand is used, initialSelectedItems option won't work as expected Initial selection won't be reflected if the item is currently not present in the page loaded by the combo.
Autocomplete breaks the "Backspace" and "ESC" functionalities of Japanese IME composition in some browsers IgCombo provides composition functionality for Japanese characters, but in most browsers (excluding Firefox) there is a slight deviation from the standard behavior.

Known Issues and Limitations Details

In IE9 and lower versions placeHolder text is not previewed

HTML5 introduces the placeholder attribute on input elements, which allows to display a greyed-out default text, although input placeholders are simply ignored in IE9 and below. This is because IE does not support it.

When virtualization is enabled, all ItemTemplate elements should have equal heights

If itemTemplate is used with virtualization some misalignment issues may occur with the scrollbar. For example the last visible item could be partially hidden.

Workaround A potential work around for this issue is to set height to the item template like:

<script type="text/javascript">
        filteringType: "remote",
        dataSource: "",
        valueKey: "ID",
        textKey: "Name",
        visibleItemsCount: 5,
        virtualization: true,
        itemTemplate: "<div class='comboItemContainer' style='height:100px'>" + 
                            "<div class='empInfo'>" + 
                                "<span class='empName'>${Name}</span>" + 
                                "<p>${BirthDate}</p>" + 
                                "<div>${Address}</div>" + 
                            "</div>" + 

When Grouping and Virtualization are used some items are not rendered properly

When scrolling up/down through the item list, while there are grouped items, some list items may not be rendered properly or rendered at all.

When loadOnDemand is used, initialSelectedItems option won't work as expected

Initial selection won't be reflected if the item is currently not present in the page loaded by the combo (e.g. first 16 initially loaded items). This is because the combo cannot extract the text of an item that is not yet loaded and thus cannot populate it in the combo input.

Autocomplete breaks the "Backspace" and "ESC" functionalities of Japanese IME composition in some browsers

IgCombo provides composition functionality for Japanese characters, but in most browsers (excluding Firefox) there is a slight deviation from the standard behavior. When Autocomplete behavior of igCombo is activated, Japanese character is typed and needs to be confirmed, "Backspace" or "ESC" should delete the IME proposition. Instead of that, these keys confirm the IME proposition for Japanese character. The second use of the keys in this situation will work as expected.

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