Version 24.2 (latest)

Migrating to the new combo

Topic overview

This topic aims to help with migration from old combo to the new one. Different scenarios are viewed and how they were done before and how they can be done now.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

  1. General changes
  2. Options changes
  3. New options
  4. API Methods changes
  5. New API methods
  6. Theming changes
  7. Event changes
  8. New events
  9. Knockout Integration changes
  10. Knockout Backwards compitability
  11. Requirements

General changes

Option Description
Item Item is how we call the new structure that we use for representing the list items in the drop down list. It is an object with two properties - element and data. The element is the jQuery reference to the list item, while the data is the corresponding data from the data source behind this element. The data is a reference to the corresponding data item in the data source, it includes the text and value fields and if their property name is known they can be accessed by or In case where their property name is unknown or might change the same can be accessed by getting the property name directly from the combo :[$("#combo").igCombo("option", "valueKey")] for value field and[$("#combo").igCombo("option", "textKey")] for text field.

Options changes

Option Previously Now
width $(‘#combo’).igCombo({ width: 300 }) The default width is set through css. The recommended way to set new combo width is <style>.ui-igcombo-wrapper { width: 300px } </style>. Old way is also supported.
height $(‘#combo’).igCombo({ height: 300 }) The default height is set through css. The recommended way to set new combo height is <style>.ui-igcombo-wrapper { height: 300px } </style>. Old way is also supported.
enableDisplayBlock $(‘#combo’).igCombo({ enableDisplayBlock: true}) This option is removed. Now this can be controlled through css: <style>.ui-igcombo-wrapper { display: block }</style>
mode Previously supported values: editable, dropdown, readonlylist, readonly, 0, 1, 2, 3. Now supported values are: editable, dropdown, readonlylist, readonly. Drop down mode now closely mimics the html select element behavior, this means that when selection is single there will be always a selected item and clear button will be disabled by default.
renderMatchItems - This option is renamed to highlightMatchesMode to better communicate what it does.
filteringType filteringType default is 'none' Now filteringType default is 'local', so local filtering will be enabled by default. To disable filtering when initializing combo: $('#combo').igCombo({ filteringType: 'none' }) or if combo is already created use $('#combo').igCombo('option', 'filteringType', 'none' }).
selectedItems Used to specify initial selected items and to set/get selected items after combo is created. This option is removed. Initial selected items can be set using new option initialSelectedItems. Setting selection is done through combo API methods: value, select or index. Getting selected items can be done through API method selectedItems.
multiSelection Previously supported values: null, false, 0, off, true, 1, on, 2, onWithCheckboxes' Now this option is used to setup all multiple selection settings. Object with following settings can be provided: enabled, addWithKeyModifier, showCheckboxes, itemSeparator. Set enabled to true to enable multiple selection. Set addWithKeyModifier to true to require holding ctrl key to add the item to already selected items, by default all selections are additive without holding ctrl. Set showCheckboxes to true to render check-boxes in front of each list item. Set itemSeparator to change what string is rendered between the selected items, the default string is ', '. Example with all settings: $('#combo').igCombo({ multiSelection: { enabled: true, addWithKeyModifier: true, showCheckboxes: true, itemSeparator: ', ' } })
itemSeparator Used to change what string is rendered between the selected items. This option is removed and added as setting of multiSelection option
enableActiveItem Used to enable/disable the active item when navigating with keyboard. This option is removed. The active item is removed when selection is single and navigating with keyboard will change the selection. The active item is always enabled when multiple selection is enabled.
dropDownMaxHeight dropDownMinHeight Used to set drop down list max and min height. These options are removed. New option visibleItemsCount is added to control the drop down height.
dropDownAsChild Used to render the drop down list as child of the combo element. Renamed to dropDownAttachedToBody. Default value is true. Set to false to render the drop down as a child: $('#combo').igCombo({ dropDownAttachedToBody: false })
showDropDownButton Used to control the visibility of the drop down button This option is removed. The visibility of the drop down button can be controlled through css. To disable the drop down button: <style>#combo .ui-igcombo-button { display: none; }</style>
nullText Used to specify what text is shown in text input when it is empty. Renamed to placeHolder. It is a known issue that this option does not work for IE8/9.
closeDropDownOnSelect Used to specify whether the drop down should close when selection is made. Changed to specify whether to close the drop down list when single item in the list is selected with mouse click or enter press. Default is false for single selection and true for multiple selection. This option will not close the drop down when multiple selection is enabled and additive selection is performed. $('#combo').igCombo({ closeDropDownOnSelect: false })
allowCustomValue Used to allow custom value in combo's text input. This option was initially not supported, but is again available as of the September service release for 15.1 and the 15.2 volume release.
dataBindOnOpen Used to delay data binding to when the drop down is opened. This option is not supported. The same functionality can be achieved by canceling the data binding event and data bind when the drop down list is first opened.
text Used to set custom text in combo input on initialization This option is not supported. To set initial selection use option initialSelectedItems.
clearSelectionOnBlur Used to preserve selected items on blur when the text input didn't match the selected items text. This option is not supported.
valueKeyType textKeyType Used to specify the data type behind the value/text data These options are not supported. The type of value and text fields from the data source will be used.
parentCombo cascadingDataSources parentComboKey Used to setup cascading functionality These options are not supported. Internal cascading functionality is no longer supported. It can be achieved through changing related combo data sources on current combo's selection changed event. See sample

*We tried hard to ensure behavioral parity between the old and new combo, but some things we could not complete for 15.1. If these behaviors are crucial to your solution, and you want to upgrade to 15.1, please contact us.

New options

Option Description
initialSelectedItems Use to set what items should be selected when combo is initially created, by specifying the selected item index or value: $('#combo').igCombo({ initialSelectedItems: [{ index: 2 }, { index: 5 }, { value: 'items_value' }] }).
visibleItemsCount This option can be used to control the maximum number of items that can be visible at a time. When it is set to 10 and there are 20 items in the list, only 10 will be shown at a time. When there are 5 items in the list only the 5 will be shown and drop down height will be as much as required for the 5 items. Default value is 15. $('#combo').igCombo({ visibleItemsCount: 10 })
autoSelectFirstMatch Specifies whether the first list item starting with the entered in the input text should be automatically selected. When multiple selection is enabled this option will instead put the active item on the matching element. When disabled only full matches will be automatically selected. By default it is set to true. To disable it: $('#combo').igCombo({ autoSelectFirstMatch: false })
delayFilteringOnKeyUp Specifies the delay duration before triggering next filtering operation. Useful to boost performance by lowering the filtering operations count. Default is 250 ms. To change it: $('#combo').igCombo({ delayFilteringOnKeyUp: 1000 })
preventSubmitOnEnter Specifies whether to prevent default form submitting on enter key press. Default is true. To disable it: $('#combo').igCombo({ preventSubmitOnEnter: false })

See all options

API Methods changes

Method Previously Now
dropDownVisible Used to control visibility of the drop down list This API method is removed. Use openDropDown to open the drop down list and closeDropDown to close the drop down list
setFocus Used to set focus to combo text input. This API method is removed. Focus on the text input can be set by calling jQuery focus method on the input: $("#combo").igCombo("textInput").focus()
hasFocus Used to check whether combo text input has focus. This API method is removed. To check whether the text input has focus jQuery is(":focus") can be used: $("#combo").igCombo("textInput").is(':focus').
isSelected Used to check whether list item at specified index is selected. There are three API methods that check whether an item is selected: isSelected by jQuery reference, isIndexSelected by index and isValueSelected by value.
selectedIndex Used to get index of the first selected item or set the selection by index. This API method was renamed to index. This method also accepts array of indexes to select multiple items at once. When multiple items are selected it will return array with all selected indexes. The rest of the functionality is the same.
value Used to get value of the first selected item or set the selection by value. This method also accepts array of values to select multiple items at once. When multiple items are selected this method will return array with all selected values. The rest of the functionality is the same.
values Used to get values of all selected items or set the selection by values. This API method is removed. Its functionality was merged into value method.
itemByIndex Used to get object with members relative to the list item at specific index. Used to return object with { element, index, value, text }. This API method is renamed to itemFromIndex. The object returned is item.
itemByValue Used to get object with members relative to the list item with specific value. Used to return object with { element, index, value, text }. This API method is renamed to itemFromValue. The object returned is item.
getDataSource Used to get reference to data source used by combo. This API method is removed. Reference to the data source can be get through $("#combo").igCombo("option", "dataSource")
getData Used to get reference to current data used by combo. This API method is removed. Reference to the current data can be get through $("#combo").igCombo("option", "dataSource").dataView()
getRecordsCount Used to get records count in dataSource, dataView or total server data. This API method is removed. To get records count in dataSource use: $("#combo").igCombo("option", "dataSource").data().length. To get records count in dataView use: $("#combo").igCombo("option", "dataSource").dataView().length. To get records count in total server data use: $('#combo').igCombo('option', 'dataSource').totalRecordsCount()
filter Method parameters used to be event, filterText, noFilter Method parameters changed to filterText, event
remove Used to remove the combo from its parent element while keeping rest of the functionality. This API method is not supported.
getFooter Used to get reference to combo footer. This API method is not supported, as there is no footer yet.

New API Methods

Method Description
openDropDown Use this method to open the drop down list.
closeDropDown Use this method to close the drop down list.
select Use to select one or more list items by passing the items jQuery reference: $('#combo').igCombo('select', $('.itemSelector'))
value Use to select one or more list items by value: $('#combo').igCombo('value', 'itemValue') to select single item or $('#combo').igCombo('value', ['itemValue_1', 'itemValue_2', 'itemValue_3']) to select multiple items at once. Calling this method without parameters will return the selected values.
index Use to select one or more list items by their index in the data source: $('#combo').igCombo('index', 5) to select single item or $('#combo').igCombo('index', [3, 5, 8, 10]) to select multiple items. Calling this method without parameters will return the selected indexes.
isSelected Use to check whether specific jQuery element is selected. $('#combo').igCombo('isSelected', $('.selector'))
isIndexSelected Use to check whether item at specific index is selected. $('#combo').igCombo('isIndexSelected', 5)
isValueSelected Use to check whether item with specific value is selected. $('#combo').igCombo('isValueSelected', 'itemValue')
dataForValue Gets the associated data source data of an list item by value matching it's valueKey property. $('#combo').igCombo('dataForValue', 'itemValue')
dataForElement Gets the associated data source data of list item in the combo by its jQuery reference. $('#combo').igCombo('dataForElement', $('.listItemSelector'))
itemsFromElement Gets item represening li element in the combo by its jQuery element. When multiple elements are given the method will return array with items. $('#combo').igCombo('itemsFromElement', $('.listItemSelector'))
itemsFromValue Gets item representing li element in the combo by its value. When array of values are given the method will return array with items. $('#combo').igCombo('itemsFromValue', 'itemValue')
itemsFromIndex Gets item representing li element in the combo by its index. When array of indexes are given the method will return array with items. $('#combo').igCombo('itemsFromIndex', 3)
items Gets array with all items in the combo.
filteredItems Gets array with all filtered items in the combo.
selectedItems Gets the selected item. When multiple items are selected will return array with the selected items.
listItems Gets jQuery reference to all rendered list items in the combo drop down lsit
clearFiltering Clears the filtering
clearInput Clears text input value and removes all selection, filtering and highlighting.
selectAll Selects all list items
deselect Deselects list item by jQuery reference
deselectByValue Deselects list item with specific value
deselectByIndex Deselects list item at specific index
deselectAll Deselects all selected list items
comboWrapper Gets jQuery reference to the outer element of the combo
dropDown Gets jQuery reference to the drop down list of the combo
textInput Gets jQuery reference to the text input of the combo
valueInput Gets jQuery reference to the value input of the combo
dropDownOpened Checks whether the drop down is opened

See all API methods

Theming changes

Event Changes
ui-igcombo-nulltext Class is removed. Now, for example, if a text color needs to be applied to the combo input element, the approach below could be used.
      input#combo::-webkit-input-placeholder {
        color: red;

Note: Depending on the browser (:-moz-placeholder, :-ms-input-placeholder);

Event changes

Event Changes
selectionChanging Event argument ui.oldItems renamed to ui.currentItems to better communicate that these items are still the current selected as the selection change hasn't still happened. Items are in item format.
selectionChanged Items are in item format.
dropDownOpening dropDownOpened dropDownClosing dropDownClosed Event argument ui.element renamed to ui.list to communicate better that this is the drop down list.
textChanged This event was removed. To check when the text has changed bind to combo text input keydown event.
noMatchFound This event was removed as the autoComplete feature is not fully supported yet.
activeItemChanging activeItemChanged These events were removed.

New events

Event Description
rendered Event raised when rendering of combo is completed.
itemsRendering Event which is raised before rendering of the combo items is performed.
itemsRendered Event which is raised after rendering of the combo items completes. Function callback is passed argument ui.items that is array of items representing the rendered list item elements.

See all events

Knockout Integration changes

One of the changes, introduced with the new igCombo control, is the one that the combo is considered as control that accepts values only from its list. There isn't an option to allow custom values in the igCombo, as it was in the old one, which leads to a need for a different work process in the Knockout extension. This means that the only time, when the igCombo can notify the View-Model about a change, is when an item is selected/deselected and the selected items collection is changed. In such cases, some of the old Knockout extension options are not necessary anymore and some other need to be introduced. The following changes have been made to integrate the igCombo with its Knockout extension.

New options

Option Description
selectedItems Array of the selected items in the igCombo. When configured in the View-model, this ensures that there is a data exchange between the combo selected items and the View-Model.
selectedItemType Allows configuring the type of the selected items in the array, either to be "primitive" or "object".

Removed options

Option Description
text The combo cannot anymore update the View-model, when a change in its input occurs.
If, with the old igCombo, you had a View-model property that holds the combo value and it got updated and notified other subscribers, then because such an option doesn't exist in the igCombo Knockout extension anymore, the selectionChanged event handler can be used to take current combo value and notify the subscribers. The code snippets below the table, demonstrate how the old functionality can be simulated.
value This option is not needed, because the newly introduced selectedItems option is used, when you want to select item by its value.
enableTextChangedUpdate The igCombo doesn't have textChanged event, and therefore we cannot have such a functionality.
enableSelectionChangedUpdate With the new changes, the update always happens on selection change of the combo, that's why such an option is not necessary.
cascadingDataSource The igCombo control doesn't contain such an option, that's why it also cannot be used in the Knockout extension.


<script type="text/javascript">
var model = [
    { name: "Adam Sandler", id: "nm0001191" },
    { name: "Brooke Shields", id: "nm0000222" },
    { name: "Charles Chaplin", id: "nm0000122" },
var viewModel = new ViewModel(model);
 function ViewModel(actorsList) {
    this.selectedActor = ko.observable(actorsList[0].name);
<span id="comboActors" data-bind="igCombo: {
    text: selectedActor,
    textKey: 'name',
    valueKey: 'id'


<script type="text/javascript">
var model = [
    { name: "Adam Sandler", id: "nm0001191" },
    { name: "Brooke Shields", id: "nm0000222" },
    { name: "Charles Chaplin", id: "nm0000122" },
var viewModel = new ViewModel(model);
 function ViewModel(actorsList) {
    this.selectedActor = ko.observable(actorsList[0].name);
    this.selectedActorNew = ko.observableArray([actorsList[0].id]);
    this.selectionChanged = function(e, args) {
<span id="comboActors" data-bind="igCombo: {
    selectedItems: selectedActorNew,
    textKey: 'name',
    valueKey: 'id',
    selectionChanged: selectionChanged

Note: This will only work, when there is a change from the igCombo to the View-Model.

Knockout Backwards compatibility

The new combo and its knockout extensions have been redesigned and therefore there are some changes in architecture. The combo selection collection was designed to only accept values that are available in its drop down items. The knockout extension follows that pattern and the observable item, which monitors the changes in the combo, is now an array of the selected items. In the previous version the extension was monitoring the combo filed. With the new implementation one can monitor multiple selected items and not only a single selection.

This architectural approach means that one cannot bind igCombo with an HTML input element for example, because the input observable cannot be defined as an observable array. Our igEditors and their extensions, in contrast, are designed to work with HTML inputs. If one needs a way to combine igCombo with HTML inputs, one can use the approach demonstrated in the previous section (Knockout Integration Changes). The code in this section demonstrates a custom solution, which allows the use of the new version of the igCombo and Knockout extension, but without the need to change the code in your ViewModel and View. This polyfill is suitable for situations when you want to upgrade to the latest version of IgniteUI but cannot change your current code to handle selection notifications.

The following binding handler should be defined after the igCombo knockout handlers are loaded:

<script type="text/javascript">
ko.bindingHandlers.igComboPolyfill = {
    init: function (element, valueAccessor) {
        var combo = $(element),
            isMultiple = valueAccessor().multiSelection ? valueAccessor().multiSelection.enabled : false;

        ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "igcomboselectionchanged", function (evt, ui) {
            var item = ui.items[0], dataItem, newText, newValue;

            if (isMultiple) {
                if (ko.isObservable(valueAccessor().text)) {
            } else {
                if (item !== undefined) {
                    dataItem =;
                    if (ko.isObservable(dataItem)) {
                        dataItem = dataItem();
                    newText = dataItem[valueAccessor().textKey];
                    newValue = dataItem[valueAccessor().valueKey];

                    if (ko.isObservable(valueAccessor().text)) {
                        if (ko.isObservable(newText)) {
                            newText = newText();
                    if (ko.isObservable(valueAccessor().value)) {
                        if (ko.isObservable(newValue)) {
                            newValue = newValue();

        ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "igcombodropdownclosed", function (evt, ui) {
            if (isMultiple) {
                if (ko.isObservable(valueAccessor().text)) {

        ko.applyBindingsToNode(element, { igCombo: valueAccessor() });
    update: function (element, valueAccessor) {
        var combo = $(element),
            value = valueAccessor().text();

        if (combo.igCombo("text") !== value) {
            $(element).igCombo("text", value);

Then you can use the same logic as before and define the observable item as a string:


<script type="text/javascript">
var model = [
    { name: "Adam Sandler", id: "nm0001191" },
    { name: "Brooke Shields", id: "nm0000222" },
    { name: "Charles Chaplin", id: "nm0000122" },
var viewModel = new ViewModel(model);
 function ViewModel(actorsList) {
    this.selectedActor = ko.observable(actorsList[0].name);
<span id="comboActors" data-bind="igCombo: {
    text: selectedActor,
    textKey: 'name',
    valueKey: 'id'
<input type="text" data-bind="value: selectedActor"/><br />

jQuery requirements

Lib Prev required version New required version
jQuery core 1.4.4 1.8.3
jQuery UI 1.7 1.9.2

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